The Meeting

For the 75 years that D.M.T.A has existed there have been many principles either men or women, young or old  the head of the school came from around the world and ranged on multitude of nationalities. The current head principal was Ben Fairy he was not a very tall man, he was no taller then 4 foot 4  but principal Fairy didn't let his height dictate or stop his future. He was at the top of his graduating class, after school he worked all around the world then a couple of years later he returned to the school as a teacher and shortly after that appointed to vice principal then head principal. Quite frankly Benjamin Fairy is a great man, teacher and leader, the only issue is that he was not a very subtle man. Ben has always believed in never hiding oneself he believes in being loud and proud because of this he never hiding how much he drinks and he talks at length of his love for full body massages but the thing e has the lease shame about, are his framed pinup nudes from his favorite adult magazines. He took such pride in his.... art, that he displayed them all over his office, and in that moment without context Momo understood why no one liked meeting in the principals office.

"Well young lady I have to thank you"

He said in a very deep and thick voice.

"You joining are school is beyond helpful.... Has Miss Wigglesbe explained the arrangement to you"

"Ummm... yeah"

Momo got out trying her hardest to look at the man behind the desk in the eye and not the framed nudes in his office.

"I have but not the finer details sir"

Rochelle chimed in.

"Well then miss Lancaster"

His deep voice bellowed.

"As you know you will be our new Place Holder Shaman and your also currently on probation, as long as you are well behaved and fulfil your duties when the time comes when more shaman students are enrolled then your services will no longer be needed then y'all be a free woman and your criminal record will be wiped away. Until then you will attend classes go on missions and be on guard duty with Soren Nakamura and your upperclassmen, even though your a Place holder I expect you to put your all into your education"

He paused waiting for her response, when she finally realized why he was so silent she quickly shook her head saying.

"Yea sure thing!"

He smiled.

"Oh good!"

He stood up and walked around his desk.

"Well then once again thank you and welcome"

He extended his hand to shake just like Rochelle did before but he didn't have that same predator aura they way she did, his aura was warm and comforting so she didn't hesitate to shake his hand.

"Miss Wigglesbe"

He said while still shaking Momo's hand.

"Yes sir"

She said in response, after there brief hand shake Rochelle was now next to Momo holding a few new items.

"These are your essentials, your school uniform, your new cell phone issued and paid by us and your cafeteria money card"

Momo took the small bundle as the principal started to speak once again.

"The school years starts tomorrow, Miss Wigglesbe will give you the run down before then and tonight"

"What happens tonight?"

"Guard duty obviously"

After the meeting was finished and done and as they exited the building Rochelle gave Momo the run down.

"The building were leaving now is the central building, the auditorium, teachers lounge, nurses station, vice principal and principals offices, the teachers personal offices and the detention hall are located here"


Momo said as they continued walking.

"The buildings around are separated by grade, the north building is for freshmen, east building is for the sophomores, south is for juniors and east of course is for seniors"

As Rochelle explained Momo couldn't help marvel at the buildings.

"Each building has there own library, cafeteria and gymnasium... oh and those are the dorms"

They walked until the same smaller building Momo saw on her first night could be seen.

"Its a little small to be a dorm don't you think?"

"Yes  but as you know we have nightly guest, this dorm is for the faculty and students that are in the know"

She put great emphasis on the word know.

"The normal regular students stay in off campus dorms and the regular teachers live in the area"

They made it to the front door of the dorm and walked into the lobby, the outside was none descriptive it looked drab and boring compared to the school buildings but the inside was... well fancy it looked like a hotel.

"Pick your jaw from off the floor"

Rochelle said to a clearly astonished Momo.


She said while throwing something at Momo, she was barely out of her trance when the thing was thrown and she nearly didn't catch it. When she had it she noticed it was a key.

"Your room is on the second floor, room 202 now get settled in and rest... be ready around sunset"

At this Rochelle turned and walked away yawning as she did. As she put the key into the door, Momo couldn't remember the last time she did this putting a key into a door and walking into the comfort of her on home. Even though it was a room and not a house and it was temporary and not permanent it still felt good. When she opened the door her eyes immediately fell onto the big warm inviting bed that laid before her, without a second thought she dive bombed into it she rolled all around actually giggling like a school girl in that moment she was on cloud 9 but a simple.

"Hello again"

Struck her with terror, she screamed as she looked up and met the gaze for a second time of the straight faced boy with the bangs. He sat on a bed on the opposite side of the room, and sitting next to him were dolls and plushies.... a lot of dolls and plushies.

"What the hell are you doing here!!!"

"I live here.. this is my dorm room"

"Like hell it is this is my dorm room!!!"

"It's both your dorm room"

Said Rochelle's voice she was now standing in the open doorway and she looked visibility tired and a bit annoyed.

"We didn't want you two getting lonely so we paired you up, so now you two can be the best of friends"

"Me friends with him?!? fat chance plus I'm a girl and his a creepy doll boy shouldn't we get different rooms, you because of are different gender and species!!"

"No it'll be fine"

Rochelle chuckled.

"I trust you two won't cross any boundaries"

"Oh we won't ma'am"

Soren spoke up.

"She not really my type"

He said with the driest look on his face, Momo was flustered then pissed off.

"What did you say!! first off your not my type!! I dare you, I dare you to say it again"

"Ok, your not my type"