1 year has passed since being reincarnated and I'm now 5 years old.even after 1 year here it still feels surreal that i'm in a world from an anime. Maybe horikoshi and other manga artists are some sort of supreme beings? swimming and martial arts have done wonders for my body and although i'm a kid it's easy to tell i have a well toned body achieved through training. I am a fairly attractive young man and if not for the fact that I hung out with "deku" I would be very popular. Izumi has been attending martial arts and swimming classes with me throughout the year and anyone can see she still wants to become a hero. Everyone laughs at her but I tell her to pay it no heed as these people get nowhere in life. Over the past year katsumi has been trying to be violent and bully Izumi however I was always there to stop it. As a result me and katsumi got into lots of fights which I always quite easily won just by dodging her small fireworks display and punching her.This made her hate me even more and izumi even larger because she couldn't put her in her place as useless.At Least she acknowledged me as a rival and started calling me "Midget" instead of a shitty extra.fighting against her gave me lots of detentions and her no punishment because i'm always sticking up for the "quirkless loser", this school should honestly be burned. Being notified about the detentions My parents were annoyed at first but I explained the situation and they were appalled at the school. They asked me if I wanted to transfer but I explained that I wouldn't be able to protect izumi if I did so.This gained me a lot of respect from my parents. They saw me as mature and told me that wanting to help and save people was the first part to being a hero. During the end of the year I took up boxing , being taught by my father and I also took up running to improve my fitness. I trained my body even more by having my quirk on at all times. At first it was hard because the energy was difficult to control but it paid off as I was able to achieve Boost 2x at the end of the year.
Today was a special day however. Apparently my dad was invited to a party for high class individuals and heroes.i learnt that my dad was a former top 20 hero before he retired and was quite good friends with many heroes so he got the party invite.I was forced to come along with them to learn how the "real world works" and "make connections" , whatever that means.
I arrived at a massive building with my parents and was led inside by some security personnel. We arrived at a massive banquet hall room filled with the most influential people in japan.I noticed some familiar faces from the anime such as endeavor, yoroi musha , gang orca. I also notice sir nighteye next to all might who is dressed in a golden suit.He seems to notice us and immediately walks over
"Ah , Iwamoto it's good to see you after all this time" all might begins while shaking my fathers hand.
"Hahaha I'm sorry All might, I've been too busy training this little brat to become a hero , he wants to be just like you" he states as he ruffled my bright blue hair.
"Your son, yes? what's your name young boy?"
"Nice to Meet you all might sir , my name is iwamoto tatsuo and my dream is to become a hero just like you" i state as i bow my head. Looking into his eyes I can literally feel the power radiating off of him.all might in his prime was seriously no joke.(A/N i mean he literally said he could beat nomu in 5 punches in his prime. How fucking strong were AFO and all might??????)
"You have quite the manners young man , your father must've taught you well"
"Yes sir he taught me all I know , he is quite the amazing father. I'm proud to have him as a father" I say lying through my teeth(just the being taught manner part).
Tatsuo's parents sweatdrop in the background as they never recall teaching their son this stuff but don't refute tatsuo's statement
"Well anyway tatsuo , me and all might have some catching up to do. Why don't you go and play with the other kids over there." quickly shakes of his shock and tries to get rid of tatsuo before his secret is exposed
I nodded and went off to the play area. I noticed some familiar faces from canon in there like shoto and tenya.Tenya was just chopping his arms like a disabled person trying to qualify for the paralympics. It seems shoto is actually a girl, her name is probably called shoko , i'm not really surprised. Izumi , katsumi and shoko usually come in a package.Aside from now being a girl it seems she was trying to win the award for the most antisocial person at the event , which she is winning by a landslide.
'Let's make this trip worthwhile' I state as the smile on my face gets bigger thinking of an idea
During my past life in the 3 years of training I picked up some skills to help adapt to my life in the forest. One of these skills was what I called detection. By concentrating on a person or animal I'm able to get a good feel for how strong they are. I was forced to adapt to my surroundings and environment in the forest and developed this skill.This skill allowed me to decide whether to fight an animal or run away. It also allowed me to find weak links in wolf packs.(A/N this isn't really far fetched considering stain has that aura thing)
'This ability is perfect for this world. I can analyse heroes and see how I compare to them and I can also see how strong I am compared to a villain and decide whether to fight them or not.This is perfect. Lets see how strong the best of the best far. How far is the gap between us?ow strong do I have to be to become the number one hero?'.