party pt.2

===nighteye pov===

I watch as all might goes and introduces himself to Glucose's family.

'Is that his kid?hmm it seems he is more mature than the other kids here, and polite as well.He must have a strong quirk knowing his parents but he doesn't look arrogant at all?is it an act? Consider me intrigued'

'He's going to the kids area , lets see how he interacts with others his age , it will show his true colors. Wait why is he stopping?'

I stare at him intently as he begins to glare at the heroes.

'This kid… he is sizing up how strong the heroes are'

After looking at a hero named captain underwear for a short amount of time he moves onto the next hero looking almost disappointed , then moves his gaze onto me. I see a cold and calculating look as if he was looking directly into my soul. 'That's something even the most hardened villains can't do' nighteye shuddered being reminded of all for one and his terrifying presence. (A/N he doesn't have the same intimidation afo has , nighteye is just reminded of it).

'A kid can do that?This is bad , I need to see his future in case he becomes a big threat as a villain' I think as I walk up to him.

"Tatsuo right? Glucose's son?" he nods.

"Shouldn't you be over there with kids making some connections? U want to be a hero right?"he nods again.

"Well some kids from the CEOS of some influential support companies are there. Make some connections now and you will basically have free hero gear in the future. You should speak to them" he shakes his head

"No. I shouldn't have to pretend to be someone I'm not. All those kids over there are arrogant and stuck up kids who have lived a life in shelter , I can see it in them. I shouldn't have to stoop to their level and be all friendly because it is expected. It doesn't matter anyway , if you're at the top then connections are automatically made so ill get to the top first then worry about that later.'

'This kid keep surprising me more and more' mirai thought as he recalls all might declaring he will be the number one hero like a distant memory

"At the top huh? You must have a pretty strong quirk if you're aiming for the top , what is it?"

"My quirk is called boost.i can send energy throughout my whole body. The stronger my body is the more energy i can send"

'That sounds exactly like OFA,What Is this kid? , that does it! I need to know his future'

I kneel down and ruffle his blue hair "that sounds like a really good quirk, maybe when you're older maybe i'll send in a request for you to intern at all mights agency ok?" he nods his head again

Before my hand leaves his head I activate my quirk to look into his future. I see something I've never seen before , I see….

==time skip - end of event - still nighteye pov ==

"All might?"

"Yes nighteye"

"Did you notice it too?"

"Ah yes.I was wondering if you'd bring that up , yes around halfway through the event I felt a piercing gaze through me. Add to my surprise is the fact that it was young Tatsuo.his eyes were calculating , something i've only seen in veteren pros and some of the strongest villains''

"Yes , I felt it too. I had the opportunity to speak with him and he was very mature for his age , almost too mature. His mindset is something no ordinary 5 year old could have who has lived a life with 2 loving parents. And to top it off his quirk is almost identical to yours and seemingly has as much potential as yours''

"A quirk to rival one for all? How? I know from my conversation with his parents that it was a quirk mutation and it was strong , but I didn't think it was that strong. Did you check his future? We can't possibly have another power to rival one for all fall into the wrong hands. It would spell the end of this world"

"I checked his future and it was shocking to say the least , it is the first time this has happened. His future was...Blank"

"Keep an eye on the kid for now , if you see anything suspicious let me know immediately.don't associate yourself with the kid anymore until we find and take care of afo , we can't let him know about his power. I'll ask his parents to make him limit power in public and ask the hero commission to change the potential of his quirk and only have top personal access the real details"

"He would be a great successor to your quirk if we find out who's side he is on,it does seem he is genuine with wanting to be a hero , he is aiming for the top.Add a keen intellect and with both a quirk that rivals ofa and an even stronger version of ofa he would be practically...unstoppable. But that's the problem , if something happens to him and he goes rogue , no one will be able to stop him.he would have the power to destroy the world. You're getting old all might , after beating afo u need to find a successor , don't choose that boy though.his fate has not been determined yet"

(A/N God sending him to this world prevents nighteye from seeing his future. None of that bullshit like "he determines his own fate" or something)