==time skip 8 months==
8 months go by quite fast. All that swimming and martial arts has increased my stamina and kept my body in exceptional shape for my age. My Dad has finally seen my desire to become a hero and now fully supports me. In my free time I have him teach me about the important muscles in the body , what they do and how to train them properly. I also spar with him which is very useful training with him. His training as a hero had him learn multiple fighting styles and I have learnt how to get familiar with them and how to combat them. Many villains usually have no proper martial art experience as they either rely on there quirk to much or are just inexperienced. However strong villains are disciplined and actually know how to fight , even without their quirk.
The day Izumi's world goes to shit finally arrives as I hear my mom talking on the phone to Inko about how she was going to the quirk doctors to see if she has a quirk. Over the past 10 months I have been hanging out with Izumi , not much with Iatsumi. Ever since she got her quirk, I immediately changed from a friend to an annoying rival who was supposed to be a pebble in her path to become number 1.she was completely obsessed with becoming number one and to be her friend you had to be under her. I have given up on trying to change how she thinks and I consider her a lost cause. Instead of me and Izumi hanging around her she now has a boy with wings and a boy with long fingers following her around like slaves thinking she owns the place.
Although I'm sure the infamous wooden bridge scene happened where I wasn't present because I was training. This is all but confirmed as one day everything changed and katsumi's aggression skyrocketed every time she saw Izumi, or as Katsumi now calls her "Deku". Thanks to me being her friend unlike Katsumi things changed from canon, although she looks up to Katsumi and thinks she's awesome with her quirk , she doesn't follow her around anymore after the bridge incident due to me being her friend.
Weekend passes by and school starts. News of Izumi's Quirklessness already starts spreading like wildfire and people begin avoiding her like she had the plague or a terminal disease.
'The propaganda spread about quirkless people and people with villainous quirk is appalling. They are constantly belittled and bullied for something they are born with then slowly driven to villainy or suicide. On the surface this world is amazing with dreams of becoming a hero and cool superpowers but the more you look into it the more you realise how brutal and unforgiving this world is'.
the teacher proceeds to make an announcement about Izumi being quirkless and looks at her with disgust as if she was shit on the sidewalk.
'Could you be anymore obvious? I'm betting if she is a member of the anti-quirk group or the MLA. Although I'm over the idea of revenge I'm still fine with killing certain people. Some people are irredeemable and scum who don't deserve to live.They say killing someone doesn't reduce the number of killers in the world , so I'll just have to kill more than 1 person if push comes to shove. 'I mentally sigh.
(A/N i honestly hate that argument that batman always gives , its so fucking stupid. Sorry this was basically a rant. This paragraph also felt forced and out of place. But the Reason mc doesn't mind killing is because although he still is sad over the fact he failed his sister he chose this world to become a hero and make the world a better place. If killing people makes the world a better place then he will do it. He has sorta become familiar with killing and thinks if someone has to be killed he should bear the burden as he has already taken lives.)
After the teachers announcement Izumi starts to tear up and everyone either looks at her with pity , fear or disgust. Katsumi looks absolutely furious then starts to gain a massive grin on her face as she looks at Izumi.
'Oh lord, how on earth she became a hero and not a villain baffles me to this day'. She wants to be a hero but doesn't have one good bone in her body aside from wanting to be like all might.
Lunch comes around and Izumi is sitting alone away from everyone while everyone else is having fun playing around and using their quirks. I walk up Izumi ignoring the constant chatter of people looking in her direction
"Don't go near her you will lose your quirk" Mutters an extra.
"She is pathetic" Says another useless side character.
"I feel so sorry for her" ironically Says the one with stretchy eyes.
(A/N I honestly don't get why people even with useless quirks are valued so much better than quirkless people. Like would u rather hire some guy with 100iq and long fingers or someone with 140iq and no quirk).
I stop by right next to her and she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. 'poor girl' I thought to myself before starting the conversation.
"Hey" 'that's the best you could come up with?' I internally cringe at myself
"Tatsuo? Have you come here to make fun of me cause I have no quirk? Come to tell me I can't be a hero just like my mother even though it's my dream?" Izumi whimpers as she practically caves in on herself.
"Do you remember what I said when my quirk manifested?"
"Huh?" She looks at me in shock and listens attentively
"I said even if you have no quirk you can still become a hero. I mean your quirk analysis skills and intelligence are basically a quirk in itself. As long as you work hard and put effort into it , I wont mock or make fun of you cause I truly believe you can be a hero."
Izumi runs up and hugs Tatsuo and starts sobbing "Thank you so much. No one believed in me , not even my mother. Thanks for being my only friend"
"Hey , that's what friends are for aren't they? Izumi promise me this , even if no one believes you. You shouldn't need other people's approval to follow your dreams" I say while giving her head pats
"Mhm" She nodded
"Well before you can become a hero we need to get your body in shape , why don't you sign up for swimming and martial arts lessons with me?" I Shout while raising my fists
"Really?" She looks at my with stars in her eyes
"Yeah! That's the first step to becoming a hero!"
(A/N Tatsuo being her friend and him saying this and sticking through with her despite her being quirkless is why Izumi is much more confident in this fic)