Chapter 1

He had been working for the fearsome Thamur Garson for a week. Despite what I read about him in the tabloids and magazines, he is a very mysterious man. Since I started working here, I've never seen him. despite being his particle secretary. The only way I communicate with him is through Emails, not even by phone. Not that I'm finding it bad, but since I started working I hear rumors about him. And none was pleasant, I think that communicating with my boss by Email is not so bad.

I finish typing the last appointment for tomorrow and send your calendar by email. It is five minutes before my work is over, I start to set up my desk and file some important matters on the computer. I pick up some papers that I must copy for tomorrow and go to the copier room one floor below mine, walk towards the elevators and notice that they have already been turned off. I sigh and head towards the stairs, in this short period of work I dedicate myself a lot, despite having other priorities. almost always in this short period of work I am the last to leave and the first to arrive. I have responsibilities and someone to support. I walk down the deserted corridor and enter the copy room, place the first contract and make five copies of it. I look at my wrist covered with a worn watch, and mentally curse myself but once I know I'll be home late, I take out my not-so-current cell phone and dial Molly's number, on the fourth ring she answers.

—Bellinda— Speak my name, I hear her voice sounds affectionate— It was bad, I was in the shower I didn't hear the cell phone ring.

—Okay, I just called to tell you that I'm going to be a little late today— I speak massaging my neck, my voice comes out tired and muffled.

—Just like every day you started working? — His voice sounds irritated, I sigh and take the sheet from the copier and replace it with another.

—Molly, we already talked about this— I say in a warning tone, I hear her sigh.

—Want me to do something for you?

—No need, are you going to sleep at Phil's house? — I ask already knowing your answer.

—Yes, he invited me— his voice sounds excited, I change the sheet of the copier and along with the other one on top of the machine.

—You know very well that I don't like sleeping at his house.

—What's Bel, we're just going to sleep. and in addition his parents are going to be there. a little confidence doesn't kill anyone did you know?

I know I can't keep Molly forever under my wings, one day she'll grow up and live her life. despite being sixteen, she is a very mature girl and has always made good decisions. She has slept a few times at Phil's house and has always assured me that nothing ever happened, not to mention that she never gave me reasons to belittle my confidence. Although Phil never seems so reliable, I trust Molly.

—Okay, but you remember the rules right?

—Sex only from eighteen, and always use a condom— Speak in a tedious tone.

—That's my girl, have fun.

—You too.

I press my lips together in a smile before the call goes silent. I keep my phone in my pocket. I take the last sheet and together with the others leave the room, I go back to the stairs again and start to climb. Just remembering that I have to go down all this to get out of the building, I feel my legs weaken. When I get to my desk, I keep the papers in a transparent folder and leave them in the drawer. I pick up my bag and head towards the stairs, but a sharp noise catches my eye. I look towards the elevators and see someone entering it, I thank you mentally for that little lucky card. I walk in quick steps towards it, the doors are closing when I give a short shout.


I see a big hand holding one side of the door, and I rocket into the room. I slam my hand down the metal wall, grabbing myself. My breathing is accelerated by the little run. It reminds me that I have to start exercising a little.

—Are you okay?

An imposing and dominating voice sounds in the place, I feel that my hearing has sharpened, after I feel as if he is speaking near my neck. A restlessness settled in me, his voice sounded so deep that I feel chills through my body. I question myself for feeling such sensations, just for hearing any voice, but a voice that moves me without even knowing who it belongs to. I feel something hot on my back, and I'm pretty sure he looks at me. But when I turn my body and look at him, I'm sure of it. His blue eyes pierce me, I feel embarrassed by his attentive and observant gaze on me. I feel like I don't have any clothes on. His lips form a straight line, leaving him with a serious and sexy countenance at the same time. His left hand rests in the pocket of his social pants, a navy blue almost black. I notice that his muscles stand out on the tight pallet, as well as his thick legs. I'm sure he is a good gym connoisseur, unlike me. I never thought he needed it, after all my hips are wide giving me a nice pair of buttocks. My eyes are unable to look away from his. They are a deep blue that I can see myself in his eyes. I feel my mouth dry and as I snap I pull myself together and realize that I spent too much time staring at his face. I scratch my throat, put a mess of hair out of my bun behind my ear.

—Yes, I am, thank you for holding the elevator.

I speak politely and quietly, I wonder if he heard what I said. Without taking his eyes off me he replies.

—You're welcome.

He speaks in a natural way, running his eyes over my body in a not very discreet way. Reluctantly I break our eye contact and take a step by his side, at all times I face the elevator door. But I still feel his eyes on me like a predator. Come on, Bellinda, what would this man with the appearance of a Greek God see in you? He must probably be married or have a girlfriend.

After the longest minutes of my life, the metal box stops and I can finally stay out of sight of this man. I start to walk through the wide entrance hall, hear the elevator doors close and look back to see that last stranger so ... Mysterious and attractive. But he's not there, he probably must have come back to get something he forgot, I don't know. I pass the card through the building's turnstiles and finally go out through the revolving doors, I feel a little relief when I put my feet on the sidewalk. I furtively turn my head but once towards the doors, to confirm that he is not there. I sigh and push this man away from my thoughts. I start walking towards the bus stop. The only thing I want now is to get home and take a good shower, before I throw myself in bed.