In my past life I was just an ordinary office worker before my sister died , another cog in the machine , the only hope in my life was coming home to my little sister and spending time with her. After watching my hero academia i realised some similarities, heroes are just another cog in the machine controlled by the higher ups in the government. All might was the number one hero with considerable strength but decided to do nothing with his power. As all might got stronger and stronger and became a symbol to the people more and more quirkless people were committing suicide, which is ironic as all might was once quirkless himself .as well as this More children was being trained by the hero commission and being raised as mindless soldiers. more children were put in awful orphanages or foster homes Due to the nature of their quirks or death of their family at the hands of corrupt hero's(*cough* endeavor).and yet through all of this all might didn't try to change any of that, it was like he was just blind to the whole thing. I've decided that when I become strong I'm going to do what all might failed to do and change all of this , I'm going to change the corrupt system. To do this I needed to get a head start as soon as possible , I needed to do what every anime Shonen anime protagonist does...Train.
Throughout my year of training to kill Ouroboros I trained my body to be fast and agile , perfect for executing enemies silently and quickly. I noted down the workout methods to have a slim and agile body but with compact muscles. When I'm older and my body is more developed I plan to do this workout routine. With my small height , coupled with slim muscles and the nature of my quirk , I'm mainly going to be relying on speed.
I knew that overworking your body as a kid could lead to permanent injuries and could very well be detrimental to my career as a hero, so instead of anything rigorous i decided to ask my parents to sign me up for swimming and martial arts classes as soon as I got home from the quirk mother was reluctant at first but my dad explained that these classes will help him build up his stamina and that the classes were not too dangerous. She eventually gave in as she knew her husband knew best when it came to training and agreed.
The next day I arrived at school and prepared myself for the annoying kids to gloat about my quirk. If I was truly a kid and not an adult in mind and had a slightly more violent nature i would end up just like Katsumi. All the praise i would get from the people would feed my ego to insane amounts, another problem with this society(turning into the joker here). I planned to change that and try and teach Katsumi that although Izumi may not have a quirk her intelligence and quirk analysis are exceptional and shouldn't be treated as a useless "deku" but i have a feeling it wont work at all. The teachers were informed about my quirk so they decided to announce it to the class.
"Hello children today we have a special surprise. Tatsuo awakened his quirk yesterday!"
Quiet murmurs and chattering spread throughout the classroom as Izumi and Katsumi both looked at me anticipating what my quirk is. This was because the Tatsuo before would often discuss with Katsumi and Izumi about becoming heroes together, so this was a big moment for them as well.
"My called Boost. I can produce energy and spread it around my whole body...the stronger my body is the more energy I can create and use" I finish saying as the class erupts into cheers
"So COOL!"
"Are you gonna be a hero?"
"Your hero's name should be ENERGY MAN!"
"Ok quiet down class. Tatsuo awakened his quirk in a controlled environment at home. You're all coming to the age where your quirk awakens so after you turn 4 please be careful around the classroom until you awaken your quirk and try not to panic when it does."
A chorus of "HAI SENSEI '' shot out throughout the class.
I was sitting with Katsumi and Izumi talking about my quirk.
"So what does the energy exactly do? Do you get stronger? Do you get faster? Can you project the energy? can you see the energy? What if you used the energy to- muttermuttermutter".
"HEH it's a strong quirk , perfect for becoming the number 2 hero!"
"Number 2?" I tilted my head and looked at her with confusion.
"Yes, BECAUSE I WILL BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO LIKE ALL MIGHT!" Katsumi shouts for the whole playground to see.
Knowing my quirk is roughly equal if not stronger than OFA I facepalm.
'She's in for a surprise for the future'.
"I can't wait for our quirks, Kaachan, I want to become a hero like all might!"
"You will probably get a good quirk like telekinesis but mine will be better!"
I feel quite sad at Izumi's statement knowing she won't be getting a quirk at all, unless God changed something again.
"Even if both of you don't get quirks you can still be heroes. Katsumi has amazing fighting instincts and Izumi analysis skills are really good" I say quietly so one can hear me.
"HAH? What do you mean? Of course we're gonna get quirks. A quirkless hero would die from a fly" Katsumi shouted clearly not understanding why I was quiet.
"There is a small chance that you might not get a prepared for it." I say, mainly focusing on Izumi hoping she remembers.
==time skip 1 month==
Time goes by and I keep taking my swimming and martial arts lessons. After learning karate I wanna move onto something like boxing then onto something involving my legs. In my past life i never trained martial arts ,I just trained in assassination techniques with the sword and improving the aim with my pistol on stationary and moving targets. If i ever have to resort to lethal combat there shouldn't be a problem.
In the middle of class Katsumi is playing with us and her hand suddenly explodes .I see the massive smile on her face.
'So this is where it starts…the ego' I think to myself feeling sorry for her parents , mainly Masaru.
She is immediately showered in praise from classmates and teachers alike at what an amazing quirk it is. Izumi is practically beaming for her friend.
"SO COOL KAACHAN. I CAN'T WAIT FOR MY QUIRK" Izumi practically shouted.
'With this… I can become number one!' Katsumi thought.