The Demon VS The Delinquent

When one has grown accustomed to the normal hustle and bustle of there daily routine they can go through that entire routine with there eyes closed, but something outside that norm even the slightest difference can feel like a whole new experience to a person or even a demon that spent it's entire life in the Demon world. A demon that spent the entirety of it's existence being weak and now being faced with the proposition of becoming stronger, if you were in this position you would be in awe too, so much that you wouldn't notice the two women arguing behind you.

How the younger one tried to pled her case and how the older one reminded her she wasn't in the position to pled for anything, no if you were this demon you wouldn't notice a thing you would just laugh and rejoice as this one did. Rejoicing it's new life.


It laughed in a deep bellowing voice.

"I'm free! I'm finally free!! This world is mine Ill consume every last bit of human life, and become a devil! This world is mine!"

It started up it's deep laugh again, but Rochelle made sure to grab it's attention.

"You sure will buddy!"

She screamed, in a flash it whipped it's body around finally noticing the two that stood behind it.

"This world can be yours but you, have to get pass her first"

Rochelle patted Momo on the back, then threw her arms around the girl, a look filled with absolute terror was on Momo's face as she clutched a machete in her hands. While the demon was in bliss Rochelle gave her a weapon that she just pulled out her purse, it had a pink handle and was bedazzled. In any normal situation she would have clowned the woman but this was no joking matter because if it was, then the demon wouldn't be salivating at the mere sight of them.

It didn't see there details, features or even the weapon, all it saw was food and opportunity. In half a second the stumpy armed demon was jumping mouth wide open ready for dinner.

"Go get em tiger"

Rochelle said while getting herself to a save distance.

"Wait hold on no-"

But it was no longer the time for talking, the demon had fully pounced on Momo trapping her small body with it's large teeth. She had many close encounters with danger but not this close, she was froze once again with fear then Rochelle yelled.

"Kid use the weapon!!"

Everything had happened so fast that she forgot she even had it. Half body was inside and the other half was outside the demons mouth, the left half that was inside was where the weapon was. She tightened her grip then began to stab the roof of its mouth.


It screamed in pain, it's own grip on her loosened and Momo managed to pull her self away but it recovered quicker than expected, it spun in place then whacked Momo with it's tail. She was sent flying luckily for her she landed in a rose bush it did break her fall, but the sudden impact made her drop the machete and gasp for air. Before she could recover herself and Recover her weapon, the stumpy armed demon was all ready in the air mouth opened wider then before, and in a blink of in eye it swallowed her whole.

"Aww damn it got her"

Was Rochelle's only comment, it's mouth was pitch black and it smelled utterly rancid. It's tongue was all over her tasting any uncovered skin she could hear it chuckling, laughing in it's mind it had it's first human and it would become stronger, but suddenly it just stopped then with all it's might it spit her back out.

"Eww.. disgusting!! Why do you taste like that!?!"

The demon held it's tongue out and was dragging it across the ground trying it's best to get the taste of Momo off its tongue. Rochelle could only smile.

"So it finally noticed"

Momo was also bewildered at situation but not because the demon spit her out but because of the slimy thick saliva she was drenched in, this is what had her attention not the demon's ever growing rant.

"You look human!! and human are Supposed to be full of Poso! but you don't taste like it you taste like, wait.."

The answer had finally materialized in it's mind.

"You.. you must be one of those Hybrids... yes it explains why you look human but don't taste human"

It's realisation fell on deaf ear and after this realisation it lost complete interest in her.

"A Hybrid can't make me stronger.. but I wonder if she's a Hybrid"

It said turning in Rochelle's direction, her smile couldn't help but grow larger.

"Uh-oh looks like I'm in danger"

With that same hungry look in it's eyes the stumpy armed demon pounced towards Rochelle but unlike the last two times, this time was different. You see Momo Lancaster had been in trouble as far back as she could as she could remember and had been on the streets for nearly as long, and during her personal experience she learned that back stabbing was a useful tool. With the demon's back turned to her Momo grabbed the machete and as it was in mid jump she cut right through it right leg, making it fall flat to the ground.

Only a moment ago she was held tight by fear but that terror was now washed away and it was replaced with an oh so sinister grin. That grin was familiar one that she had on her face many times before in the past, and sitting next to that grin was a feeling. A feeling like her smile she had experienced before but she could never explain it to someone, she could never articulate it but when she was hit with that feeling all she wanted to do was destroy.


She screamed a warriors scream and charged headstrong towards the demon, she switched her grip on the machete instead of holding it like a person would a sword or a bat she held it like a serial killer would a butcher knife. This time she pounced on him and began stabbing it's back over and over again.

"And there it is"

Rochelle said under her breath as the demon howled in pain. Momo was 20 or was it 30 stabs in when the demon finally bucked her of, it again hit her with it's tail but this time she immediately hit the ground head first. This split open her skull but that smile never drifted nor did it waver and she never paused, on the contrary she charged the demon once again this time jumping right on it's face and stabbing it right in it's left eye.

It howled in pain once again  it tried to shake her off but she was on em like glue, it would pull her off but it's arms it had were to short all it could do was bite, bite the dangling legs that were in front of it's mouth. The harder it bit the harder and deeper she stabbed, this was an endurance test between the demon and this so called hybrid, but the person who won this altercation was the one who wasn't in it in the first place.

Rochelle Wigglesbe was the recruiter for D.M.T.A and she wasn't a slouch when she did her job and had chosen the right person she thought was up for the job and she wasn't wrong. As the demon bit halfway though Momo's legs she again stabbed him in that already stabbed out eye, it went even deeper this time and at this the demon stopped it's chopping then it keeled over died.


The one laughing now was Momo with a split skull and two bleeding legs she was laughing. She laughed even though she was still partially in the demons mouth, this time she was in bliss.

"That was fun lets do it again!"

She cried out in joy, she continued on when Rochelle approached her and she didn't stop till she fell into unconsciousness.

"You see?"

Said Rochelle.

"And here you were all scared, I think your gonna fit right in"