Chapter 2

"And where have you been?" Mom says, looking aggravated but afraid.

"Didn't Veronica or Joshua tell you? I went on my walk!" They said sure, so I figured they had told her.

"You need my permission to leave this house! You knew that! And yet you left without any consent. What is wrong with you! Someone could have seen! It's almost 1 AM! You never stay out this late!"

1? The girl said 11:31. Did she lie?

"I understand you wanna be a normal teenage girl, but this is way too much! Someone could have...done something to you! And you'd be hurt or...!" She takes a sigh. "Why did you leave? I thought you knew the rules around here? I thought you knew what could happen, and were worried about what would happen, and you'd listen! I don't know what to do anymore. You've been sneaking out during the day, and trying to get the mail. You think it's small, and fine, but it's not, Venus! You can't do this type of stuff. Not anymore. You." She takes a deep breath. "You're grounded. I don't know how long yet, because I've never really punished you. And maybe that's why you're acting so defiant now."

"What!? That's not fair! I deserve to be a regular human being! I deserve to be treated because of who I am! Normal! But no one is treating me like everyone else!"

"It's cause you're not like everyone else. You're something new to this world! No one knows what kind of being you are, but as far as I'm concerned, you are a normal human being! So, I'm protecting you! Like a human, loving mother as myself would! Now, go to your room!"


"I'm not going to repeat myself, Venus!"


I run up the stairs to my room, which is, coincidently, on the top floor. Like a tower. And I'm being locked away from the world. Forever.

It wasn't always like this. I used to go to school. During the day. But, I was usually teased and bullied for my very light skin and dark hair. I was fine with it, because it never really bothered me. Children really think they do damage to the human soul and physical body. But I did have someone who protected me. Her name was Raegan. She had flowing brown hair, which was usually in braids and a high ponytail. Since she was, who she was, she was popular, but she always post-pined her friends, for me. She defended at every cost she got. She would make sure I had someone to talk to if I needed one. She sat with me at lunch and talked to me at recess. I didn't really have any other friends, so I made sure to count every second with Raegan, cause I had no one else to spend that time with. In 5th grade, I was getting a naggy feeling that I had a crush. So, after the graduation ceremony, I asked her what she thought of me.


"H-hi Raegan. Did you receive an award?"

"Yeah! I got honor awards again . Did you get anything?"

"Oh. No not really."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry." She had a faraway look on her eyes, like she looked deep into my soul, and felt sorry. She looked so beautiful that day. She wore a crème white, spaghetti strap, ruffled, midi A-line dress, with red flats. I, on the other hand, was wearing denim overalls *skirt* with black boots. Mom thought I looked cute. Others, not so much, but if Raegan thought I looked nice, it was fine.

"Um. Raegan. I... I think I... I think that maybe I..."

"What is it, Venus?" She looked at me, through and through. Maybe, it was her innocence that didn't let her know what I was going to say, but she looked to nice. I was afraid if I confessed, I'd lose her as a friend.

"I think maybe I want to go to Lakewood Academy for Girls. What about you?"

"Oh! I was actually going to attend the same school! My mother thought since they had some good reviews, and it's close enough to walk to, that I should see to it. I'm glad we're going to the same school, Venus!"

We're... going to the same school! Maybe, I can confess to her during the summer. So, I asked my mom to let me stay at camp for the summer. The only reason I asked was because I knew Raegan was gonna go to Lollywood Camp for girls!~


"Hi Raegan! Did you go swimming today?"

"Actually, we're doing that tomorrow. Do you know what cabin you're staying in?

"Yeah. It's Daisy Cabin. What about you?"

"Well, they said that they'd place me in Willo Cabin, but my mom had me arranged to Daisy Cabin, so I had someone I knew with me!"

Same cabins.

But, then I saw her holding someone's hand.

"OH! Ellie, meet my best friend, Venus. Venus, meet my girlfriend, Ellie." she turns to her girlfriend, "We've been friends for at least 5 years now."

Ellie has brown skin and matching brown hair. She looks like she's at least 11 years old. She has hoop earrings, and her hair's in a bun. She's wearing lip gloss, and has dimples on her right cheek.

"Well. Hello Venus! I've heard so much about you! You, have black hair? That's AMAZING! I've never seen someone actually look unique! I mean, look like Stacey over there, and you look like, literally no one here! Is your hair dyed or natural?"

"Natural. I've been like this since birth."

"Amazing. I've got to write this down."

Raegan looks at me. "Ellie here wants to be a scientist, but she really likes making music."

Ellie looks like she's making a note on her phone, or whatever. I get this uneasy feeling in my stomach, so I wave good bye, and heads to the lake. If I headed to the cabin, Raegan would obviously follow me. She's just that nice.

The tears quickly fall down my face, into the water. I wipe my tears, and sob some more. My crush since, FOREVER, just dumped me without even knowing what she was doing! I look around the lake, and see some fish pop out and try to fly, probably watching the flying fishes. I remembered at the time, that when I was 4 years old, Mom went to a carnival. She handed me a balloon, but when we got out the car, it flew away. Along with hopes and dreams. I felt despair at the time, without even knowing what the word meant. I had felt it now. Across the lake, were children with fireworks. They were loud, so I took the opportunity.



The moment of silence, but the booming continued right after. No one was looking for me. That, made me feel worse. They couldn't hear me, or didn't care.

I heard rustling behind me. Some twigs broke.

"H-hello?" A little girl asked. She was a redhead, but she actually made it look cute.


"Oh my. What are you doing here all alone?"

What was I doing all alone again? For a split second I had forgotten the pain. But as soon as I realized, tears feel like rain on a stormy day.

"Oh. Don't cry! Please don't cry." She sat down and gave me a hug. It felt comforting, although I had never seen her personally. I knew she was in Rose Cabin, but she was always reading a book, or swimming when I saw her. She had, maybe 1 close friend she was by if she wasn't alone.

"Well, my name is Venus."

"Oh. I'm Bexley. My mom calls me Birdie though."

~Flashback Ends~

I hear an abrupt sound coming from the downstairs. Banging on my door...? I believe. I run downstairs. Mom's trying to keep the door closed, and Veronica was gathering the 3 children. By the time, Mom had put a chair on the door to keep the "angry mob" away.

"GO through the back door, down in the cyclone cellar. Stay there till I say it's clear to come out."

Veronica, Joshua, Aaron, and Venessa go outside. Mom notices and, "NO! Not you guys, just Venus! She needs to hide! The rest of you can act like nothing happened and continue with yourselves and SLEEP!" I quickly run outside, and see torches coming from the other side of the gate. What was all the commotion about? As I head done into the cellar, it was very humid, and hot. There was a candle that wasn't lit but a pack of matches was in front of it. I lit it up, and found something. I was black, and looked like hair on the floor. There was also a wallet, and a picture. It was dad's stuff.