130: OmniPowers

(A/N: If I have already explained how Omni-Powers work in this novel then forgive me. If I have not, then this is the explanation for you:)

The journey to Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience is something that must have a solid foundation.

To be Omnipotent you must be able to do anything.

To be Omnipresent you need to be everywhere.

To be Omniscient you need to know everything.

Klein is far, far away from all this. He is strong, sure, but compared to an Omnipotent Being? No. Even though they might not be completely Omnipotent to him because none would be able to erase his existence from... Well, Existence. And although he has control over two of existence's greatest energies, he is still away from fully comprehending them or even simply using them in an efficient way that would not waste 90% of the energy. But it is hard, very hard to do so...

Believe it or not, being everywhere is easier than knowing everything or doing everything with no restrictions whatsoever.

Omnipresence is the easier one to achieve because all you need to do is spread "yourself" or a part of you everywhere! Gods can do that by spreading their Divine Energy, which makes them possibly Omnipresent if they are strong enough to cover an entire universe with their Divine Energy. Klein is yet to be that level, but he can still spread his Divine Energy very far! But it is still not enough because A) He doesn't have enough Divine Energy to cover an entire galaxy imagine an entire universe and B) Even though he can spread his Divine Energy far away, he starts to lose vision over what he can see after his Divine Energy is far away. The solution to such problems?

Simple yet difficult.

To problem B, all he has to do is fuse his Divine Energy and at the same time expand his Psionic Energy, Soul Energy, Holy Energy, Unholy Energy, Time Energy, Space Energy, Reality Energy, Mana Energy, Elemental Energy, Life Energy, Death Energy, Kaos Energy, Cosmic Energy, and Void Energy! Well, it is not that easy, he found out that he could increase his perception inside his "Divine Field" as he likes to call it, by using other Energies to filter out other things... Just like filtering a novel by Tags. That was a terrible example and I am very sorry about that!

(A/N: Did I forgot any energy?)

But doing so with so many energies at the same time is very difficult! Klein was able to that once and couldn't maintain it for more than a few seconds before his brain almost shut down with all the information he received from all over the Universe. He discovered so many things at the same time, but even so, it wasn't even a spec of what true Omniscience was. He needed to understand Concepts too, which depending on the Universe or Reality he is in, change completely. And to have Omniscience, he needs to know every single variation of every single concept, idea, image, scent, taste, and any form of information that ever existed exists and will exist in the future.

Easy right?

Now don't get me started with Omnipotence!


Klein sighed as he cuddled closer to his adorable lover who was giving him the legendary lap pillow, his smiling face continued as he watched the children climb up a small mountain that began to spurt lava out, Klein raised an eyebrow at this while Zagreus just chuckled at the children's reaction.

They were back at Camp Half-Blood to keep an eye on the kids that Zagreus called "his". Klein could do nothing but watch as Zagreus began to kidnap, or should I say, surprise adopt every single child in this Camp as his. He was having fun so Klein didn't care, it's not like he was serious... Right?

Oh boy, he did not know how serious Zagreus was.

Zagreus wanted a big family, he could not get pregnant himself, trust me when I say Klein tried several times to make him pregnant and most times were by his request, but it doesn't work like that. Maybe is some other Universe it works, but not in this one and not with Zagreus! Klein knew what he could do to create life, a ritual of some sort, but for now, he is satisfied with a whole camp as his children. He inhaled the sweet smell of roses and honey that Zagreus had when he was sitting by the base of a tree and sighed. his bigger frame seemed smaller beside his lover as he let himself relax in his arms and closed his eyes...

Just to snap them back open when he saw Zagreus touch his chest, his sensitive nipples, which made him look at him like a hungry big bad wolf staring at a small white little rabbit that has no idea of how bad his situation is. Zagreus smiled and whispered in his ear: " Not now... Look at your son, look at him go, look how happy he is. Look how happy all the other children are, how happy it makes me... I want to live like this forever, happy and having fun." Klein licked his fingers before smirking at his blushing husband, his eyes started to waver and change to a darker color as he said: "Yeah... Me too..." He quickly bit Zagreus's finger, making him pull it back in surprise just as he saw Klein's teasing smile and realized he just poked a sleeping dragon.

And by dragon, he means Klein's dick.

And apparently, he could not wait, as he took him by the hand with a confident and sexy smile, vanishing from their spot as he brought him to another minor dimension where they could have as much fun as they wanted before going back and... Well, it will take some time before they can come back, Zagreus had to awake a sleeping dragon, didn't he?

-Scene Ends-

Author Note:

Welp. I don't think this chapter is good, maybe I'll rewrite it later because now I am gay and tired.
