WebNovelMr Garson13.33%

Chapter 2

When I get home I turn on the lights and head towards the kitchen, open the fridge, reminding myself that I will have to go to the market soon. I take the almost empty milk carton and drink the rest of the contents straight from the carton, then throw the empty carton in the trash. I go up the stairs eating an apple that I picked up from the fruit basket on the table, thinking about it until it was a good idea for Molly to go to Phil's house. I enter the room and fall into bed, finish eating the apple and leave the rest on the furniture next to the bed. Working at this company is making me relaxed and irresponsible, I wonder what Dad would think of that. I quickly push those thoughts away and feel my eyes heavy, in the blink of an eye I sink into the darkness of the room and black out.

I hear the crazy sound of the alarm ringing, announcing that my rest is over. I open my eyes and the sunlight that comes in through the window almost blinds me, I close them again and run my hand over my face. I stretch and get up lazily, my body cries out for me to lie down again. But this is an invitation that I will have to refuse. I remember that I didn't take a shower to sleep, because I have my clothes on and even worse, shoes. I press the alarm button and take off my shoes and head towards the bathroom, look at my tired appearance and my messy hair. I get undressed and enter the tiny box. When I turn on the water, I get a little shock from the cold. Damn the heater broke again, and I think I know who is to blame. Even with the freezing water, I wash and left quickly wrapping myself in a towel. I start drying my hair with the dryer, I notice that it has grown a lot since the last time I cut it. Maybe I'll stop by Cris's salon to trim the ends a little. I finish drying it and pin it to the top of my head in a firm bun. I go into the closet and put on some lingerie set, I notice that some clothes are missing. Probably Molly must have forgotten to wash her clothes. I sigh and try to find something suitable to use, and what I see doesn't suit me at all. The yellow round dress stands out among the clothes, I don't feel comfortable with that dress. It highlights my hips making it look bigger, the small V-shaped neckline highlights my bust. It is a better option than the gray blezer with a large ketchup stain. I look at the clock and see that I don't have time to improvise, put on the same and put on my wristwatch again when I took it off to shower. I use a light foundation to remove some of the small dark circles. I put on my sneakers and go down the stairs, grab my bag and leave. I walk a little fast so as not to miss the bus, I board the bus and sit beside the window a lady sits beside me, the same length with a friendly smile that is returned. In a few minutes I get off the bus, but before entering the company I stop beside a donut cart. When I feel the smell of them, my belly is a sign of life, I enter the company eating one while I keep the other in my bag.

But ironically, fate bumps into something, or rather someone. The chocolate-covered donut falls from my hand, melting my dress. I keep looking at the damage with my mouth open, a thousand times Damn! I take a handkerchief from my bag and try to clean up a good part of the damage.

—I beg your pardon Miss, it was not my intention.

My body is paralyzed in hearing such a voice, post appears to be that man. I think it may not be the same person. But looking at him, I have no doubt. And the same man from yesterday. Looking at him over me as an appraiser, he looks at the big chocolate stain on my dress and I see him take a checkbook out of his pocket.

—You could tell me his name, I'll cover the damage.

His voice sounds firm and at the same time soft, he holds the checkbook in one hand and a golden pen in the other.

—Don't worry, I was the one who bumped you.

I speak trying to alleviate the situation, I notice that the people around us are not very discreet. Looking at him is like the night before, like a cat. But I try not to look away from him, and I think he feels the same way. Because his look is intense and predominant. A throat creak made me look away, at last I notice a tall, thin figure beside him. Her blond hair stands out in the tight wine dress, her red lips stand out with her pallor.

—If there is no problem, there is no reason to prolong it. Come on, we're late.

His voice sounds delicate but firm, she takes his arm and he keeps the checkbook with the pen.

—You are right, see you later, miss.

Speaks looking away from me and passing me, I sigh and turn my head a little. seeing both get in a car and leave. I shake my head in denial and walk towards the elevators trying to clean the stain. Before going to my table I go to the bathroom and pass some water, the stain came out but the water stayed in place. At least dry water. I sit down at my desk and start going over some papers.


I look in the direction of the owner of the cheerful voice, Marcy has a friendly smile on her full lips.

—Hi Marcy.

I stretch a little while stretching, I think I spent some time but poring over the paperwork.

—Bellinda did a week working here yesterday, right?

Ask the same question, I shake my head in confirmation.

—So we need to celebrate!

Smiling speech hitting my table, I look at myself not too excited by the idea.

—I do not know...

Her expression becomes tedious.

—Oh come on, you are the first woman to stay here for over a week, you know what that means. That the fearful Thamur Garson was pleased with someone.

Sometimes I think that these rumors about Mr. Garson are a little exaggerated, but I still don't want to know if they are real or not. I think better of his proposal, but soon I remember Molly.

—And Molly?

—I promise we will arrive early.

He speaks by putting his hands together and making a face of pity, after what happened today. Why not go out for a while, making friends wouldn't be that bad. And distract the mind a bit from work. I make a small noise with my mouth in suspense, but finally I smile.

—You convinced me.

—This! You will not be sorry.

Say leaving, I sincerely hope I won't regret it. I speak to myself mentally.