
Zoe could easily touch the stone but they had a problem, she couldn't get out of the cage she was in. She thought about the deal they both made, but it sounded too good to be true, there was something odd about the stone that she couldn't understand "what are you thinking about Zoe", "…I can't help you because I'm locked up here" "is that why you kept quiet, don't worry about it that's not a problem.., you'll be free very soon but it isn't going to last for long", 'what does she mean by soon' Zoe thought to herself.

"When are…" Zoe was immediately cut off when the doors swung open, she could hear someone slowly approaching her "who were you talking to" the voice asked.

Zoe shook her head in response, "you're lying, I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!!!" he shouted in rage making her to flinch in fear "I. I do.., I don't know what you're talking about", "your still lying" unlocking the cage, he pulled her out with force close to the doors as the chains held her legs backwards making her fall on her leg resulting to a twisted ankle, "ouch!" Zoe hissed in pain.

She tried to run away from the vampire but in doing so she hurt her ankle, the vampire didn't let Zoe stand but instead he deliberately stepped on her twisted ankle making her whimper in pain "shhh..., don't cry now", "P-please," Zoe pleaded for the vampire to let her ankle go, but he didn't.

The pain circulated throughout her ankle making her foot numb, she couldn't feel her foot anymore. Zoe didn't know if she would still have an ankle if the vampire stepped a little more than what he was doing.

"What are you begging for?" the vampire asked in amusement as he watched in regale, the more he stepped on her ankle the more it made her feel like her bones were going to split if he didn't stop, she tried kicking his leg away but it only increased the pain "you fool!", shouting in anger the vampire released her ankle which gave her time to catch the breath she held in, but that wasn't enough to satisfy his rage, he walked towards a drawer, reaching for a whip on the table he walked back to where she was and used all possible strength he had to whip the little girl with no mercy, Zoe could hear the sounds of the whip in the air, The force on her back was enough to raise a painful cry through her lip.


"S-stop please I'm begging you please stop!", "why are you begging, you should be happy I haven't killed you yet" Zoe could feel the hot lash on her back as blood began to drip from the wound's on her back, she felt like it wasn't going to stop until her death, but to her relief he stopped.

She heard the whip drop from his hand as he walked towards a shelf close to the door, Zoe could hear the man click open a box.

The vampire took out a syringe that had a green liquid in it, the man returned back a few minutes later. Holding the syringe in his hands where he knelt on the floor in front of Zoe.

She shifted back in fear trying to escape from the vampire but couldn't, he held Zoe tightly by the arm and dragged her back to where he knelt. Hot bloody tears began to fall from her eyes all the way to her chin 'I can't take the pain any more, it's just too much'. At first, Zoe didn't know what he wanted to do to her until she felt a sting on her arm.

'Is that a syringe? What is he doing to me' Zoe kicked him away with force, but by the time she already did that every single drop in the syringe had already being injected into her body, the vampire wasn't gentle with the syringe. He pulled it out with force making tiny drops of blood flow from her arm.

"Tch pathetic, I'm sure by the time I'm back the poison would have already taken effect" in saying those words, he turned around and exited the room, Zoe could hear the door Handle click before everything around her became silent.

She laid on the ground with her body aching all over, Zoe was tired and couldn't lift herself off the ground, she wondered if her life was going to continue in torture till she dies, 'I don't know where to go or who to run to for help, what will become of me', "Zoe are you okay" she heard the woman ask. Zoe took a deep breathed before she answered "I'm doing just-" a sharp pain hit Zoe on the left side of her chest making her shriek as the pain spread through her head, to her chest and soon all sides of her body became a victim of the pain.

Zoe's arm went numb due to the amount of blood she was losing, raising her hands up to her chest she coughed out blood.

Zoe's throat ached with pain as she spit out more blood from her mouth. She held her dress tightly in an act of trying to relive her pain but it wasn't working, "IT HURTS! Argh!!!" the pain was unbearable and too much for Zoe to handle, the woman heard how much pain Zoe was going through and took the chance she had to persuade the little girl, "this is your chance child, you can free yourself from this pain all you need to do is just to accept to my conditions".

The fire that was eating Zoe from the inside made every passing seconds hell for the little girl, it was enough to make her crawl towards where the woman led her to "Yes! That's it child a little more and you'll be free", the woman said in encouragement. She crawled towards the stone and reaching to touch it, her hand stopped in midair.

The stone radiated heat and cold, 'it's the stone I've found it.., but is this what I want… how will I avenge my mother's death' "what is it child, why have you stopped! Your so close you can't just give up you have more to achieve in this world so you can't just give up yet, what about your revenge", the little girl was skeptical and had doubts about everything, she wanted to rethink the deal they made but her desires and urge to be free from the pain was much stronger that the thought of betrayal, Zoe wanted to get rid of the pain that she felt and Without thinking or wasting time any longer Zoe decided to touch the stone.

She thought that if she had touched the stone that her pain will reduce but no instead it increased

'SHE LIED TO ME, how could I have been so stupid', it felt like her life was being drained gradually, the discomfort she felt increased with every passing second, the pain slowly crept up into her forehead, making her shout and scream it felt like something hot was being placed on her forehead, she could feel the burning sensation moving through her body. A fire liked mark slowly carved its way onto her forehead as the hotness ran all over her body like a burning furnace but it quickly disappeared like it was never there.

She realized how stupid she was to trust someone who she couldn't see or didn't know "Yes! Yes! Just a little more power and I'm going to be free".

There was no going back, now that she had touched the stone it felt even much worse compared to the situation she was in before, falling to the floor she lost all the ability to think or feel, every nerves in her body had shut down, but after few seconds of breathlessness she quickly regained her senses.

Zoe's energy was gone and all she could feel was pain, she couldn't feel anything.

raising her hands up to her chest she placed her hands on her chest and felt an ache of sadness and depression, 'what is this.., this isn't me I don't feel like myself, why do I feel like this…', "Agrrrr!!!!!" she tried to concentrate hard on what she was feeling but it wasn't working, it felt like it was coming from someone else and not from her, Feeling the aura that surrounded her she breathed in the scent and it made her feel agony and depression , her skin went cold and goose bumps immediately rose on her skin, like her instincts were trying to warn her, until the realization finally hit her.

This was the only possible explanations beyond goblins and witches 'A DEMON!'

The whole room was enveloped in dark green smoke as a scaly tall feminine creature emerged from the dark smoke. The creature looked like a half being, she had an average beauty of a dark queen but it looked nothing close to that of a goddess.

Her eyes were pitch black and her skin was pale, the surface of her skin looked injured and burnt, some looked like old scars. Her nails looked darker and long compared to that of a witch.

The creature walked majestically as she breathed the air of darkness and freedom, she walked close to where Zoe laid nearly unconscious on the floor, kneeling down the demon observed her closely with pitiful eyes.