WebNovelMr Garson60.00%

Chapter 9

Thamur Garson. Owner of the company I work for, my boss. My mind stops and I can't think of anything else, I can't assimilate his words, even though I have heard it loud and clear. Maybe I'm more of a boss achievement, which is why he's so interested in the fact that I might be pregnant. Of course, he has money, he's single. He does not want to lose his freedom and tie himself to a simple secretary, who from that moment is unemployed. A mixture of feelings invades me, but the feeling of knowing that I was deceived is what hurts the most. I feel my eyes sting, but I refuse to shed a tear if I want to. I cross my legs by turning my head towards the glass wall with panoramic views of the city. Thamur, still standing and saying nothing, waiting for some reaction from me. I pick up my bag and get up, walking in steady steps toward the elevator.

—Bellinda, wait.

The same asks, but I do not listen. The only thing I want to do is get out of here, frantically hit the elevator button, hoping it'll get there sooner. I hear Thamur's footsteps, coming towards me. I feel the touch of his fingers on my arm, I turn sharply away from him.


I speak loudly, scaring him, because I notice that his shoulders go up a little. The same retracts his hand, putting it inside his pocket, I rotate my body again with my back to it, pressing the button again.

—Just listen to me. I was afraid you would find out who I am, because I know what they say about me at the company. I didn't want the comments to influence your judgment about me, so I lied and I wanted to show you who I really am.

His voice sounds low and still, the hurt in his voice is remarkable. On the one hand, I can understand his motives, but I feel hurt. Nothing he says now will help.

—But for that you needed to lie? You don't know me well enough to know whether I would judge you or not.

I speak trying to hide the hurt in my voice, but it is impossible. I can feel that Thamur, has come closer to me. Because I feel your breath on my neck, I can feel the heat emanating from your chest to my back.

—Bellinda, please stay. No one has ever stayed long in my life.

I stop pressing the button when I notice the urgency in his voice. I seriously think about what he said, although hurt I want to stay. I had thought of many things that Thamur was. But lonely was never one of them. I don't want to stay because he feels lonely, I want to stay because I want him to want me here. I turn my body slowly so that I can face him. His face is just inches from mine, but our skins don't touch. I sink into the immensity of the blue of his eyes, which shine with the tears contained in his eyes. The same smiles yellow as he runs his fingers over his eyes, causing the tears to fade.

—I'm sorry, I'm a bit of a crybaby.

I am surprised by his revelation, besides being lonely, he also cries. Thamur, it really is a box of surprises. I swallow before answering.

—I will stay. Plus, I don't want any lies or secrets. Anything you have to tell me more, this is the chance.

I see him shakes his head in affirmation.

—There is nothing else.

Determines. I see that he tries to hide that he is happy, but a small smile gives him.

—Can we do something together?

Asks raising his eyes from the floor, to face mine.



He calls me extending his hand, sure. He walks in slow steps on his back, when we pass by the sofa he stretches his hand taking my bag, leaving it on the sofa. Thamur, you turn your body around with your back to me, but you still hold my hand. The same takes me towards a corridor, I pass through some doors, in the last one he opens the door revealing a room. I look confused, but he says nothing. Thamur, take me to the bed and make me sit. Then he bends down and takes off my shoes, then gets up taking off his pallet, tie and shoes with the sock. He unbuttons some dolphins and folds his shirt sleeve.

—Lies down.

Without questioning I obey, I feel my heart racing and my body tense. Thamur, turns his back and enters a place I imagine to be the bathroom or the closet, I feel my mouth dry and I run my tongue over my lips, my hands sound nervous. I pass them through the bed cover, drying them. Are we going to do that, the heavens. Thamur is a big man, I still remember the sensations of that morning. After endless seconds he comes back with something in his hands, he sits next to my feet. I see more clearly now that he holds a bottle of moisturizer, but what the hell is he going to do with it. I watch carefully every move he makes. Thamur, put one of my feet on your thigh and pour some of the cream in your hand, then immediately start massaging my ankle. Ah this is very good, I close my eyes to enjoy the sensations. I don't try to stop it. if Thamur, he wants to massage my feet as an apology gladly accepted.

—I knew you would like it.

My body sinks into the soft mattress as my body relaxes. The smell of almonds from hydration makes me feel calmer, as if by magic I feel sleepy as Thamur squeezes my ankle in a slow but firm massage. And instinctively I fall asleep.

I stretch on the bed, sinking my face into the scented cotton sheets. I like to open my eyes while I sit on the bed, look around the room but I don't see anyone. The curtains are closed, preventing me from knowing what time it is, I reach out to the nightstand and am startled to know what time it is, I find it hard to believe that I slept for so long. I turn on the abaju to light the place and I walk around the room, I open the door on the right where a bathroom is revealed. I wash my face, trying to get rid of my face from someone who just woke up. I tie my messy hair up in a high bun and leave the bathroom, walk towards another door that faces the bed and see it is a closet, the organization of the clothes surprises me. Because they are separated by colors. I walk out of the closet towards the door I entered the room in, the hall lights are on. I hear voices coming from the room, but one in particular catches my attention, it's Molly's voice. I walk down the corridor towards where the voices come from, a few steps away you can hear the voice clearly.

—And since then Bellinda has taken care of me.

When I get to the place I hear the end of her story. Molly. she is sitting next to this Nick, in a strategic way that makes her face him, while his back is to me.

—Bellinda, you already woke up.

It decrees the same when it sees me, Nick, turns its head towards me to look at me.

—Is what it seems.

I answer the same, I take a few steps sitting on the other sofa, next to them.

—I was telling Nick about when you found me and took care of me.

He replies with a smile, I shake my head in confirmation and look back, trying to find Thamur.

—That was very brave of you, Bellinda.

—Thanks Nick. Is Thamur here?

I realize that he raises his eyebrows in surprise, understanding that I have discovered the truth.

—He told me.

It scratches the back of the neck in embarrassment.

—I'm sorry, he asked us not to tell you anything.

—Okay, I understand.

I respond by giving him a warm smile, which relaxes.

—Thamur, you're in the kitchen preparing dinner. He asked me to pick up Molly.


I answer while I get up to go towards the kitchen, when my back is turned I can hear them both talking again. A few meters away I see Thamur, stirring the pots on the stove. I stand behind it with my arms crossed in front of my chest.

—Why didn't you wake me up?

He rotates half his body towards me, to face me and a small smile settles on his face, leaving him with an expression that is softer and more relaxed. But he soon turns his focus to the pots.

—You looked so tired, I didn't want to wake you up.

He responds by stirring something in the pan, which by the smell looks great. It reminds me of how hungry I am. Thamur, turn off the fire and turn towards me. Cornering me between the bench and his body, his blue eyes intensify and I see something shine in his eyes with malice.

—And without saying that you move a lot while sleeping.

What he says reminds me that I'm wearing a dress, so the likelihood of my dress going up and showing off my panties makes my face warm up. Thamur, he leans over me, bringing his face closer to mine, his face is one of pure desire.

—It was tempting not to be able to give you a good spanking.

I feel more and more embarrassed, I feel that someone can fry an egg on my face. A side smile appears on Thamur's face, leaving him with a sexy expression. He brings his right hand to my face, running the tip of his thumb across the ends of my lips. I feel his hot breath on my face, his warm mint breath invade my nostrils. I know that my eyes overflow with pure desire, because the most I desire now is Thamur's lips, on mine. And so it does. His lips crush mine in a burning, urgent kiss. My hands touch his chest, I want to feel every part of his body in mine, I want to know every detail of his body, down to the smallest details. Thamur's big hands grip my buttocks tightly. I feel every muscle in my body tighten, I move my hands up his body until they go deep into his hair. It bites my lower lip, causing an overwhelming desire to take over my body. I feel my panties get wet and my legs shake, I feel his hands go down to my legs and quickly he suspends me in the air, making me sit on the counter. My legs surround his body, bringing him closer to me.

—Thamur, you ...

I get scared when Nick's voice comes up in the kitchen. In an agile way, Thamur, pull our lips away and look at him behind me, without the courage to face him, I sink my face into Thamur's chest, hiding my face.

—What's it?

I notice that Thamur's voice, comes out a little between, cut off by shortness of breath.

—Ahh.. Vera said it is coming, and that it was for you to put more dishes on the table.

I glance up, seeing Thamur, nod quickly.

—You can go now.

The same commands and I readily see that Nick, obeys because I hear his quick steps leaving the place. I let out a small laugh when I know it is far enough away to not hear. Thamur, get away from me a little so you can face me.

—How embarrassing.

I speak in a fun way feeling embarrassed.

—He will forget.

He responds by walking away from me completely, picking up some dishes from the upper cupboard. I feel the curiosity take me and finally I ask.

—Who's Vera?

I see the same one raises an eyebrow while he comes to me and hands the dishes.

—You'll soon find out, will you prepare the table?


I answer by stepping down from the counter, moving away from the one that looks at the pots again. Apparently, Thamur, I am not as lonely as I thought.