Ghost R Like Roaches Part 6

The rhythmic banging was getting closer and closer slowly, gradually approaching the two knew it was do or die time and they refused to buckle from the pressure.

"All right, I'll take the lead you back me up"

Momo said as she removed her school blazer, she then took off her white button down shirt exposing a plain white T-shirt underneath.

"Finally I feel like I can move more freely now"

She said as she stretched with freedom and relief, when she felt ready she grabbed the thermos and made her way too the stores entrance. Soren was on her coat tails gripping onto his broom weapon.

"I've got your back"

He said in response she nodded and as she exited the store, while Soren hid behind some big fluffy dresses waiting for the best moment to strike. After exiting Momo strolled to then leaned on a bench waiting for the cause of the banging to show up, waiting for it to come from around the corner. She knew it was him and of course she was right, only a few seconds after she leaned on the bench Karl Marx appeared. Even though she was making no noise he knew she would be around the corner because when they were in full view of each other they were already making eye contact. They just remained still for quite a long while, Momo saw that he had ditched the broken chair leg and upgraded to a metal pipe and he saw her... all alone without the boy, after they were done accessing each other Momo smiled.

"Hey there chuckle nuts, you sure did take your sweet time!"

He copied her actions like a shadow cocky smile and all.

"Yea I'm sorry about that princess! had to get me a new weapon plus had to give this body sometime to rest"

He patted his chest and took a step near Momo.

"You look well rested, where's the water boy?"

Momo stopped leaning and took her own step towards Karl.

"I don't know? maybe his taking a nap, but enough trying to change the subject  so you ready for round two?"

"I just waiting on you kid"

Within a instant they lunged at each other Karl swung the pipe just as fast as before but Momo was quicker, she ducked down low then gave him a crazy uppercut it connected hard and forced his head up, his recovery was as always was unmatched he readied himself trying attempt another hit but with his back now facing the Cinderella dress store he was in the perfect position for a sneak attack. Soren came out of his hiding place and landed a surprise SMACK with his broom against Karl's neck.

The unexpected attack made Karl wince but his mouth wasn't opened yet, Soren smacked him again this time even harder in the face as he did that Momo landed a solid jab to his gut. The two rookie students were persistent not giving the possessed man a inch they wouldn't, they couldn't when it seemed he was about to snap back Momo charged him with all of her strength. The way she posed the way she hit him one could have confused her for a linebacker, she carried him till he was smacked up against the stores display window so hard in fact that it cracked from the impact.

Momo was still giving a 110% she started pummeling him with her free hand while he was trapped in between her and a window, her jabs were quick and swift never stopping never Relenting, she kept going till she saw what she was looking for. She was looking for a opening not his defence but his lips, she was looking for him to open his mouth for even a second no matter how wide he did it she just needed him to. She decided too landed two consecutive punches to his liver and finally it happened the pain must have gotten to him[ghost or not if your in that body you will feel pain] she thought. As his lips began to part ever so slightly and when they did she shoved her fingers right down his throat. His eyes bugged out completely caught off guard, Momo used her strength to force his jaw down, to force him to be opened mouthed.

"It's.... time.. for you to take... your medicine!"

She said as she readied the thermos in her other hand, Soren was captivated by what was the complete force of nature that was Momo Lancaster he saw her start to unscrew the thermos top but what he also saw was what Karl was doing. Momo was so caught up in her own actions that she couldn't see what was about to happen, Soren tried to scream her name but it was drowned out by a loud BANG! The sound echoed throughout the mall, without any hesitation it was followed up with two more BANG BANG. A gun Soren tried to warn her he had a gun, Karl pulled it from his back and shot her three times in the side. Momo's body was frozen from the shock but she saw as Karl removed her hand from his mouth with saliva still dripping, he said in almost a whisper voice.

"Surprised, I told you I got a new weapon, I took a gun from one of those knocked out cops"

His smile grew as he gently grabbed her by the shirt, then violently put her face through the cracked display window. Blood dripped from her cut skin her grip was lost on the thermos, as it hit the ground Karl kicked it away.


Soren screamed but his desperate screams fell on deaf ears, Karl began to aim the gun at the back at Momo's head.

"No stop it!"

Soren wailed he ran as fast as his legs would allow him, but this is what Karl no the ghost wanted because this was a suppose to be a quickly improvised trap he aimed to kill the boy the moment he was in range but one needs to put emphasis on suppose. Soren jumped ready to strike, Karl started to turn ready to shoot him dead but he missed calculated he didn't expect for the pink haired delinquent to still have some fight left in her. Another loud BANG echoed but the bullet hit no one because while the trigger was pulled, Momo kicked the gun right out of Karl's hand she managed to save Soren at the last possible second but she collapsed do to the pain.

But that was fine because without any hazards, without any danger Soren landed his strike right across Karl's face. His strike this time was different it wasn't like his previous hits before because this time he was in a similar mind set just like he was when he was hit by that car back in Japan. In the milliseconds before he hit Karl Soren Nakamura entered the zone, a flight or fight response and this time he chose to fight. Like before he imbued this item with energy, the hit rattled Karl or more like it rattled the ghost that was inside him.

He felt the ripples of energy even though he was safely inside a body made up of the same energy. Soren blindly unleashed a barrage of swings and strikes but the ghost was to frazzled to react[they tricked me!] he thought[I thought they were scrubs but I was tricked!] Soren swiped his legs with the broom knocking him to the ground then continued releasing strike after strike[I thought they were amateurs but I was wrong, his imbued that broom with Positive Energy! and it's so strong that I can feel it even it even will possessing this body!] Soren kept going never resting for a moment he never gave a inch[No! no!] he thought as he took every hit Soren gave[Not now! not yet! I refuse! stop! stop!]

"Stop being so cocky!!"

He said out loud violently, he forced himself to grab the broom and in a swift motion he pulled a knife from his back, the same knife that Rochelle gave them, the same one Momo had dropped he pulled this knife from his back then preceded to stab Soren in his side.


Momo tried to say as she lied on the floor, Soren was stabbed 5 times in side before the knifes handle broke from Karl's enraged strength, when it did he chose to back hand him away and with fury in his eyes he got back to his feet.

"I refuse, I refuse!"

He said in anger with not a trace of a smile on his face.

"I refuse to continue being like you humans, weak poultry cattle you humans make me sick! your weakness all of you humans make me sick and I refuse to be it!"

He was nearly foaming at the mouth he looked deranged in this moment he truly looked like a man possessed.

"I'll use you humans to become stronger I'll become a devil the greatest of all devils so I refuse to let my dreams be crushed by some bra-"

A punched cut Karl of in his tracks it was Momo's fist that hit him she was back on her feet bursting with adrenaline and her eyes mirrored Karl's burning with rage. Momo hit him with more strength then she ever possessed before, she punched him so hard that he landed in a store that was across the hall from Cinderella's. Broken teeth dropped out of his mouth and they were accompanied by blood, the body of Karl Marx was shook by the overwhelming power that was displayed to him.

"To hell with it!"

Momo said as she entered the store.

"To hell with Rochelle the school, to hell with are agreement, to hell with this mission and to hell with you! I don't give a damn if you are possessed your gonna die!"