The Morning After

Momo wasn't the type of person to have dreams but when she did every blue moon they were glorious, she only had good dreams never nightmares and they were always about things that recently happened that got her all riled up. When she was eight she dreamed of the time she stole a couple of video games from a pawn shop and the owner desperately chased her but never caught her, or the time when she was eleven and  dreamed about the victory after beating up six high school guys, that were all on there schools football team. Her most pleasant dream was the night after her first under ground fighting match at fourteen, she lost but her blood had never boiled like that before.

Well not until last night her current dream was stabbing that stumpy armed demon over and over again. It was the best sleep she had in a year, shame the chirping birds woke her up, on top of only having pleasant dreams Momo was also a very light sleeper. When her eyes opened the morning sun was sitting high in the sky she stared at it for a long while before she sat up, when she did she realized the cloths she was wearing were now gone replaced with a hospital like gown, also she wasn't outside but in a hospital room or what she thought was a hospital room. It was actually the schools nurses section the room was nicer then any regular hospital's but a lot smaller.It also occurred to her that she was alone, the smiling wolf that had been by her side since yesterday wasn't with her.

"Oh your awake"

A voice she thought was Rochelle's came from her right, when she turned her head her face was only inches from another face and it wasn't the face of Rochelle but one of a very plain straight faced boy with piercing light brown eyes.


she screamed loudly while falling out of the opposite side of the bed.

"Oh I'm sorry"

He said in a soft tender voice.

"I didn't mean to scare you"

He walked around the bed aiming to help her, as he stretched out his hand to help Momo up he kept speaking in his sweet soothing voice.

"I'm Soren, Soren Nakamura miss Wigglesbe told me to keep a close eye on you so I was following orders"

Now full being conscious she got a good look at him, she could tell that he was shorter than her and had very prominent bangs, they actually drew away from his eyes, [he has a punchable face] is what she thought. Momo stood without taking his out stretched hand.

"Following orders ugh... well did she tell you that you had to breath the same air as me!"

She snapped, but he was unprovoked or he didn't notice the tone in her voice.

"Well technically you were in my space when you turned your head around"

He said that with no fluctuation in his tone, she grabbed him by the T-shirt and really got in his face.

"You wanna repeat that you little smart ass!!"

She had just woke up but was already for another fight but the clear danger didn't register to him, he was about to fix his lips to repeat himself when the door opened.

"What's with all this ruckus in here"

Came another voice and when Momo pulled away to see, it was a familiar face, Rochelle now dressed in jeans and a comfy sweater stood in the doorway.

"Well good morning sleepy head! Oh it looks like you've been acquainted with your new classmate"


Momo said while scrunching up her face.

"This... guy?"

"Yes this is Soren Nakamura he is a young promising shaman, he comes from a country side in Japan where his family runs a very profitable business because of that his English is quite good, he also speaks Chinese and French fluently"

Getting the info on her new classmate Momo started sizing him up, he was plain looking a kid you'd never pick out from a crowd.


Rochelle said grabbing her attention once again.

"If you weren't here he would be the only freshmen Shaman student"

The conversation gave Momo a moment to cool of and she finally addressed him like a normal person.

"So.. are you from some rich shaman family or something?"


He stared at her blankly unbothered that she had just man handled him.

"My family runs a companion doll company"

"Companion dolls?"

It took her half a second to figure it out.

"Wait.. are you saying your family makes sex dolls for a living?"

"There companion doll and yes"

Just a second ago she was ready to beat him to a pulp but now she saw him as and called him a weirdo.

"So shouldn't you guys be worried about demons right now?"

Momo asked while looking outside the hallway window, she was dressed in new clothes and Rochelle was bringing her to have her meeting with the schools principal. Soren had his all ready and was banished to his dorm room.

"What's that?"

Rochelle questioned turning back to Momo who was still gazing out the window.

"I said shouldn't you all be worried about the demons coming through"

She repeated.

"No worries there is a barrier, tailsmen and charms in place, during the day there intensified but at night then slightly weaken and then the little demons slip through.... speaking of demons"

Rochelle now placing a grin on her face again.

"How was your first experience fighting a demon"

Momo couldn't help but grin herself.

"It was fun"

They continued on until they made it to the elevator, while going up Rochelle couldn't help but stare at Momo she was actually fascinated by the girl not by her charisma or skills but by her pure aloofness.

"You know Momo?"

She said in a almost hushed tone.

"Your not the smartest tool in the tool box"

Momo whipped her head around in clear anger of course, this was the second time today someone had a smart ass comment to make. Rochelle noticing the rising anger coming from Momo put her hands up in a exaggerated manner.

"Calm down, calm down, I'm just saying you haven't noticed"

"Noticed what?"

Rochelle shook her head smiling at the simple minded girl.

"That your wounds have healed, that demon as weak as it was did a number on you it split open your skull and half way amputated your legs, but look at you now standing on strong firm legs, a body healed so well that you look untouched like you've never seen a day of battle"

Momo had to take a metaphorical step back and pondered this situation, she was so absorbed into the zone that she didn't notice her legs were injured. she did notice the bleeding from her head but she thought it was a small scratch.

"I noticed"

She tried to say convincingly.

"I've never been sick a day in my life, cuts and bruises I received have always healed fast... I guess I just got good genes"

Rochelle couldn't help but burst out laughing at this.

"Well... your not wrong about that.. it does have something to do about genetics"

"What do you mean?"

Momo asked as the elevator reached the top floor, as they exited walking down the long hallway towards the principal. Rochelle chuckled again.

"You seriously haven't noticed? I mean I already knew and after a minute the demon yesterday knew too"

"Notice what?"

"That your a Hybrid"

"What's that?"

They both stopped there movement and in her new school Momo got her first Advanced History lesson.

"During what we Shamans refer as the Dark Age there were humans who, whether forcefully or willingly mated with demons"

Momo's face cringed in discuss imaging that stumpy armed demon having sexy time with a person.

"And from that mating process"

She continued on.

"Came Hybrids half human half demon and that demon part never dissipates no matter how long the blood line goes on it remains in that family till the end of time, and that's what happened to you"

Rochelle softly smiled.

"One of your ancestors mated with a demon and long story short her you are"

She booped her on the noise like a toddler then kept walking towards the principal's office, doing that would have really pissed Momo off but her thoughts were the ones that had her attention, and she wasn't thinking about what a normal person would be thinking of. You or me would sit and ponder what it would mean being a descendent of a demon we would question are selves and have a crisis of identity, that is what a normal persons thoughts would filled with, but Momo was clearly not normal what filled her mind was how ugly did her ancestral demon grandparent look and were they more or less ugly then the demon from yesterday, after thinking about it bored her she shrugged and followed Rochelle to meet the principal.