Chapter 1

The air was cool. The sun was low. I twirled my long, night-like hair between 2 fingers. Kids played out there. I watched in jealousy.

"Mother, I'll take my hood, so can I go outside and play with the other kids? Like a normal child?"

"Venus, we talked about this. The answer will always be 'No'. Why don't you understand that this is for your own good! I want you to be free, and to be happy, but it's not an option right now."

It was the same answer every time. It was only pointless to ask again. My sister looked at me, staring at my emotionless face, blank without expression.

"I'm sorry.", she said softly. It shook me, and I chuckled. I leaned forward a whispered lowly, so only she'd hear.

"Veronica. Would you be a dear? Go outside. Be happy. For me please."

"Alright!" She was quick to respond, and left in a hurry, grabbing her coat and shoes. I saw her on the lawn playing with Brook Anderson, her best friend. It only felt normal to envy her. I felt a tear shed. I looked around and quickly wiped my cheek.

I sigh, and turn to my computer. Mom let me out at night, so I would usually find some places to go that are still opened so I'm not completely caged.

It's not like Mom was mean. Or strict really. She's trying to save me from "hatred" and "pain". My hair was a symbol. The reason I was never allowed outside. It doesn't make sense though. Mom says it's something I should know when I'm older. But, to keep me from asking multiple times. To keep me from truly trying to discover my identity, she told me, flat out.

"Sweetie. Your hair is the reason your father left. Because of this, we shall never speak of this again. Do you understand?"

She told me this when I was 6 years old. She told me, my dad left because my hair was disgusting. Mom said he liked everything normal.

But, I don't think that's why he left us. I had many memories of him. He was nice and caring and gentle. He wasn't like anything Mama described, so when I was 8, I stopped believing that lie, although I wasn't completely sure it wasn't true. But, Mama was the only one I had.

I was an only child until I was 4 years old. It was a mystery how Mama got pregnant again, and when I asked her, she said the storks thought I could use a sibling, and somehow, she got 4 more kids; Venessa, Joshua, Veronica, and Aaron. The order was simple. I was the oldest. Then it'd be Venessa, Joshua, Aaron, and Veronica. It's stressful enough managing birthdays, so the children try to be responsible and respectful all the time, they almost look like robots!

I saw Venessa at my door.

"What? Mom's sleeping again? I'll get my phone to order pizza."

"No. It's not that" she says with a sigh, "I need help with m homework and Mama actually is sleeping. It's math. Help me please?"

I sigh. Taking Mom's job teaching her kids she gave birth to is hard. No wonder she's always sleeping.

"Well ok. Let's get on with it."


"Alright, I'm going. I got my cloak and my phone. There's leftover soup on the stove. If you're still hungry, get some pizza and pay with my PayPal. The limit is $30. If I don't make it before 9, I'll need Veronica to tuck in the younger two. Also, Joshua and Veronica, if you could clean the kitchen and I'll handle the rest. Do not wake up Mum. Goodnight! See you in morning light. Oh, before you all go to sleep, feed Dolly (my dog) and Tiger Lily (my cat). "


The air was cold, and it drizzled. There was a slight breeze, so I wore the sweater part of the cloak. My hair was pressed down, but I felt it flutter due to the wind. Some people were walking on the side walk. Couples held hands and talked. The lights in the park were on, and I saw some people walking their dogs, although it was a good thing I didn't bring Dolly. She would've drawn to much attention to me.

I walk around in the park. I sit down on a bench, and start counting. Soon, I've dozed off and am sleeping.


"Hey! Wake up! Are you homeless? I have some bread I can share."

I wake up to the sound of what looks like a middle school girl. She's a bit younger then me, since I already finished middle school a year ago. She must be going to the 7th grade.

"Oh. No. I'm not homeless. I just came to take an evening stroll. I do the same everyday. I'm not hungry. I ate before I left. Thank you for the offering though."

"Oh. I just thought, since you were wearing a hood and you looked sad and you are sleeping in a park."

"Oh, do you know what time it is?" I look around for my phone, awaiting an answer.

"Yes ma'am. It's 11:31 PM."

"OH! I have to get back home. I hope you're not lost little girl! Are your parents near? I should thank them." I hope they didn't stay up to late.

"My house is on the hill. It's not far. I came to look for my dog, Shelly. She's a Jack Russell Terrier. She's brown and a crème brown color."

'No, I haven't. Well, I should get going. Thank you again young lady!" I quickly run off.

"Why'd she have black hair?" I heard the little girl wonder out loud. Shoot! I run quicker in hopes she cannot see where I'm going. I hear slight barking. The little girl's dog is barking behind me.

"Shelly?! What are you doing? Why are you barking at this woman?" The little girl calls out to her dog, but he only runs faster, eventually my hood falls off. I run until I finally make it to my house. I had finally lost the girl and her crazy dog.

"And where were you, Venus Wilson?" It's my mom this time. She looks angry and annoyed, but also sad and scared.