131: A little filler chapter

[+18 Description but I am out of practice, so be prepared for shitty smut]

Soon, both reappeared in a special dimension made especially for this moment, when Zagreus teased Klein and made him mad horny. The dimension was, nothing too complicated for Klein to do really, everything was just an endless blue sky with no sun and floating islands of rocks and sand. However, the island they were on was somewhat different because it was a giant white bed, with pure white sheets and some golden bottles of Nectar. Klein knew how much Zagreus loved Nectar, it was his favorite drink and he thought it was adorable how excited he gets whenever someone gives him a bottle of this delicious golden liquid.

He also knows how Zagreus like the white color too after he learned more about snow and ice. Klein still remembers how after they had their first snowball fight, Zagreus was covered in snow from head to toe, making him look adorable... Like right now, Zagreus is just below his body, hiding his red face with one of the white pillows that were there for exactly that.

Klein chuckled, his deep, shallow voice vibrating in his chest where Zagreus had a hand on made the smaller man pull back his hand, his fingers flexing and twitching. Klein took one of the Nectar bottles and with a swift movement, placed the wooden cork that was on the bottle on his teeth, and pulled it free with a charming smile. Zagreus soon smelled the scent of flowers that grew in his mother's garden, the scent of the sea, and another mixture of scents that he knew were Klein's. If you're wondering how Klein smells, I'll tell you! He has this weird mixture of smells, Iron that resembles blood, ash that resembles a flame, a weird sweet scent of honey and chocolate, and when he gets angry he has this pungent smell of rot and decomposition.

But Klein was not angry, on the contrary, he was happy and mad horny.

Zagreus could smell him, and he smelled like sweet honey plus another smell that have him feel hot all over, in a very horny way. The scent reminded him of red peppers... Strange right?

"Stop looking at me like that unless you want me to break your ass." Zagreus blinked when he realized that the pillow that was hiding his face was taken away from him a long time ago and now his face was exposed, including his eyes that lustfully stared down at the half-naked body of his lover holding a bottle of Nectar, the golden liquid slowly dripping down his lips, down his throat and collarbone, through his broad, muscular shoulders and chest, going further down till it was on his muscular 8 pack.

Swallowing his saliva, Zagreus couldn't help but stare more. "I see you're thirsty, why don't you have a drink...?" Klein smirked at his cute husband's shy look, even though they had done this more than he could remember, Zagreus still was shy and a little bit embarrassed, after saying that, he gestured to the nectar flowing down his body and watched as Zagreus slowly crawled towards him without hesitation. Even though he lacked hesitation, he had a very red face as he slowly licked up the flowing nectar from Klein's abdomen, licking his muscles, going up against his chest and slowly up to his throat and chin, till he reached Klein's lips and was gently kissed.

Zagreus suddenly felt a stinging pain and pulled away a little bit to see his lip bruised and a smirk on Klein's face, he had bitten his lips, he always does that! "What is your obsession with biting my lips?" Zagreus couldn't help but ask, Klein, raised an eyebrow at the oddity of the question that Zagreus was asking him right now as he was going down on him. Slowly using his fingers to touch Zagreus's muscles and smooth skin, Klein answered the question making another question: "What is your obsession with my nipples?" Zagreus opened his mouth to answer but no words could be said as Klein simply took that opportunity to kiss him. Zagreus soon felt a finger on his lower entrance, his clothes were gone for a long time and he didn't even notice!

He gasped when the cold, lubricated finger entered his hole, Klein always prepared him for what he liked to call his little monster. Zagreus always scoffed and would comment on how ironic that was, Klein's dick was an absolute giant beast that would bring him both pain and pleasure and he honestly didn't know which he preferred... He didn't notice it but soon enough his little hole had three big fingers inside, moving and pressing against his "flesh tunnel" to prepare him for the invasion that would soon follow after. "Do you want me to try something new?" Klein asked as his lips pressed against Zagreus's neck, sending shivers down his spine. Zagreus shook his head, he didn't need anything new t feel good when is Klein that is making him feel good, sometimes they liked to try one thing here and there and Klein was extremely kinky when it comes to dominance.

Zagreus still blushes to this day when remembering some things they did...

Soon Zagreus felt his relaxed hole tense and clench as Klein's monster cock began to slowly enter him. Klein groaned when he felt the resistance and pushed further down, no matter how many times he ravaged Zagreus's hole, it was always tight and hot, making him melt inside him. He was behind Zagreus, Zagreus's body was being pressed down the bed as he raised his ass a little bit so it could be seen and easily eaten by Klein, however, he wanted the main course now. As he lowered his body, his chest touching Zagreus's shoulder blades, he smirked at Zagreus's unfocused expression.

"We have a lot of time..." Klein whispered on Zagreus's ear as his hips began to slowly move backward and he retracted from his cock from Zagreus's hole, only the head standing at the entrance. "So I want to hear it, it's been some time since you asked me... Begged me." Zagreus's ears turned red as he blushed and pressed his face down the white sheets to hide it from Klein, only making his dick twitch and grow harder, pressing itself against Klein's abdomen. Klein's eyes turned into a darker shade of blue as the golden ring around his pupils began to move, you would only notice if you looked at it with caution, it was almost unnoticeable. "Zagreus." Zagreus flinched when he heard Klein's voice, it made his body shiver in excitement as Klein slowly pressed his body against his, his chest against his back.

"Beg." Klein's hoarse, deep, shallow voice whispered beside his ear, and Zagreus slowly turned submissive to Klein's words: "P-please..."

"Please what?"

"P-please, I want it..."

"What do you want? Say it clearly."

"Your dick. I want your dick."

"For what? What do you want my dick for? Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"Fuck me! Fuck my brains out, make me forget everything, please Klein, just fuck me already."

Klein smirked, he knew Zagreus couldn't resist his teasing. "Your wish is my command." After saying that, Zagreus was taken to heaven by Klein's movements. Every single time he would hit a very sweet spot that made Zagreus's body react and shiver in pleasure, the only problem was that Klein kept ramming inside him but every time he would give himself to the pleasure and cum, Klein would stop and bite his shoulders and kiss his ear to get his attention.


"Hum? Please what dear? Use your words, I want to hear your sweet voice telling me what to do with your body."

"Let me cum... Let me cum please."

"Of course I will let you cum, but don't you want to cum together with me? You always like it when we cum together..."


"Of course I will let you cum, you could always ask for anything you want me to do, and I'll do it, dear."

Klein easily let Zagreus release his load down the white sheets of the bed, his back was soon shifted and he had his back pressed again Klein's chest, kissing him. Zagreus could still feel the big dick inside his ass, only that it wasn't moving, but giving him his time to catch his breath before they continued.

And continue they did...

For a long time.