Test subject ?

Zoe could feel fear rushing in her as her heart began to thump loudly, Zoe didn't know a thing about the existence of vampires and what they did to humans, but as far as her knowledge goes, all she knew was that vampires drink human blood, witches use humans for sacrifice, goblins eats people alive.

he grabbed Zoe by the arm "leave me alone!", "Save your breath little girl, you'll need it later" he said as he dragged her with force towards the surgical table, Zoe tried to escape from his tight grip but couldn't, "Let me GO!, I haven't done anything wrong" the little girl shouted but the vampire was not ready to listen to what she was going to say.

"OUCH", Zoe bit his fingers with force causing him to jolt back, "SHIT!!! you little bitch"

Zoe watched the vampire stagger behind her, his steps becoming steady when he raised his hand and slapped Zoe right across her face. She could feel her cheek turn warm and numb, her ears ringing.

The force had been so hard that Zoe could taste blood in her mouth. But the vampire wasn't satisfied with it. He slapped two more times in the same direction just out of anger. Zoe had fallen on the ground due to the continuous slap's she was getting on her face.

She could hardly feel anything especially on the left side of her face that was now red.

Feeling the vampire's death eyes of rage on her, she bit her lips, forcing herself to think on what to do. She didn't want to go towards her death. Not even during worst time's did she want to be anywhere near a place like this but who knew that even outside the cell in the broad daylight she was unsafe.

Zoe figured that if he couldn't take her to the surgical table he wouldn't be able to dissect her, before he could make his move Zoe grabbed anything she could hold onto and to her luck it was a hammer, it wasn't exactly what she hoped for but with no time on her side anything could help if it could kill the beast in front of her. Zoe swing her hand's in all direction hoping she could get a chance to kill him but the vampire kept dodging her attack, until he hit the hammer off her hands with great force making Zoe cry in pain, she didn't wait for moment before running towards the door to only get caught, "let me GO!", Zoe said as she tugged on the door handles but he pulled her back making her fall flat on the ground.

He dragged Zoe and pushed her onto the surgical table with inhuman force, chaining her on the table from her head to her toe holding down her neck, which made it hard for her to breathe.

Zoe cried in the thought of dying. Zoe was just eight and she hadn't lived life yet not to talk of avenging her mother's death 'it's not fair' Zoe thought to herself.

He gave her a confused look before it turned into frustration, "your crying?, why are you crying we haven't even started yet" he said as a grin rose on his face before going to a drawer to pick some selection of knives, "What are you going to do to me?" Zoe asked in curiosity to know whether her death was going to be quick but the vampire didn't say anything, he just kept on observing the knives which made Zoe's stomach turn, picking up a small thin knife he looked at it with a satisfactory smirk like as if it was the perfect one for the job, putting on his gloves he walked to the surgical table where Zoe laid helplessly crying , reaching for the selection of knives he brought up another thin knife putting it close to his face as he examined it, "things are going to get messy, so it's better you don't know what you're going to face", Zoe's sadness had left her immediately in hearing this and now all she could feel was fear, the fear of being painfully tortured alive, she moved her body, dragging and pulling on the chains in an attempt to escape but it wasn't going to work, she watched as he slowly brought the knife up to her face , not being able to hold on to her emotions more tear's began to fall.

Zoe felt helpless with no one to turn to for help, no one to save her from her horrible situation "P- PLEASE! Don't do this sir, I'm begging you", "Don't worry it isn't going to hurt a bit" screams of pain escaped her lips as the knife slowly made its way into her eyes, tearing out her eye balls slowly, piercing it deeper and deeper she screamed in pain "STOP! PLS!!" her cries and scream could be heard echoing through the halls of the building, she screamed for him to stop but the man was enjoying the sight of torturing her as he watched to the very end, Zoe couldn't bear the pain any more, feeling her body go numb and her throat sour from all her screams she fainted due to loss of energy.

~ ~ ~

Hours had passed and Zoe began to regain consciousness, she woke up with a sharp pain in her eyes, she moved her head but it hurt even more, to Zoe everywhere was dark, but using the remaining strength in her she stood up supporting herself with the iron bars, not begin able to see a thing she tore out a piece of her white dress and tied her eyes with it to reduce the pain.

Zoe slowly sat down, listening to her environment, observing everything around her and all the sound that was made. she was locked up and left alone in one of the lab's cell room .

she flinched when she heard the sound of rattling chains, she breathed out a sigh of relief when she figure it was her own chains, chained to her legs.

The memory of being tortured flashed in her head,'(*panting*)thank goodness he's not here' she thought to herself, folding her kneels up to her chest bloody tears fell from her eyes making her cry, the pain in her eyes wasn't enough to make her stop crying but instead it made her cry the more, "mom where are you, why did you leave me all alone, I don't want to live anymore" life was so cruel to Zoe, making her lose her mother and now this, was all hope lost?

She didn't think she could go on anymore, there was no reason for her to live anymore, "Zoe" she snapped out of her thought and shifted back in fear, Zoe now felt the same way she did when she was in the truck but this time it felt stronger.

She wondered whether someone came in without her hearing it, "who's there, who are you?" not getting any answer's her heart thumped loudly in her chest with the thought of another torture, she wondered if she was hearing voices but what could she have heard.

At first she thought she was hallucinating until the voice spoke again, "Zoe" this time she was sure this wasn't hallucination, but not being able to see anything, Zoe built up courage within herself, "What do you want with me! And How do you know my name", she could hear the lady like voice laugh 'what could I have said to make her laugh', Zoe thought "I'm not of any importance little girl" the lady like voice whispered in her ears, "what do you want from me goblin, I can hear you but even if I can't see you I can still kill you!!! ", "Hmm.., is that so dear (sniffling) I smell blood, does your eyes hurt child?" hearing how sweet she spoke Zoe thought it was one of the maid's, but that didn't explain how she knew her name or what she would be doing inside her cell, 'or is she a witch or a goblin in disguise, their always so tricky, so I need to be one step ahead of this creature '

"Uh... just a little. miss?", she crawled back to the cold bars and sat next to it "what are you doing here?", Zoe checked for the sound of someone but got nothing, the woman didn't say a word but acted like as if Zoe didn't say anything "Zoe I'm lonely and I don't have anyone, my family was killed by a cruel person


'pretending to cry, you old witch I know your faking it, i know a fake cry when I hear one because I cry a lot, I'm little but I'm not stupid', she continued with her statement "I want to have my vengeance and I can't have it, but you can help me Zoe you can free me from my prison", Zoe felt a little disgusted and sad at the same time, she didn't want to be the cause of anyone's failure and moreover she was blind but how could she be of any help.

"I'm sorry I can't help you I've being imprisoned and besides you're a…..", 'Witch, goblin, dwarf, what ever you are I can hear your fake voice lady!!!',"...…Young maid and I'm blind so I think I can't be of any assistance", "who ever said I was a maid!!!".

The woman had a little sound of anger in her word's before she continued, "I... Am a respected deity who has being captured by heartless vampire's, trapped and used for experiments", she had more elegance in her word's than the last time she spoke, in hearing this Zoe wanted to laugh, but couldn't because of the state she was in, "wait wait! wait!.., you say your all this great and powerful deity but you couldn't escape from a vampire's grasp. tch your just crazy", "I'm am not crazy, it's all true", "vampires?.., I thought they didn't exist, even if the did they lived in cold places and this place wasn't cold " since Zoe was little she had never heard anything about vampires experimenting on people or even their existence until her experience of torture, 'they're all vampires?…, wait!, what', "what are you try to pull off lady..", she said while begin wary of who she was talking to "I'm telling you child you better show more respect when talking to a deity", "why should I believe you, and even though I do, I'm blind and can't be of any use", 'who does she think she is the ruler of the world? I already told her many time I can't be of any use, she's a crazy person for sure, I'm sure she ran mad from torture or something. God why have you sent me a mad person instead of a helper '.

Silence filled the room for a while before the woman finally spoke up "what if I can give you back your sight.., we'll exchange, I'll give you your eyes back and you'll free me", Zoe pondered on what she said 'can she really give me back my sight, is she really a deity? maybe I can finally get my revenge, mom's soul will finally be at peace'.

"Really are you sure you can give me back my sight?", "yes child I'm very sure" "then can you bring someone back to life?, you're a deity surely you can do that" the girl asked with a hope in voice'', "I'm sorry but It's not in my power to create life, and no I can't bring someone back to life".

sadness filled Zoe as she felt anger rise in her, she wanted see her mother even though it was just for a day, even a minute would be ok, but It turned out that she was never going to see her mother again, throwing the thought away she regain her spirit of revenge and asked "what can I do to help", although Zoe didn't believe she could, at least she could try, Zoe had an undying spirit of revenge "that's the spirit! it's simple all you need to do is touch a stone that feels hot and cold", Zoe could recall that when first she stepped in here there was an odd large stone at the rear end of the room, but how was she going to get out of this cell and if she did how was she supposed to touch the stone without being seen. Zoe wasn't sure if the vampire was going to return .