WebNovelMr Garson20.00%

Chapter 3

My head is pounding like a party is present in it, my body is sore and my sex is burning. I open my eyes and feel the sunlight blind me, close my eyes tightly and cover my head with the soft sheet. Too soft to be mine, the soft bed comforts my body. After a few minutes I open my eyes on a second try, look at the sheets more closely and sit on the bed. These sheets are not mine, just like this room. I look around and see a luxurious room that oozes glamor. On the left side I have a wonderful panoramic view of the city of Seattle. I jump up from the wide bed and my legs weaken, making me sit on the bed. I run a hand through my hair and get up again with more caution. I walk around the room, my head spins and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I look at the ceiling trying to ward off the discomfort, I notice that on top of the bed where a large mirror stood out, what strikes me is seeing my naked body. Without any piece of clothing. I pick up the bed sheet and cover my nakedness. I look around the room hoping to find my clothes, I try to remember something from last night and nothing comes to mind. I hear a door open and when I turn my body goes into shock. He is standing drying his hair with a small towel, drops of water make his body go to the towel wrapped around his waist. His muscles flex with every move he makes like a true Greek God.

—Glad you woke up, I was going to do that after taking a shower.

He speaks naturally putting the towel around his neck, I feel a sudden nervousness invade me. And I involuntarily bow down, putting out what makes me sick. I put everything out without being able to help it, feel something hot on my back and notice that he strokes my shoulder with his hand, warm and inviting. He tries to wipe my mouth with the towel that was wrapped around his neck, I pull my body away from him and take the hand towel from him.

—All right? I'll get you something.

Question worried when I lean on the bed, he goes back to where he left now I know it's the bathroom. And in a few seconds he comes back with a glass of water and a pill. I pick it up and drink it, try to clean some of my hair that got dirty with my own vomit. I run the towel over the strands, but the stranger takes the towel from me and wipes my hair.

—You need a bath, come and help you.

He speaks, stretching his arms and muscles towards me, I move away from him. I don't want him to touch me, let alone see me naked. I know something happened between us last night, but I don't remember anything at all. I tighten the sheet tightly around my body.

—You know there's nothing under that luscious sheet of vomit that I haven't seen.

He speaks neutrally, his expression is serious and authoritative. But I will not change my mind.

—I don't know who you are, and I don't even want to know. I just need my clothes and my house.

I speak firmly or the same thing that is lowered next to me, he looks at my face carefully before getting up and walking away. The phyto go to the desk and get his cell phone, the same hint some number in a few seconds he says.

—I need you to buy women's clothes, thank you.

After such words, he turns off his cell phone and looks at me again, his look is different from when I first saw him, his gaze is now empty and distant.

—Your clothes will be brought up shortly. — Say the same thing by putting your cell phone in the same place as before.

—I don't need new clothes."

—Believe me, you do. — Take a shower when you are finished the clothes will already be here.

He speaks towards another door, I let out a little sigh of relief and get up feeling a little bit better. I look at the sheet and see the tan from the damage I did, it is inevitable not to feel my cheeks get hot. I walk towards the bathroom through the door he entered and enter it. I am amazed by the place, this bathroom is bigger than my room. I release the sheet that slides over my body and enter the box, I want to avoid prolonging it as much as possible. The hot water comforts my body, I use the shampoo that is on the marble stone, with sabote and other masculine uses. I wash my hair and my body attentively, I notice some sucking around my body. I wonder how I could get involved in a situation like this, that is not part of my faith. I finish washing and get out of the shower by wrapping myself in a towel, opening the bathroom door and looking around the room. On the bed a bag catches my eye, but not the bag itself. But the brand. In no million years would I think of comparing or winning anything from this store, Molly and I have spent a few times in front of this store. But what we wanted was only in our imaginations. I open the bag and see an elegant black dress in the style "tube", inside it also has a black lace lingerie. I look at the place where the man was making sure that I am alone, I quickly see the set of pieces. It bothers me a little that the dress is tight on my hips, I finish dressing and make a bun on top of my head, even though my hair is wet. I put on a beige flat shoe that was in another bag and left the room. I thank myself mentally for today being my day off, I walk to the end of the corridor and find myself at the top of a staircase. But below a luxurious room shines showing how expensive it must be to live there, I walk down the stairs not caring about the noise my steps make.

—Where do you think you're going?

The man's steady voice sounds in the room, giving me a slight fright. I turn my heels towards him, he is standing dressed in a white dress shirt, along with his dark tone pants. His hands rest in his pants pockets. He takes a few steps towards me, his expensive shoes sound with every step he takes.

—I'm going to my place.

—Don't you want to have coffee first?

Asking to stand next to me, his colony invades my nostrils causing light chills.

—I don't even know who you are, I appreciate the dress. — But I want to go home now.

I speak firmly by imposing my desire, he nods.

—Okay, my driver is taking you.


I do not refuse, because I do not have money for the taxi and I know that I am far from my house. because here is a luxurious place, and where I live there is nothing like that. I turn towards the door, a man dressed in a navy blue pallet salute me with a nod.

—Leave Miss Foggs at her home.

Speak neutrally to the man with the blue palitor, I look at the man with one last voice before turning the coast and leaving. The drive to my house was longer than I thought, I didn't stop thinking about this man all the way. But I have to forget that, after all it was a case of one night. I have a life to take care of and someone to support, for the sake of both parties I hope we will never see each other but.