Ghost R Like Roaches Part 7

Though they were different in a moment of great desperation they were quite simular, Momo and Soren had both entered into a zone a state of mind unbothered and untethered from reality only focused on a singular goal in mind but that's were the similarities ended. During his wild barrage of strikes Soren unknowingly imbued the broom with Positive Energy he did the same thing to the companion doll back in Japan, it was the potential that Rochelle was talking about but Momo... oh what Momo did was a completely different story. There was nothing positive about the strike she gave to Karl Marx far from it, in actuality it was the complete opposite the alternate side of the coin. While in the zone Momo imbued her strike her fist with Negative Energy, the ghost inside Karl could feel the difference and being that he was possessing a human body the ghost feared for his very own life.

"What... the... hell.. are you?"

He said in between coughs, but Momo gave him no answer she refused to even respond or more like she refused to respond with words but she gladly did it with action. Without hesitation Momo pounced at Karl with murderous intent in her eyes and with fear in his own, Karl flailed in terror just like a cornered rat. Momo threw even more fearsome punches each more savage then the last but no matter how savage they were none of them connected with Karl's body but they did become real familiar with the contents of the store. Shelves, the floor, the ceiling merchandise anything that could be destroyed was destroyed in Momo's hot pursuit. He continued his frazzled escape with death, he flopped back in fourth like a dying goldfish as he tried to extend his life, while narrowly escaping his definite end the ghost mind couldn't help but trail off

[I'm dead if she lands a single blow on me, on this body then I'm dead, I can't let her I can't let-] His thoughts were immediately dropped and became jumbled as Momo nearly landed a devastating right hook, he almost didn't dodge it and by the way Momo's fist caved in the part of the floor she hit it was clear as day what would have happened to him if it would have landed. Still she was ruthless unrelenting she turned that missed right hook into a back hand, she wasn't in the state of mind for thinking so she didn't measure the distance of that swing but still she but weather she did or didn't Momo managed to graze him, and that graze was strong enough to shoot him out of the store.

He vomited Karl vomited even though the ghost didn't want to the body did it regardless slowly he was losing his grip on it the control he had had on the body was slipping through his fingers.[And it's all because of that girl ! that freak] He thought as he peered back at Momo, the image of her coming out of the war torn store was eerily similar too a lion coming out of the tall grass, both of there eyes dead set on there pray and like any good gazelle worth it's salt he ran as hard as he could away from the predator that wanted to devour him whole. Running was the intention but it fell flat in execution, Karl's body may have been enhanced because of it's unwanted guest but his body was still the body of a human and this body was at it's limit everything this body did have was gone now. Karl's body was dried of every little morsel of energy the well was now dry the tank was empty but still he persevered dragging himself along the floor like a slug or  a wounded animal he dragged himself but so far then turned and begged for mercy. Momo was towering over him the way she carried herself the look in her eyes she seemed to have reached the god statues that the ghost was aiming for.

"Please have mercy, I Concede defeat you are my better!"

While begging he continued scooching himself backwards trying extend the distance between them and to close the distance with what he saw and wanted to attain, but Momo didn't notice to be honest she didn't notice a lot of things the pain her exhaustion, hell she didn't even notice the black aura coming from her none of it she paid the slightest bit of attention to, if she did then she would have already be down for the count.[Kill him! kill him!] that is all that her thoughts were filled with, so without a second thought she rushed in to deal the finishing blow but sadly she fell into his quickly improvised trap. As she torpedoed towards him Karl revealed what was behind his back, it was a thermos a very familiar thermos because it was there's the one that Karl kicked away earlier and the one he was unscrewing the cap to and splashing the contents onto Momo.

The moment it touched her skin it burned like popping hot grease, the instant she felt it she screamed howling like a animal caught in a bear trap she couldn't help but stop writhing in pain. The holy water had brought her back to earth the aura was gone she was no longer in the zone. The pain from the water and her injuries were so great that it brought her to her knees. Karl sat there frozen in awe then a sneaky smirk emerged on his face it grew to a smile and that smile evolved into a laugh and eventually cackle.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! I get it! I get it!!! that water must have been made to harm demons!"

He paused to have another laughing fit.

"And you must be a type of demon yourself it seems!"

While Momo was down he took the opportunity to get his feet and run away, he still couldn't run actually but shimmying away was better then staying and dying, his hyena laugh continued.

"Will call it a draw brats! but next time it'll be a different story!"

He felt he was almost home free but he too was brought back down to earth, a loud *BANG* was heard that was soon followed up by a white beam whizzing threw the air and striking Karl in the temple. His body imminently went numb and he crashed back down too the ground. The *BANG*  wasn't similar to the last *BANG* and the bullet or more like laser beam wasn't from any normal gun and it wasn't it came from a silver desert eagle pistol held by D.M.T.A's number one scouter Rochelle Wigglesbe. She came from around the corner just like Karl did, when she was in full view she had a jet black Birkin bag in one hand and the gun that fired the shot in the other.

The desert eagle seemed to be made of a expensive silver on the body of the gun was a engraved name and that name was Lucy, Rochelle brought the barrel of the gun to her lips and blew away the smoke coming out of it. She did it as if the smoke was a birthday candle she then opened her purse and placed the gun inside then gazed a the sight before her. She could only exhale while cocking her head to one side.

"I was wondering what was taking so long"

She said out loud to no one in particular.

"I've heard screams, gun shots all that and more from outside, guess you three like to party hard"

She finally moved after absorbing the visuals she made her to Soren who was unconscious on the floor his stab wounds clear as could be.

"Oh sweet heart"

She said kneeling down to him.

"Look how badly beaten you are"

Her face wasn't the face that the two had seen her give off before no her face currently was sour, it was a look filled with concern and worry.

"I'm so sorry"

She said softly.

"In my heart I knew a field trip was to soon for you two but were spread so thin for students, Moose Faye and Claira are all abroad and were sending Tyshawn and Kareem on none stop wild goose chases but still that's no excuse"

She held a finger over his nose and confirmed that he was still breathing, she exhaled again then gently rubbed his face.

"You fought hard kid"

She said in a motherly tone, she was about to stand up before something caught her eye. Soren looked lopsided there was something under him, she proceeded to lift him up carefully and pull out a plastic water bottle. Rochelle stared at the bottle for quite a while something about it peak her interest, it took her a moment then she understood.

"You sly dogs, you split it into two separate bottles"

She stroked his face once more then got to her feet then made her way towards Karl Marx, as Rochelle made her way to the paralyzed man she didn't forget about the pink haired delinquent.


She said loudly looking in her direction.

"Are you ok?"


She responded through pressed lips, paying close attention Rochelle understood even more, she could see see what seemed to be the residue of the other half of the holy water on her body.[Hybrids are humans but they are still demons so they can't help but share the same weaknesses to there demonic ken] Rochelle thought as she turned her head back too Karl.

"It'll be alright"

She responded.

"You and Soren did good, just give me a minute and I'll get you patched up"

Though she wasn't looking at her Rochelle spoke to Momo with the same genuine sweetness that she spoke to Soren. Momo was in excruciating pain but she still watched as Rochelle towered over the fully downed Karl Marx. She looked even more menacing then Momo did only moments ago.

"So your the possessed huh?"

She asked already knowing the answer to her question so also knew that even if he wanted to answer her he couldn't the shot she fired didn't kill him but moving was not an option, Karl's body was paralyzed and no matter how hard the ghost tried he couldn't make the body move.

"You look like shit"

She said as she knelt down to him, he could see clear as day that she held a water bottle and by they way she held it so proudly he knew what it was, with the mix of that and the look in her eyes the ghost was terrified.

"You've had your fun, ran a muck and partied like there was no tomorrow"

She stopped surprisinglyand laughed.

"Well I guess for you there is no tomorrow, now Mr. ghost I think it's time for you to take your medicine"