
Zoe flinched in pain when Greta aggressively pulled on her hair, as her grip loosened on the tray, letting the tea cup fall to the floor, as the pieces of glass scattered around her. "You lowlife bitch! You have the damn nerve to open your filthy mouth and talk back at me, and still look straight into my eyes while trying to oppose me", the force which Greta used on pulling Zoe's hair made her fall to her kneels as Greta tightened her grip on the hair, making Zoe wince painfully in agony.

"You even had the guts, to seduce Master Eliot!", 'this lady is crazy what have I done to make her hate me this much. Seduce Master Eliot? , i don't even like him not to talk of seduction, even if I tried, it wouldn't work', Zoe thought to herself, as her mind couldn't withstand the pain going through her head, and she decided to speak for herself, "you are terribly mistaken…, I have no intentions of trying to seduce-", "SHUT UP!", with those words Greta let Zoe's hair go, but her intentions of doing that was not a good one.

"You're really stubborn aren't you? I will show you your place in this mansion and I'm sure by then, you would never dare to open your mouth to talk back at me, Guards!" Greta shouted as two guards came running from the side entrance of the hall, "Yes Lady Greta".

"Take her to the dungeon and make sure she is properly thought a lesson", in hearing what Greta had to say the guard's lifted their heads looking at her doubtfully and then at Zoe, "but- my lady we are not allowed to touch her"

"You dare! Disobey my orders?", "no my lady. But his highness has made it very clear, that we are not to touch her, except he has asked us to, she belongs to Lord Eliot", "Well, those where his highnesses words, but these are mine!, as the head of slaves, punishing her would be doing a favor of his highness. Take her for proper punishment, NOW!!!"

Zoe had put herself in a trouble which she could not run from, 'it's my first time in this mansion and on the second day I've already gotten into trouble. All you had to do was bring tea, just one tea cup Zoe, and you screwed it, why are you so unfortunate why! You've stupidly fallen into the traps of this Greta lady', Zoe thought, as she scolded herself mentally, for getting stuck in the mess which she had created for herself.

The guards led her out, as they reached a dark area where they had to light a lantern to continue the path, Zoe wasn't sure if she was safe anymore as they reached a door when the guards unlocked it, pushing her into the room as she was thrown to the floor. The whole area was dusty everything in it looked abandoned, dried old blood on the floor of the room and broken chains everywhere. It made Zoe wonder if she would ever be found in this part of the mansion, when her master didn't know where she was, and of course, Greta led the whole way with a dreaded smile on her face, like she had been waiting for the opportunity, to get Zoe into her trap, Zoe on the other hand didn't know what she was in for.

"you may leave, I'll take it from here", Greta said gesturing the guard's to leave, with the dreaded smile till on her face, creating an unsettling feeling within Zoe, "bu-"

"I said GET OUT!", "yes Lady Greta!" the guards said reluctantly, as they slowly walked away from the room, with the way Greta had aggressively yelled back at them, Greta who had finally trapped Zoe didn't want to let go of the chance, she had to torture her till she had filled her angry mind.

"Were all alone now, and there's no way you can escape from me", "what have I done to you to make you despise me so much?"

Kneeling down close to Zoe she raised her face upwards so their eyes could meet, "I don't despise you, I hate you. I hate you so much that I want to torture you slowly to the point of death, and I would gladly watch till the very end in delight. You think I don't know how you plan on taking Lord Eliot away from me. He can't even lower himself to touching a slave, yet he held you by the hands," 'what!? She just lost me there'

"I don't know what you talking about. Please just let me go, master Eliot is still waiting for his tea and I don't want to get punished", "I don't need your filthy lies, bitch!."


"Do you know what this place is? It's a place, where people either get punished or die for their misdeeds, and today you are going to be part of those slaves who died here. If I kill you no one will ever know and soon lord Eliot will forget that you ever existed, like he forgot the others" 'what does she mean by the other?'

Greta scrolled her hands on the nailed walls, as she tried picking out something, but what? Then Zoe realized that she wasn't just walking, but she was picking out a torture tool, 'is that a… whip with … nail!?' the wall was filled with different petrifying torture tools, from the beginning to the end.

Finally picking out a tool, Greta walked back, with a whip in her hands, but the whip wasn't just an ordinary whip, it was an iron whip with sharp ends, like it was designed to tear out flesh. Greta raised her hands with force as the sound of the whip could be heard crackling in the air. Greta whipped Zoe over and over again, and Zoe didn't know if she would survive if Greta kept on going. Zoe wanted to shout for Greta to stop, but didn't so she wouldn't give her the satisfaction of whipping her to death. Every single hit was painful and unbearable, with her breath that was now uncomfortable for her, and soon Zoe could feel blood rushing from her back all the way to her elbows and then to her fingers.

Greta had gotten her chance, and she wasn't going to let it slip away, nothing was going to stop her from killing Zoe at least that was what she thought. She held the whip tightly and attempted to scourge Zoe's back again, but before it could touch Zoe again, someone held it back in midair. Greta turned her head angrily to glare at who ever had stopped her from scourging Zoe, but her eyes widened in seeing who it was.


Greta who had being holding the whip, immediately let it go as she began to shake in fear, "L-lord Eliot… m-my lord", Greta immediately fell to her kneels bowing her head low as she tried avoiding Eliot's glare. Unknowing to them Eliot had been standing by the door of the room, with the butler behind him watching every single scene that unfolded before his eyes. He wore his dark red suit as always, but hung the jacket on his left shoulder, and a white inner shirt with two buttons undone, with his dark hair smoothly done.

Eliot who had dragged the whip was now bleeding from his palms, letting his jacket fall from his shoulders onto the dusty ground, as a low growl escaped his throat, while glaring down at Greta in anger, '?', Zoe thought questionably to herself as she stared at the jacket that was now on the dusty floor.

Turning to face Zoe Eliot smirked lightly, "I wondered where my little kitten could have disappeared to. Do you know how long I waited for my tea?", 'thank goodness a savior, no need to tell me twice before I leave', "I apologize for my lateness master Eliot, I will go prepare another tea for you" standing up with the pain that ached all over her back, Zoe dusted the shirt she wore that was already torn up and drenched in blood, as she slowly walked out of the room not wanting to wait for another opportunity, "where do you think you're going. I'm not done with you yet", halting her footsteps she turned around and looked at Greta to receive a glare, "now where was i" Eliot said while turning his head to face Greta, as the smirk he wore dropped, now holding an angered expression.

"And you! You dared to disobey my orders, after everything I said, you decided to turn deaf ears to my warnings"

"N-no my lord i-" "SHUT UP!!!"