Chapter 7

• How nice, that guy is determined for what he wants. And my proposal?

• Yes, Mother Hamide, I will come here to live with you, and from my salary I will keep the money for rent and food ..- I had decided that I would move to live with her.

• I don't want money from you, for me it is enough that you are calm and feel comfortable with each other ..- she told me, giving me 1 envelope in her hands, it was my salary.

• Mother Hamide I have just received my salary, the month is not over yet ..- but she interrupted me saying;

• I will not take them to the grave, a little money for medicines and personal items is enough for me, while others we will invest somewhere together.

I cried for her words, I never wanted to make her lose even her human soul.

• A lot of tears Klara, get up now that she is waiting for you for a long day ..- she continued hugging me and wiping her tears.

I left the house and headed to work, it felt like I was flying and the clock was moving at a faster pace that day.

I closed the shop a little earlier because I wanted to go to Mrs Tefta, I wanted to talk to her and explain some things to her right away.

On the way to her I felt strong, I did not tremble for fear that I would fight there, I was no longer bothered by the work and the kitchen side, I would not have been impressed by the bad behavior of Alba and Andit, now I was another Klara.

I rang the bell and Mrs. Tefta opened the door.

• Klara, I miss my heart so much, you are finally back ..- she said she didn't see me directly and hugged me and hugged me, she didn't do it because she really heard what she was saying, but because the waitress , that is, I, has been rediscovered anew.

I walked in and that negative energy dominated me, that damn hall where I had lived one of the worst moments of my life, brought that horror back to my eyes again.

• Are you OK ?? .- she asked me, apparently my face has changed and froze.

• I no longer want to live here with you, I will leave and visit you from time to time. I know you never loved me, you only put up with me for your needs but I never lost respect for you, however you brought ...- I addressed you directly.

• Klara, you only have us, we are the will of the father ..- you started trying to touch me with words, but it was in vain, now their masks were torn.

I said nothing more and went to my room, took my suitcase out of the wardrobe and put in it the few clothes and things I had, while the most precious and precious thing for me was the frame of my parents and of me when I was small.

After I got all mine, I went back to the salon again.

• Are you sure you are leaving? If you regret this decision, don't come here anymore ..- were his last words.

• DON'T worry, I don't mean ..- I turned and opened the door and left.

I felt completely liberated, I wouldn't have the weight of anyone else on my shoulders but myself.

Geni, as he told me last night, was waiting for me in front of my work.

• You finally arrived, why did you close it so quickly today, and what is that suitcase? ..- He asked me.

• I went to Mrs. Tefta and I collected my things, I will live with Mama Hamide ..

• I don't like seeing you alive ..- and talking to me about the change she saw in me, she took my suitcase and we left for the center.

We went to 1 small cafe and ordered 2 drinks, took them in our hands and sat at 1 table by the window, it was 1 great place, from there you can see almost the whole city.

Part 19

-She always looked at me sweetly and I tried to distract myself.

• Klara, I want to talk a little seriously, and I want you to listen to me carefully ...- she told me, even though I knew what you were talking about, I still wanted to hear it, I was already thinking about the answer I would give.

• Yesterday I said that you are a special person to me .. Believe me until today I have known many girls with different characters and ambitions, but you have something that you rarely have at your age, you have maturity.

I want to have a serious relationship, I'm not telling you that we will get married together, because tomorrow we don't know but I can only promise you one thing, that I will be 100% dedicated to you ..- she continued.

Those words of her touch me, lately I have become so sensitive that 1 beautiful word to hear directly I cried.

I said "yes" because I trusted him, I wanted to give him 1 chance to show me who he was, what he wanted me for.

We talked for a long time about everything, I felt calm and the smile never left my face.

• I want to go to the village where I was born, I want to visit my parents together ..- I told him getting up from the table and pulling his hand.

It had been a long time since I was last there, desire had burned my being.

We got on the bus and left, on the street I dreamed what my life would be like if my parents had been alive, waiting for us in that wooden house in the middle of the mountain, and so in those moments my face changed , my eyes widened immersed in sadness.

I felt his hand as he squeezed my hand and told me;

• I am with you, you are no longer alone.

We arrived at the cemetery and my legs started shaking, the whiteness of the marble lying on the black earth hit me in the heart, just as they stabbed me with a knife, I touched it and it was cold as ice, I kissed the photo next to it her but didn't take one back, didn't hear the word "congratulations our daughter".

I just cried sitting on the ground and put the flowers next to the other garlands, which had been wasted with time just like their bodies under them.

Geni was there, he too was crying, and after leaving me for a few minutes he came to get me;

• Come now, enough, do not torture yourself ..- he said hugging me and wiping my tears.

• Excuse me, I didn't even want to upset you, but ..

• You didn't bother me Klara, but my life because I also have no parents, I died many years ago in 1 accident with my twin brother, I was the only survivor, but I would have liked to run away with them, even at night sometimes when I feel tired and alone, I pray to God that he will take me ..- he continued, and began to cry even more.

• I ... didn't know, I'm really sorry because I didn't know. But please don't talk like that because now we are together, you are a reason for me and I for you ..- I said trying to somehow encourage him even though I was in the same position.

The days went by and I was more complete, I worked in the shop we already shared with Mom Hamide, after work I met Gene, sometimes we took my mother with us and went for walks in the evening to the beautiful city full of light.

I no longer had contact with Mrs. Tefta and her children, I tried several times but no one opened the door until Geni found out they had moved elsewhere.

September came and I went to college, I definitely wanted to become someone in life, I made friends and everything went well for me.

I was determined for what I really wanted, I had high goals, I was just like my father who always tried with flesh and soul to make his dreams come true even though fate shot him down many times, he was my idol, I wanted to follow its way.

But life would still have his surprises,

1 cold winter night, mother Hamide became seriously ill....

- Part 20

Maybe 1 day ...

-And unfortunately she left us for the next world.

I experienced the loss of her like that of my parents, for me it was very special.

From it I learned to stand alone.

It was she who awakened the desire to live and dream again, when I then wished for death every day.

Before she died, she bequeathed to me everything she had, starting with the house, the shop and the monetary property, and she also considered me her daughter.

But now I'm....
