19: Go! Go! Timerangers!

[One Week Time Skip]

After observing Sean and Daniel for hours, Klein was successfully able to detect their fate strings, which he deduced they had, and he was right. Both siblings had two fate strings and just like Max's and Chloe's fate strings they were related and one could influence the other directly or indirectly by actions. These actions reflected on the strings and it would change the person's fate according to the action done... It can be a decision, it can be something you said, or it can be just your existence.

Daniel quickly progressed on his training, the same with Sean who first increased his body's strength and began to learn from Klein martial arts. His body was more resilient and by getting beaten up several times, his bones grew stronger and stronger, followed by his muscles and tendons, even his internal organs were getting stronger day by day, Klein's [Meta Powers: Healing (C)] went directly to [Meta Powers: Healing (B)] and it increased the healing power it had, which affected Sean's body further making him heal faster. His cells were absorbing the energy left on his cells when Klein used his ability to insert energy into his cells and accelerate his natural healing ability, keeping this energy within his cells and even starting to produce it in low quantities, giving Sean a small, minimum regeneration factor.

It would be classified as [Meta Powers: Regeneration (FFF)] at this point... So, technically, Sean now has a superpower too! Oh well, he wasn't born with an ability in the end, but he got one because his body was able to absorb and replicate the energy used to accelerate his healing factor. So Klein took this opportunity to beat the shit out of the kid and let his regeneration heal him, which brought his (in Ability Keeper Classification) ability from [Meta Powers: Regeneration (FFF)] to [Meta Powers: Regeneration (F)]! Two whole ranks! It didn't look much, it healed about the same, but faster.

Daniel's Telekinesis would be at [Mental Powers: Telekinesis (A)] now but he would be able to bring out the equivalent of an [Mental Powers: Telekisenis (B)] because of his lack of control over his ability, which limited his ability to brute force only and Telekinesis is more powerful when control is great. Anyway, talking about Daniel's training, his control reached the point where he could control 20 pebbles around his body at the same time! Klein showed him his maximum, which resulted in Daniel and Sean being stunned as Klein raised every single sand grain in a radius of 5km, controlling each of them individually to do different patterns at different times. This proved the great potential Telekinesis had and also upgraded his ability directly from [Mental Powers: Telekinesis (A)] to [Mental Powers: Telekinesis (S)].

Klein also for a call from Max as she was being pursued by the same organization that wanted her powers... You see, she has been able to avoid them by predicting the future and rewinding time to warn Chloe of ambushes and such things, but now she was calling because in one week they would capture her again. They still haven't discovered how her abilities work, so she was able to escape their grasp once again. So he of course reached out for her and took her and her girlfriend, Chloe to Away. When they arrived it was almost like a party because of their punk-rock attitude which was flame with Daniel and Sean too, three adolescents and one child were enough for Klein to handle but then came another problem...

He felt that something was strange... He suddenly felt time changing, but Max wasn't using her powers, and it looked like Max also felt that because she grew more and more sensitive to time as she can partially control it. They were having a great conversation when suddenly they felt it, as they were sensitive to temporal abilities it was strong... As if it was using an anchor without a save point... A one-way trip without return! When using this, someone could reserve energy that is used to link the anchor and the return point, using the anchor to sink deep into the sea of time and going only with no insurance that something won't happen to them. But suddenly there was a pull as if their return point was the anchor itself, which was rare and hard to do. Klein, even though his radius was 100km of a circle around his body, could feel it came from Japan...

"You felt it. Right?" Klein asked Max, they were in a conversation with Chloe, Sean the beaten-up kid, and Daniel who was trying to join in. They all looked at Max who nodded at Klein and they both looked in the direction they felt it coming from... "It was strong. Do you think it is stronger than me? Like, can go back further?" Klein shook his head. "They can come but not return, which is a risk, you, however, can go and return which is good." Meanwhile, both Wolf Brothers were confused while Chloe was feeling left out on the whole time travel shit. "What happened?" She asked, a little worried, after all, there are three things you don't play with:

A person's heart


And time.

"Someone just did something dangerous successfully... They just have done it before, but I would have felt it if they had done it..." Klein started to explain, but he felt a little lost. "Maybe they aren't from this timeline? Maybe they just came here and because of that we noticed them." Max tried to be logical, but it still confusing. "Maybe they rewinded before I was here..." Klein murmured the last phrase, Max didn't try to look further into this because even Klein has some secrets that he wants to keep for himself. "Uhm... Can someone explain to me, what the hell is going on?" Sean finally asked and Daniel, who was beside him, agreed and wanted to know more.

"Okay, listen closely because it will be confusing," Max said. "Someone just rewinded time. They came from the future to the past, they used an anchor, which is a term for something you use to go further back on time or to sink deeper into the sea of time if you will... But without a return point, which is a term used to describe original timelines and/or items, memories, or even the skill of the time traveler which can be used to return to the point where you left if you want to go back to the future." Klein took in the explication: "Not using one Is very risky because it can break reality or even cause a timeline fusion, which is when a timeline overlaps the original timeline and becomes the original timeline... This causes a reality-bending scenario that can erase things from the existence or create them, to better suit the new timeline."

Max continued: "What this person just did was to use the anchor as a return point at the same time, protecting himself while destroying their connection to their previous timeline, meaning they can never return to that timeline." Klein thought for a second and said: "They must have been fleeing from something... Or accidentally creating new timelines and reality breaks from those timelines, or even butterfly effects too..." Klein and Max sighed and the same time. "Which means..."

Chloe completed: "Another fucking problem for the Timerangers!"

Chloe was talking to Daniel about Max's ability to rewind time, she said she was like a bandit and all she needed was a gun or a sword, which made Daniel call her a power ranger, making them create the Timerangers, superheroes that travel through time to protect the world from reality breaks and shit. And who were the Timerangers? Klein and Max of course!