WebNovelMr Garson53.33%

Chapter 8

After we drop Molly off at school, we head towards the clinic. The silence is mutual in the car. John, don't say a word and so do I, for two people who spent the night together having nothing to talk about is intriguing.

—How long will it be before the test is ready?

I ask trying to get rid of that awkward silence. John, look at me at a glance.

—I don't know, I think a week at the most.

After the same answer, the silence returns. But luckily it doesn't last long. John, park in front of a big hospital. Its name immediately catches my attention. Garson's Clinic.

—I thought we were going to a small clinic.

I answer by taking off my belt, he gets out of the car and turns around to open the door for me.

—It's not a big deal.

He responds by closing the door, taking a few steps, but soon I feel John's fingers intertwining mine. I stop by reflex causing him to face me.

—All right?

He nods his head in confirmation, trying not to show that his touch makes me nervous.

—So let's go.

He says at last. As we enter the building, we head towards the reception, but the high-pitched sound of a female voice draws our attention. When I look to the side I see a very attractive woman, she smiles at us as she signs a paper. After she says something to the nurse she comes towards us, I can't deny it and she is stunning. She must work here since she wears a hospital coat. John, let go of my hand and step forward. When it comes to us, it gives us a long hug in the same way that I reciprocated.

—I've been waiting for you all morning.

She speaks in a sweet and soft voice, her thin pink lips support a friendly smile.

—Don't be exaggerated, we are on time.

John, responds in a friendly way, at that moment the green eyes look at me, she extends her small hand towards me, when she finally separates from John.

—Hi, I'm Charlotte, I'm the doctor who's going to help you.

I shake her hand and realize how soft and smooth she is. Unlike mine, which are a little rough.


I speak my name with a yellow smile, I don't know why I'm noticing so many details about her, and why I feel uncomfortable that she and John have embraced. After a short moment we let go of our hands, it turns its attention to John.

—So let's go?


The same responds with a wide smile, Charlotte goes ahead showing the way. John, take my hand again, but I try to let go and start following it, leaving you behind. But it doesn't take long before I feel her hand on my back, and stay by my side. As we enter the Charlotte room, she indicates a chair for me to sit on. John, stand beside me. She puts on gloves and then comes over to me, placing my left arm on a support in the chair. I see that she takes a cotton swab and a syringe.

—You will feel just a little prick.

I shake my head slightly in confirmation, I feel a small sting and soon after it puts a bandage on the spot.

—Okay. Your turn T.

She responds by putting the bottle in a small suitcase, but one thing she said catches my attention. Why did she call John T? I take my gaze to the one who runs away from him, I get up so that he can sit.

—Why do you need his blood?

I ask Charlotte, who is picking up another syringe. John, look at me questioningly as you set the pallet aside and fold your shirt sleeve.

—You do not know? he always does this once a month.

I wonder if John has a health problem that I didn't see in the papers he gave me. After a few seconds, Charlotte does the same procedure on it.

—Do you know how long it will take to get ready?

I ask while watching John, she unfolds the sleeve of her shirt.

—The normal procedure is one week, but as for T. everything is ready in three days.

Once again she calls him T, I feel my curiosity eating away at me.

—Funny, you call him T, for ...

—Beautiful, shall we go?

John, cut me off with a little harsh voice. The same goes to Charlotte, kissing the top of her head. And he comes to me where he holds my hand, pulling me out of the room. When I look back I see the same, with a confused expression looking at us. When we reached the parking lot, I let go of my grip. John, look at me in a confused way.

—What's it?

Question by opening the passenger door, for me to enter.

—What are you trying to hide?

I ask directly as I bring my hands to my hips, waiting for an answer.

—I am not hiding anything.

—Really? So why did you drag me out of the room? and why was Charlotte calling you T?

I see that her body is tense, and she runs her hand over her chin.

—Get in the car, please.

I realize that I'm not going to get anything from him now, but I feel irritated by what he did. I don't want to be close to it right now, especially if I'm not going to tell the truth. I let out an irritated sigh and turn my back away from him, the last thing I want now is to stay here.

—Bellinda, get in the car. Where are you going? Bellinda!

I hear your voice calling my name, but I don't look back. What I need now is to stay as far away from him as possible. A few meters ahead of me I see a bus stop, but before I get there I notice John's car, moving slowly beside me.

—Bellinda, please get in the car.

I ignore him and keep walking towards the bus stop.

—Okay, well, if you get in the car, I'll tell you the whole truth.

I stop and turn my head towards him, I can tell by his expression that he is not lying. Reluctantly I get into the car, I realize that it lets out a sigh of relief. I keep quiet waiting for an explanation from him, but he doesn't say anything for the next few minutes. I realize that he stops in front of a large building and gets out of the car, I see him around opening the door for me.

—Where are we?

I ask the same person who hands over the car key, to a middle-aged man next to us.

—My apartment. Come on in, I'll tell you everything inside.

I do what the same says and follow him into the building. As we leave the elevator, I am dazzled by the beauty of the place, it is not the same place I was in the first time. I try not to divert my attention to the real reason I'm here. I see John, take off his pallet rack and leave it on the leather sofa and fold the sleeve of his shirt.

—Sit down, the story is going to be a little long.

He says the same thing sitting on the couch, I sit on the couch on the other side of the room, facing the same. I put my purse aside and focus my attention entirely on it.

—We didn't meet at the club.


—No! Well you didn't know me, but I knew you.

—Like this?

I ask confusedly, if we don't know each other at the club, where then?

—I met you at the company, but I didn't have the courage to approach you,— he replies with both arms on his legs, crossing his fingers. Taking a serious stance — So I gave up, but when I woke up that day and saw you lying next to me, I thought it was destiny or something.

—Okay. But what does Charlotte represent to you? I noticed that you are very close.

I see that John is pulling his thick eyebrows together in a confused way. Why did I ask that? what does this have to do with this conversation.

—Nothing, she's just a dear friend.

I notice that her features soften, and a small gleam shines in her eyes, as if she has come to a conclusion.

—You are jealous?

I flee my gaze from yours, feeling my face flush and I'm embarrassed, it can't be jealous, after all we have nothing. I see a small smug smile appear on his lips.

—You are.

It concludes. I put a strand of my hair behind my ear nervously, and try to show a serious look.

—Why did she call you T?

I ask trying to change the subject, I realize that John, returns to the tense posture of before.

—My name is not John.-Before I can ask, the same goes on — I know about the comments that hang around the company about me, and I guarantee you that none of them are true. I didn't want to scare you when I found out who I was, that's why I lied.

The same person speaks in a low way, I can see that he is nervous after he constantly passes his thumb over the other.

—So who are you?

I ask in a small voice, he takes his hand over his chin and runs his fingers over his lips.

—Thamur Garson.