What Works Team Work

"I'll take lead!"

Momo said charging in with a smile on her face, the crippling fear that had shackled her only a day prior was now gone, she felt as free as a bird and as dangerous as a snake. With not a single bit of hesitation she swung her axe with all she had, but not connection because the little fur ball jumped out the way.Then it jumped again hitting Momo in the back of the head.

"Why you little!"

She said in frustration gritting her teeth, she swung the axe backwards as fast as she could but still no connection, it was faster. They both picked up a rhythm swing, dodge, hit, swing, dodge, hit. Momo never reached it and her arms were exhausted, but the Demon was having a blast it started doing more elaborate tricks as it dodged, giggling and snickering after every missed strike and every successful hit on it's part.

"You can't hit me stupid girl!"

It said in it's high pitch voice.

"For I'm the future Devil himself Glubow"

It... or now he gave his name with such pride.

"Glubow is a stupid name for a fuzz ball!!"

She gave another mighty swing but no matter how mighty the result was still the same. Even though she didn't want to she couldn't help but take a breather, her body for some reason was stiff and she was so sleepy , noticing she was open and weakened Glubow went in full speed. [I'll aim for her neck if I can slice it then I get my first kill] He thought as he readied his claws but when he was nearly breathing on top of her a stone shot through the air nearly grazing Glubow. but still it managed to dodge and get some distance.

"Damn I missed"

Soren said, as he approached Momo standing by her side.

"Momo are your ok?"

"I'm... fine"

"Well you don't look it, you look awful, you've only been fighting for a minute"


She said in between large open mouth inhales and exhales.

"Don't.... lie"

"I'm not"

He said looking into her eyes.

"Maybe your still recovering from yesterday"

"And even if.... I am I'll be fine"

Soren stared at her for quite a while then said.

"Fine then, but this time you follow my lead cause I've got a plan"

Reached back into the bag that was now strapped to his pants, pulled out another smooth stone aimed then fired at the Demon. Glubow saw it coming even through it's mouth wasn't visible it smiled. [Stupid kids you make this to easy] he jumped the projectile clearly missing him but as he landed and was readied for another speed blitz a unfamiliar sight was in front of him, something thin flying towards it took him a second to register what it was and when he did he moved as quickly as he could to one side but he wasn't fast enough.

[The axe, that girls battle axe] is what he saw it was confirmed to him when it cut through his right hand then landing behind him, he sat looking at his hand shocked but that was another unknown mistake he made. Whipping him out of his trance was another attack not a slicing or cutting attack no but like a heavy impact.   Soren had actually shot it this time in the head with one of his smooth stones, these stones must have been the ones from the bible because it burned the skin and fur it hit.

Glubow panicked jumping further away from them, again he landed and again Soren hit him with a smooth stone. The back to back attack and the growing fear he felt was making him hesitate and that was another mistake he unknowingly made, before he could react Momo got up and personnel upper cutting Glubow. With all her strength Momo involuntarily knocked him back into the air, as he was flying in the air Glubow was totally confused, he didn't understand he was winning only a moment ago now he was on the losing end.

[But why?] he didn't understand the mistakes he made and the mistake Soren had noticed, that something he was use to and never noticed his fur. Glubow's fur had been with him since his birth so he never noticed that when ever he moved it moved and the hair around his eyes would shift positions obstructing his view for a moment but that moment is all Soren needed to shoot another stone. This time the stone hit him in his left foot, the pain made his knees give out and when his eyes were clear they couldn't help but focus in on Momo. She was in the air now together again with the axe and after witnessing this he knew, Glubow knew that he would die.

[why?] he thought [why now? I risked my life to come here, I was suppose to make this world my own, to become greater, stronger to become a dev-] sadly his thoughts were cut off being drowned out by Momo splitting him in two, another dream was crushed and killed in that moment but only through the death of there dreams could insure the safety of the Human World. When it was clear that the battle was won Momo Lancaster couldn't help but pass out dropping directly into the remains of the dead Demon's body.


Soren shouted running to her his worries were calmed when he saw her snoring in the demon's blood and guts as he was getting her out, Rochelle as you could guess smiled.

"Not bad, not bad at all, he is a head strong fighter like Momo, his less physically strong as her but his very observant nature is a valuable tool, it's probably because of his families line of work. He noticed a flaw in the Demon one it didn't know itself, that knowledge gave them the victory and luckily for her it did"

She paused looking at Soren dragging the unconscious blood drenched girl.

"If he wasn't here then Momo would have lost to that low D rank Demon"

She sighed.

"Seems are Half-Demon hasn't realised her own flaws, well not yet anyway"