sold away :part1

The demon looked at Zoe with pity before raising her head to smell the dark air around her, "this feels great (sigh) freedom at last" the demon sounded cold and emotionless as she inhaled and exhaled before turning her head to the girl that laid unconscious on the floor.

Raising her hand to the girl's face, she pushed away strands of hair that fell on her face as she observed her, "you possess the beauty of a goddess.., You're just like a lily amongst thorns and a rose among the trees of the woods, you are fair and your beauty can not be emend,… even covered in blood you are prettier than I am… I do not like the fact that you are much prettier than I am. (Sigh) I want your good looks but I can't kill you because I owe you".

Zoe tried to speak and react but her efforts weren't enough because she had lost a great amount of energy to speak, 'she's so cruel after I helped her achieve her freedom, she plans to kill me', "I pity you child" the demon said while cackling in an evil manner "I'm surprised you even managed to look prettier even in your blind state.., I can't go back on my words".

The demon placed her hand on the girl's eyes as she murmured words under her breath, "Reccca Secha noistrect tilvonreac 'n' secha cretavtala secchtamarias revol".

Zoe was shocked with the amount of power she felt 'what's happening?!' feeling the inner most, vulnerable part of herself coming to the surface, Tears began to fall from her eyes as she tried to stop the onslaught of emotions threatening to choke her.

The demon looked almost sympathetic, but didn't stop, she repeated it a few more times.

Sighing she looked at Zoe, "your desires to be free from this pain is in my power but… it's going to be troublesome.", 'what are you doi-?!' Zoe felt dizzy and confused, the white cloth that tied Zoe's eyes slowly burnt and wore away due to the excessive power that was being sent into the little girl.

"Agh!!!!" Now the demon was contented with the amount of power and healing she had released into the little girl.

As the demon finished healing Zoe's eyes, she attempted to move her hands so she could start another process whereby she could steal Zoe's beauty but in doing so she couldn't, she struggled to pull her hands, but her struggle was all in vain as all her powers were being drained away by a force within Zoe.

"What is this, why can't I stop the process?!" the woman couldn't believe her eyes, instead of stopping the process it drained and transferred her life force to the little girl.

After moments of struggle she jerked back and finally pulled her hands away. Her skin went pale and her breath was limited (panting), "it can't be... how can such a small child have this much amount of power in her" standing up she looked at her surroundings.

Zoe fainted during the healing process because of the excessive power that surged through her body.

"Who is this girl? And why does she possess such powers"


The demon immediately snapped her head towards the door in hearing the door knob turn. She knew she couldn't stay and think any minute longer or else she might get caught.

"I don't know who you are but I'm going to find out, I will come back for you later" in saying those words thick black smoke surrounded her and soon she vanished into thin air leaving only Zoe's presence to fill the room. Daron walked into the room to see the girl still on the floor right where he had left her, and the stone which was used to seal the demon was now opened, 'the demon has escaped' walking towards Zoe, he knelt down beside her, taking her hands in his he placed his fingers on her wrist as he checked her pulse "what happened here".

"She's not dead yet…, but if she's not dead, she should have woken up by now" her pulse was getting weaker and weaker by the passing seconds, her body temperature wasn't cold or normal rather it was heating up and it showed no sign of a weak person or someone who was dying, her body was stable but her pulse low and weak.

'I haven't seen any condition like this before', he thought to himself.

"But how.., how is she still breathing normally, her pulse is very slow, she is at the point of death but…", "this can't be possible no", 'could this be the effect of the poison'.

"I have to report this to the board, and evidence is needed" in saying those words he stood up, walking towards the door he picked up the injection that had no substance in it as he placed his hands on the door, turning around he immediately jolted back in fear at the sight of the girl who was previously on the ground was now standing in front of him.

Confusion encased him as the girl immediately snapped her eyes open, her eye balls were still in her eye socket 'I thought I pulled out her eyes' he staggered back on his steps as he moved backwards to get as far as possible away from the girl .

Her eyes were of pure silver and didn't look like it was normal for someone that was blind, the air was becoming thick and hard to breath. Daron struggled to breath in the room 'what's happening!?' the room had no more air.

Everywhere was on fire but the little girl was not affected by what was happening in the room, but instead the vampire standing in the room was affected in every way.

Daron struggled for air as he crawled on the ground to get the door open, pushing the door he finally got the door open a little and by adding more strength he fully pushed it open, air flowed into the room giving him time to gasp for air. He breathed in the air that was now present in the room but that did not stop the heat emitting from the little girl.

Who would have thought that a vampire would be at the mercies of a little girl "GAURDS!!!!!", Daron shouted then guards came rushing from the halls and rooms to come to the aid of their superior, but in getting there all the guards halted on seeing the little girl, they stared at the girl in shock and confusion wondering which experiments of their superior might have gone wrong to cause the calamity. Not noticing their superior that struggle to stand they continued to look at girl, "you…., idiots…... use the darts, Use the DARTS!!!!!!" hearing the voice that struggled to speak they snapped their gaze towards their superior and one of the guards quickly raised his gun, aimed at Zoe and shot her with a tranquilizer dart, but It immediately gets burnt in reaching Zoe's body, "whaaaa….," even Daron could not understand the situation, one of the guards spoke up snapping Daron out of his thoughts "sir there's no way to shoot from here", "Sir!!! We need to shoot at close proximity" one of the commanders shouted out knowing the only possibility in reaching her was to go close to her, "are you MAD!!!, were going to get roasted didn't you see that dart, it didn't even reach her body but it got burnt".

Daron shouted in rage and now it could be known that he himself didn't want to die, "sir we can try", 'I don't want to die I haven't achieved my wealth yet, at least I can let the guard try, I won't die if I let him' [Daron thought to himself], "alright but make sure you hit her", in saying those words the commander moved closer and closer with every step, Daron stayed behind them cautiously turning towards the door to only hear a shout.., it was the shout of the commander who he had previously being talking to, he was now in ashes, Turning back he was shocked with what he saw, the commander was nowhere in the chamber but his ashes were left flying around the whole room like dust in the air, Daron didn't think that his strongest commander was going be killed so easily .

Seeing the guard had distracted the girl he took the gun, aimed and shot at the girl, she slowly drifted into sleep as she began to lose her consciousness. And soon she could be seen falling unconscious on the ground.

Everywhere was now calm and Zoe laid on the floor unconscious, Daron slowly raised himself off the ground and checked if Zoe was still awake "sigh" , finally standing up straight Daron threw a hard slap across the guard's face "you fools!... don't you know I almost died?", "I'm S-sorry sir .. I… it will never happen again" waving his hands he gestured the guards to take Zoe away, "take the girl away and throw her into the pit" he said but the guards didn't react "WHAT! Why are you still standing there…, I SAID TAKE THE girl away", "sorry sir but it's just that the pit has never being cleaned in weeks and it could be infectious" "nonsense who cares if it's never being cleaned.. Just do it! She'll die anyways" "yes sir!"

~ ~ ~

Daron walked into his office as he slowly sat down on his chair looking into his drawers, he thought back to the incident that just took place, 'can she be used as the vessel? ...., but what is going on, why did the poison react instead of killing her '


'Did she absorb the poison, it can't be', Daron quickly opened the drawers on his table scrolling through the books with mixed up papers, finally stopping when he comes across a book with a fire spirit symbol on it, opening it he shuffled through pages, finding the page he was looking for he read out some paragraphs.


In hearing the knock he raised his head towards the door, "come in!" the door swung open and a guard stepped inside, closing the door behind him, he bowed his head as he walked towards his desk, "What is it!!", "Ss...Sir, you have been summoned by lord Kieran ", 'why would the lord summon me?', "Send my word to him, I'll be there immediately after I handle a case at hand" standing up he rushed towards a guard, "where is the girl that I asked to be thrown into a pit", "umm… sir she has already been thrown -"the guard didn't get to finish his words before Daron interrupted, "get her out immediately, lock her up in one of the slave cell", "yes sir".

~ ~ ~

Zoe woke up stretching every side of her body "where am I…, how long have I being asleep", with a blur vision she blinked her eyes numerous times before her vision became clear, 'I CAN SEE!?.., THE DEMON WASN'T LYING' Zoe was happy that she had regained her sight but it turned into sadness when she saw herself in the same cell she was in before, he brought her to the lab.

It had been five days since she last saw the bright day light; Although the demon had given Zoe her sight like she had promised, Zoe didn't know how it would benefit the plan of avenging her mother's death and it made her feel uncomfortable and guilty.

Every day Zoe yearned to see the sun shine above her head again and to breathe the fresh air of the forest but she didn't know that all her hope was slowly fading away 'I don't want my life to end up like a slave with no value or worth, my blood boils when I remember how my mother died.., I swear I'll get my revenge, that old hag will die'.


Zoe quickly snapped out of her thoughts when she saw a guard with chains in his hands walk in grumpily, the chain he held was attached to another route of chains.

The chains he held were connected to shackles that bounded the legs and hands of girls that stood in queues.