Chapter 28: The High court- part 1

He decided to ignore it, after all, he wasn't supposed to care about her or her well-begin… but he did because he wasn't going to see her in days and he couldn't tell her.

Focusing on where he was going to be at, he reached his hands into his wardrobe taking out a black coat, before looking back at Zoe again just to check on her emotions, but it seemed like something was wrong. There was nothing, it was all gone. All that was left was only fear.

Eliot tried several times to find out who Zoe really was by reading her emotions, but nothing related to her not being a human, not even the guardians could find out, although they sensed it.

There were times when he would sense Dark powers trying to release themselves, then immense sorrow or excruciating pain would fill her heart, but this time he got nothing, just fear. The first time he caught Zoe trying to commit suicide he sensed the cerulean aurar but he didn't expect it to come from her 'Who is she?'

Eliot had got himself dressed in an all-black outfit. He wore a dark shirt and black pants, and a dark coat to match with it. The boots he wore was thick and the bottom was made of iron, on his right hand was a dark wrist-glove that had gold chains attached to it. A small, round, black diamond ear ring was on his right ear, with some of his dark hair falling on the side of his eyes having an underlining of black.

A small dagger was hidden on the sides of his boot. Eliot stood still, observing the balcony's open view as he watched the trees sway back and forth, before turning around to walk towards the door, but stopped to look back at Zoe.

. . .

Zoe just stood there with countless emotions and questions filling her head not knowing how to differentiate the world anymore, she knew that she wasn't safe, the cruel world had turned around on her 'it's just a matter of time before- the blood sucker awakens'.

Zoe lifted her eyes slightly to see her master facing the balcony as he walked towards the door, hesitating a bit before turning to face her.

His eyes held guilt and anger but he didn't let it show, instead his gaze softened on her, just to let her know that he cared about her feelings and he wasn't going to do anything to hurt her, but Zoe couldn't understand those feelings.

Zoe watched as her master exited the room and everything was left quiet. She sat in the corner of the room meditating on how fast she needed to plan her escape.

~ ~ ~

Days or maybe even months had passed since the incident of her master trying to drink from her blood or having an intent of killing her. In the past days Zoe would always take note of how he left and was rarely seen in the mansion.

Sometimes when Zoe played chess with the twins she would often ask them about Eliot's whereabouts just to change her strategies of escaping, but they would just change the subject to talk about stuffed toys, something seemed suspicious like everyone in the mansion was trying to hide something from her, something she wasn't supposed to know about,… something dangerous. But Zoe was determined to find out. The more she was determined the more things became harder for her.

Zoe noticed the changing attitude of the maids towards her, when they would always speak to her rudely anytime she would ask for something nicely, and how Greta would lock her up in a storeroom with nothing to eat but that wasn't enough for Greta the hate was dangerous and unbearable, but what could she do when there was no one around her to trust but to rely on herself will. Even though she had Drusilla and Dawn they didn't have the power to do anything about it.

Eliot walked the vehicle and into the halls of the main building, slowing down as he reached where Vladimir stood awaiting his arrival "greeting's your highness", "so Vladimir how has things being going in the board" "everything has being going well your highness"

"… but rumors are spreading,"

"About what?" "Something dangerous and unlike any kind had escaped from the underworld.., they say it's seeks a certain vessel that can contain it… and whoever the thing possesses will have immense power, almost like that of the demon king… your father. I've heard that even demons, vampires, slayers and witches would kill for it _",

"which means there is going to be a great war of blood shed ahead" Eliot said, the word 'kill' made him think repeatedly about how something would be so precious that would cause demons to fight over it. Sighing Eliot rubbed his forehead in frustration, entering the limo with Vladimir that followed after, Eliot's mind started drifting back to Zoe 'what does she think of me… (Sigh)' trying not to think of Zoe, Eliot shifted his attention to the streets where some rich humans walked elegantly with their heads raised '*tch* poor street rats!' they dragged and kicked their slave's roughly, while trying to show their superiority and high ego.

The whole court seemed anxious and the whole room was filled with low murmurings of confusion, not knowing what to do about their current situation at hand.

Eliot sat on the high esteemed throne with his hands folded against the other. His two index fingers resting on his lips with his thumbs that supported his chin.

His mind tried to concentrate on the people who were seated in front of him but his mind kept drifting off to think about the young girl which he had left alone back at the mansion 'she must be lonely.., what if I get her some books that might keep her busy… or maybe I should get a maid that'll keep her company', "you're highness the meeting has just started" Nathaniel said snapping Eliot out of his thought's.

Eliot straightened up with his right leg crossed over the other, clearing his throat as the whole court room became silent, but the silence was broken when a person from the court room stood up, walking to the middle of the room as he bowed his head and began to speak "greetings your highness… I am Daron the keeper of the slave institution and the investigator of internal affairs, I have being asked by the queen mother to investigate the pressing matter at hand", "really? … What is it that you want to complain about?"

"Highness we and the court officials have all heard the rumors, and it seems to be a concern in the royal kingdoms including the Dark Empire"

"So?" Eliot said, expecting his full answer "… we… are well aware of the fact that there is a girl in your mansion…, and she has something to do with the rumors" Eliot immediately narrowed his gaze at the man who stood in front of him, 'does he mean… Zoe? …No impossible he couldn't have figured out, could he?' Eliot thought

'I need to be wary of this information. I don't think it'll be wise to expose the Guardians mission to the court, if not it will bring about chaos before the war even begins… I will need to speak to the guardians' Eliot thought to himself as he sighed tiredly.

"I'm sorry, you have no evidence and you are highly mistaken… Daron, this matter has already being settled by the cerulean guardians- and the girl you speak of has nothing to do with this matter",

"But your highness I think you should look more into this matter- there is no smoke without a fire. We need to avoid this coming war… and fast! It would be wiser for his highness to make this decision"

he said the last part coming out dark and stern, "absurd!" someone shouted from the left end side of the court, as he stood up with his head bowed before he continued speaking "are you trying to say that his highness, the crowned prince is unwise!?", immediately he finished his sentence the whole court went loud with murmurings of suspicion.

Eliot have had worst cases but this was way too much to handle with the head ache that kept increasing, and his unending thought about Zoe's wellbeing.

"Are you sure he's not lying to us?", "Do you try to rebel against his royal highness?!" different kinds of rumors, gossips and rebellious words were heard in the court room as Eliot tried to maintain full concentration.

Eliot was tired and frustrated but didn't show it, he tried thinking straight and wanted to focus, trying his best to think of an answer that would calm the court down, but still his mind traveled back to think about… Zoe 'why can't I think…, *Grr* the noise is getting too much to handle…, what if Zoe tries to run from me…, who does she sees me as' with his head that was aching and his hungry thirst for blood increasing.


"SILENCE!" Eliot shouted as the whole court became silent without a single word being heard.

Sighing Eliot rubbed his forehead as he walked out of the court angrily, his royal adviser, Nathaniel walking behind him in a fast pace, trying to keep up with him.