20: Time Traveler

Shunsuke gasped for air as he came to consciousness. He just used his power to return to his body exactly 1 week after he and his group decided to find the Wicked Angel, he returned his consciousness in time 1 week because they did a terrible mistake and were captured by the scientists of the organization. that wanted their powers... He returned 1 week because it would save them from the error and he already had the answer for the riddle of Mikaboshi's power.

They found out, one week in the future, that the Time Thief was someone who had time-based powers, Mikaboshi's friend was able to hack the database of the organization and find several files of several different people with powers, 90% of them were under 18 while 5% above 18, 3% above 20, and 2% above 25 years old... They all had powers.

The powers were categorized by different types.





These four categories, Mikaboshi-kun's ability for example was from the [Supernatural] category... Anyway, they found in the [Supernatural] category the file on several people with temporal-based powers, but they were all weak, however, Mikaboshi read them all, and when he read the file of Max Caulfield he instantly understood his riddle. Max Caulfield, 19 years old, female, her power is named by her [Rewind]. She can go back on time just like Shunsuke... But there was something different about her ability, the power to stop time! They also found information on her file about the facility she was in that was destroyed by the Wicked Angel minutes after her capture, which led them to connect the two.

They pursued her, but they were not able to capture her and they lost track until she was taken by the Wicked Angel for her safety. Shunsuke remembers memorizing her information, so he went directly to the abandoned house they used as their base and quickly called every one of the group. When they arrived he quickly told Mikaboshi about the paper, who read about the Wicked Angel, soon Mikaboshi took another paper and Shunsuke explained once again to him, then Mikaboshi would now take the third paper that may help them get in contact with Max Caulfield to get in contact with the Wicked Angel.

Mikaboshi took a deep breath, a little nervous, dipping the paper on the water. When the paper was fully wet, letters appeared on it. It read: "For those who time travel through, know the Angel and the Thief have their eyes on you." This message was clear to everyone as they looked at Shunsuke, who had a fearful expression on his face... How could they know he can travel time...?

Maybe the Thief can sense it?

"Mikaboshi-kun, another paper please." Shunsuke sighed and said a little nervous, after all, they needed all the information they could get. Mikaboshi answered: "Yes, right on it." As the paper touched the water, once the paper was wet, he took it out gently and read what was written out clearly and loudly: "Ask and you shall receive, beg and he shall forgive, forget and he shall remember, desire and he shall give." This time they didn't know clearly what the paper was talking about... Shunsuke had a pensive expression as they all looked at him, he was trying to interpret the paper. 'If the Wicked Angel and the Time Thief already know I'm looking for them, maybe they will come here by themselves... So I know what I will do.'

"We will wait. If they already know I'm from the future they might be curious about me and come here if they know where we are right now." Shunsuke says as his hand leaves his chin and he looks at Pooh again. "We should continue to recruit more people and wait... We need to prepare too, I should go to see my siblings because they might need me." Shunsuke said and everyone knew he had siblings, one brother, and one sister, both were very polite and according to Shunsuke, they would have powerful powers in the future. Shunsuke left as soon as he said that and everyone went to their own homes, and like that they passed the rest of the day with their thoughts and anxiety.

The very next day they returned to the same abandoned house to normally do their activities, such as contact other people with superpowers. They continued to do that for 3 more days, on the 4th day, they were reunited when Azuka, a girl with a subconscious Future Vision could feel something was going to happen and when she was about to warn everyone they could only watch as the house went down, destroyed. A person was on top of the house, that person was floating with a metal sphere around their body, gravity was increasing on the house and cracking things around. Everyone was feeling pain and the heavy things on their bodies, some were even slowly dying, but suddenly the heaviness was gone and everyone felt the weight suddenly began to reduce.

Everyone watched as the debris that was on top of their bodies began to rise, floating like gravity was reversed. "Are you okay!?" A female voice shouted in English, some of them understand, and others didn't, but they saw a blue-haired girl and a brown-haired girl helping people out of the debris, there were also two boys, one of them was helping people out of the debris while the other had his hands risen to the air as the debris floated around him. "Daniel! Don't hold back!" Sean shouted as he held one of the people and slowly everything began to float around Daniel except the people.

Outside, Klein was fighting against one of the organization's puppets, a broken person who was put in their control because their power was too strong... This one seemed to be Gravity! Klein was hit by the gravity wave that sent him down, his body was being pressed down, gravity was 10× stronger than normal as it pressed him down. But by physical strength alone, Klein got up.

[Abilities Registered:

[Resistance: Gravity (D)]

Reduces damage taken by gravity.

[Meta Powers: Gravity Control (S)]

Complete control of the gravity around the user's body. Increase, decrease, control, and alter gravity is easy to do.

Consumes energy.

Please have a good day.]

Instantly Klein felt the weight on his body reduce slightly as he flapped his wings and flew up towards the enemy. He could try and save him, but the damage would not vanish and that person would be forever scarred for life, not able to respond to anything. Klein at least thought killing them was mercy! His hand suddenly turned into a black tentacle that split into several tentacles with blades on them, each one of them moved differently from the other but they all had one target: The gravity guy. The tentacles suddenly stopped as if they hit a barrier, but Klein continued to move them and hit the barrier with the tentacles as it hit he could see it breaking. Seconds later the barrier broke and the man's head was on the ground, his body was cut into tiny pieces.

Now Klein had to heal the alive ones and speak to the Time Traveler...