jealousy in madness

Her eye's looked emotionless and malevolent, her lips were bloodshot red, like as if it was painted with real blood, wearing black leather gloves that was the length of her wrist. All dressed in black with thick knee-boots, 'who is that?' Zoe thought to herself. The woman didn't look like she had any room for mercy, she had bullets and weapons wrapped all over her body, and a spare dagger tied to her arm, as she held a pistol in her left hand. 'assassination', Zoe thought to herself, still trying to understand how she ended up in a cabin.

In the blink of an eye the vampire had already reached the other side of the room, with her hands wrapped around the Woman's neck squeezing it tighter and tighter as she struggled for air, before kicking her with full force enough for blood to gush out of her mouth as her back hit the wall, "mommy!", the little girl shouted.

The vampire raised her hands, aiming at the little girl's mother, ready to shoot "mom!!!", but just before the vampire could make her attempt, she had already turned into tiny dusts of ashes as the room slowly enveloped itself in flames. With the fire that now raged around the room, the woman had completely disappeared. The little girl couldn't make out what had happened or where the vampire had disappeared to and how she turned to ashes.

The woman rushed to her daughter's side, taking her by the hand, the two of them rushed out of the cabin. "Mommy where are we going to", "some people are after us and we need to get to safety dear, hold on to mommy so you won't get lost"

"But, daddy!", "daddy's gone!" the woman said harshly trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes.

They kept on running and running till their legs got sore but they couldn't stop, not when someone wanted them dead. The little girl tried to run bun she tripped and fell, she raised her head up and screamed for her mother to come back for her but her mother didn't look back nor did she stop for a moment.

In the mansion, the night was colder on the skin. Eliot who had his eyes closed suddenly snapped it open when his nose caught up to the scent of pure salt, with the sniffling sound that caught his ears, was someone crying?, Eliot thought to himself as his eyes moved to find Zoe who had her eyes closed but tears falling down from her eyes, she laid on the cold hard floor with no blanket for warmth, but a pillow under her head for support.

His first thought was that she had woken up from her sleep and something had happened, but listening to her heartbeat several times he realized that she was still asleep and she was …crying in her dream. Removing the blanket that covered him, he stood up and tried closing his ears for the sound to stop but it didn't, rather it got louder 'if I use a pillow to suffocate her, she would shut up, and I'm sure I would have a beautiful night's rest…, Garr. I can't do that, If I do, i won't get any information out of her', rubbing his face tiredly, he walked towards where Zoe laid, kneeling down close to her, as he watched her tears slowly fall.

Eliot brought his hand up to her face, placing it on the side of her cheek, as he wiped the tears off her face, staring at her features, as she slowly opened her eyes with tears that seeped into the pillow cover. She took a deep breath, like someone who was rescued from being drowned.

He didn't ask or speak a word to her. With her head still resting on the pillow, she noticed Eliot observing her. Her watery, blurry eyes meeting his emerald green ones that stared at her creepily, like he had never seen someone cry before. The tears that fell down made her cheeks feel wet, but that didn't stop her eyes that was tearing up again, sitting up she tried to hold back the fear and sadness that she obtained from her dream, 'why am I crying. It felt so real'. She thought wiping off the little tears that threatened to fall from her eyes, "you're leaking" he said still observing her.

She sat there quietly without a word. Her thoughts muddled over what she dreamt about in her dreams. It felt like her emotions had evaporated and she couldn't feel anything. She felt numb due to the cold had floor she slept on. Eliot sat in front of her. He could see that she was in a trance state still trying to recollect her thoughts. Her mind was trying to grasp something which he could see in her eyes. It was a very terrible dream that made Zoe's mind blank.

Her eyes were cast down as she continued to stare at the cold hard floor. After a while, her eyes finally met his emerald green eyes.

Her shoulders shaking with everything that she had witnessed in her dreams, there was a brief silence that stirred within them but it was broken when Eliot spoke "do you want to die?" in hearing what he said Zoe looked up at him in fear, "don't you know that waking your master from his sleep can result in you getting killed?"

"I'm sorry master Eliot... I didn't mean to wake you up" "whatever… (sighing) if I hear any sound of crying from you again, I promise I won't hesitate to tear you limb from limb, and this time I mean it" Zoe's mind was filled with fear and turmoil but she managed to nod her head in response. Using his palms to massage his forehead, he stood up from where he knelt and without a word he landed on the large bed and returned back to sleep mode. Zoe didn't know what to do, laying back on the ground she rested her head on the wet pillow but didn't close her eyes to sleep, and she couldn't sleep when the memories of her terrible dream were still swarming her mind.

Zoe woke up to the sounds of chirping birds, as she cleaned her eyes looking up to see the rays of the sun penetrating through the large windows, making everywhere look lighter than at night. Scanning the room when she realized that her master wasn't in the room, but the sound of running waters was what filled her ears, and oddly, the balcony door was opened, walking towards the balcony she stood to admire the wonderful breeze and scene she saw in front of her "wow", Zoe thought to herself as she marveled at the view from the balcony. Everything looked even better than at night, the colorful green forest, the tulips that blossomed half way and the tiny droplets of the cold morning dews.

"Someone look's peaceful after finishing my shampoo last night, and still didn't let me sleep peacefully", Zoe turned her head towards the voice, to see her master who was standing right behind her. His hair was dark and soaking wet with a towel that was tied around his waist, his green captivating eye's staring right into her sparkling blue eyes, as a smirk slowly made its way onto his face, "m-master- i" she said nervously as she realized he was almost naked.

Zoe swallowed as her gaze traveled along his mesmerizing builds. She had never seen this much of a male's body before. He was wearing a towel that hung low on his hips and covered only half of his thighs. Water dripped from his wet hair and down his perfectly built chest, water droplets was all over him, like the dews she had seen on the flowers.

Zoe's gaze traveled back to Eliot's face, some strands of wet hair fell on his face, and his captivating eyes that made her breath hitch in her throat 'so mesmerizing, how can somebody look so beautiful and breath taking' Zoe shook her head to dismiss any improper thoughts from invading her mind and shifted her gaze to the floor, Eliot's lip slowly rose into a smirk, he was fully aware that Zoe was staring at him.

"Stop staring, get me some tea to drink or do you want me to drink you instead?" Zoe's throat suddenly felt dry "Y-yes master Eliot" Zoe took a small bow before walking out of the room.

She was completely flustered and tried to not think of what had happened in Eliot's room, shaking unwanted thoughts away from her head she quickly shifted her eyes to the hall, Williams the butler who was walking by from the dining room to the kitchen, caught sight of a maid who looked lost and didn't know her way around the mansion.

On looking twice, he realized that it wasn't a maid but the slave of Lord Eliot. His footsteps halted and he wondered what she was doing wandering around the mansion like a lost sheep.

"What have I gotten myself into, I think I'm lost" Zoe turned around in an attempt to remember the path which she took before, "I don't understand this, I thought I came from another direction", Zoe traced her eyes round the hall she stood in, but paused when her eyes caught sight of someone who was standing at the corner of her eye's, it was the butler who had been quietly watching her with a tray in his hands. Seeing him almost ready to scurry away from sight without being caught, Zoe spoke

"Pardon me, Williams… I have been asked to bring my master some tea. Do you mind showing me the way to the kitchen? I need to prepare the tea so that Master Eliot can relax in his room while drinking it," she said, which in the least possible scenario didn't sit well with the butler.

"Don't worry about that, I was already going to deliver it to lord Eliot myself" Zoe, on the other hand, didn't concentrate on what the butler said, walking to where he stood she took the tray that had a tea cup filled with red substance in it, 'when did tea possess the color of red? Maybe this might be it'. Taking the tray from his hands she said, "don't worry Williams, I think I can help you with that," Looking left and right to cheek if anyone was passing by, the butler whispered, "your new here so I don't think it would be good if you walked these halls alone…, and the worst thing that might happen is if you were to cross paths with Greta, and believe me when I say she'll make your life a living hell-"

"Who are you two talking about", hearing the voice that came towards them, Zoe turned her head to see Greta walking towards her, passing the butler without sparing him a glance while pushing him away, as she stood in front of Zoe "what are you gossiping about". Greta asked again, her presence making Williams stop his movements. 'Is she talking to me?' Zoe thought, bowing her head slightly in respect "I'm sorry but did you say something?"

"who do you think you are, you low life pest speaking in such an arrogant manner…, do you think I don't know your plans of seducing lord Eliot.., let me tell you this, you're never going to belong to him," Zoe's brows rose fully at her sudden words, feeling confused with what she heard from the maids mouth, rethinking the probability of the whole mansion begin crazy 'did I hear wrong or am I still dreaming… what is she talking about!?'


The slap echoed through the room, and Zoe held her hand up to her cheek "don't ever address me in that manner ever again, next time when speaking you are to call me Lady Greta, got that!", 'never!!!' Zoe was shocked with the way Greta had slapped her. Who was she to slap her, she was not the mistress. It would be shameful to get slapped by someone of the same status as hers. Zoe was stubborn and wasn't going to play it nice anymore, not when she had being slapped for no good reason.

Zoe wasn't about to let her self-esteem go just like that. Forgetting her rank at that moment she raised her hands and slapped Greta back with much more force, making Williams eyes to widen in shock "I do not serve you, I only serve my master, and that should give you enough reason not to raise your hands at me, I am not your slave which you could slap as you please!", Zoe didn't realize when the word's slipped out of her mouth, taken aback by the sudden courage.

Greta looked terribly furious, for the unwanted courage the slave was showing towards her. The girl raised her hand where Zoe saw it coming and in the split of seconds, she weighed on if she was to take the blow or stop it. For that second, Zoe forgot her position in the mansion, because she stood in and raised her own hand to catch the girl's hand, which was enough to slow it down from coming right at her face.

The slave's boldness was making Greta steam in boiling anger and she wanted to tear her apart. Her eyes were wide yet in anger glared at the slave. Unfortunately, for Zoe, she had not only forgotten about being a slave at that time but she had also forgotten that the girl standing in front of her was the head of all slaves in the mansion and had the right to punish her anytime she pleased.