Getting 2 Know U

The Wednesday sun had disappeared from the sky five minutes ago, in the courtyard Momo Lancaster and Soren Nakamura sat on bench wearing there D.M.T.A issued gym clothes, a simple white T-shirt and black jogging pants with the schools name on the front of the shirt and on the leg of the pants. As Momo sat chowing down on some chicken sandwiches Soren sat next to her, and he was showing off his new accessory a shiny new black eye. After his smart ass comment, Momo's words not mine, she slugged him one, it stung a little but no could tell because his face was still blank like a clean sheet of paper.

"You know you don't have to be so violent?"

Soren said as he tenderly rubbed his eye.

"And you don't have to be such a smart ass, smart ass"

Momo retorted spitting bits of food as she did.

"You don't have many manners do you?"

He said gazing at her feasting on her chicken dinner.

"Is that another smart ass comment I hear?"

Momo said while starring daggers at him, he quickly shifted his gaze.


He said.

"Oh good thought I heard something?"

They sat in silence for while, when Momo was eating her last sandwich Soren asked her a question.

"So are you believing all this Demon, Shaman stuff they talk about?"


Is all Momo she could say with her face full.

"What? You mean you don't?"

"No not really"

"If your a none believer then how did they find you, Miss snaggletooth"

She was talking about Rochelle.

"Said you were a promising Shaman student, how can you be promising if you don't believe?"

"I don't know"

He shrugged.

"When she visited me at my home she mentioned that she saw a video of a accident I was in"


"Yep I was doing a personal house call repair for a customer's doll"

"Sex doll?"

She interested in.

"A companion doll yes, and the repairs were to much so i had to take it back two are warehouse to fix it properly, when I was outside a drunk driver flew off the road and hit me"


"Yea I saw it coming too but was to scared to move so I just held the companion doll for dear life"

"Well what happened?"

"Well.. after I woke up I was laying in a bush and I wasn't that injured, a few cuts and bruises but nothing life threatening and the doll.... well the doll was completely undamaged, there were security cameras and that's how Miss Wigglesbe knew what happened"

"I don't get it how the sex doll didn't shatter to pieces?"

"I'm not sure either, Miss Wigglesbe mentioned that I imbued it with something, but what she said seemed to far fetched so I just zoned out"

"Huh that was weird"

Momo said uninterested now that the story was finished she turned back to her sandwich and finished it off.


She said while licking the crumbs off her fingers.

"If you don't believe then why are you here?"

"Because I wanted to see and experience something new"


She was questioning him with her scrunched up face and cross examining eyes

"I've lived and worked in the countryside all of my life and I rarely got to go to the city, unless it's for work.. plus"

His monotone voice lifted up a bit.

"I've always wanted to live in the city, like Tokyo or New York, so choosing Detroit was no issue"

Momo could see faint emotions on his face, he looked cherry and optimistic.

"Well I hate to burst your bubble sex doll boy"

She really didn't.

"But all that Demon stuff is real"


He said turning his head back to Momo, his face back to normal... or what was normal for him.

"It's real, I fought and killed one of those Demons myself"

"Oh really?"

He said faking surprise he nodded his head as he said it.

"So on top of bad manners your also on hard drugs"


She screamed.

"I don't do drugs!!! and stop making smart ass comments!!!"

"I'm sorry, don't worry I believe you"

He shot his eyes away from her own.

"You little liar!!!"

She grabbed his shirt.

"I'm telling the truth it had a huge head and two stumpy arms!!"

"Oh I get it your not on any drugs but hallucinogens"

Momo was so riled up that she went completely calm.

"That's it I'm giving your black eye a twin brother"

But to bad for her and luckily for Soren she wouldn't get the chance because behind them, about a few feet away a familiar pool began to show, it started off as a drop and grew larger and larger. As it did it bubbled and pulsed it was so loud that the two couldn't help but look at it.

"Umm? I don't think puddles work like that?"

He said utterly bewildered, when the pool was complete something round shot out from it. As the sludgy pool disappeared the demon landed and shook its self off.

"I made it!! I really made it!! it said in a high pitched squeaky voice, tonight's demon was a lot smaller then the previous, about the size of a first grader. It had clawed feet and claws and it's entire body was covered in blue-ish fur and like the other one before it, this one also had large eyes.

"I made it!!! I made it!!!"

It sang to itself hoping from foot to foot.

"Wow so that's a Demon? they are real, guess I was wrong I'm a believer now"

"Just like that!!"

Momo screamed.

"Well seeing is believing as the saying go-"

He stopped in his tracks as the demon had stopped in it's own tracks after Momo's outburst.


It said.

"Oh today is such a joyous day!"

It said narrowing it's eyes, and though it's body was to fuzzy and nothing but it's eyes and limbs could be seen, the two rookies students could tell it was smiling.

"Great going Momo now it sees us"

Soren sarcastically shot Momo's way.

"Shut up!!"

The two prepared themselves for what was clearly the inevitable but what they weren't ready for was a scream from a far.

"Hold up!!! Hold uppppp!!"

Could be heard the three searched for the person trying to get there attention and they did. Coming from the direction of the dorms was Rochelle in her pajamas pushing a cart full of stuff, the three did indeed held up manly because they were perplexed. Only a moment later Rochelle pulled up next to Soren and Momo breathing hard when she caught her breath she said.

"Sorry I'm late kids had to take me a power nap!"

She suddenly just smacked the side of the cart twice.

"Pick a weapon any weapon!"

The two's eyes went from her to the cart it was chock full of weapons, swords, clubs, spears, nunchucks so many weapons, Momo glazed over the selection then chose a battle Axe, Soren timidly because of course it was his first time chose his weapon. A slingshot,  he chose a slingshot and a bag of stones.

"Alrighty then!"

Rochelle said in her peppy voice.

"Soren y'all learn as you go and Momo you already know what to do, now go kill it!"