The Seventh War blood

Two weeks earlier...

-Imperial City of Norveda, Naiberia.-

The City's nighttime was filled with bright lights. Neon signs and billboards illuminated the streets while restaurants and movie theaters made the City's atmosphere lively with all the people within it. Bars and casinos can be seen left and right. For this reason, the city was known as "The City of Stars."

Inside one of the city's grand halls, representatives from kingdoms and nations from all across the Northern regions come together for the annual "Northern Summit." It's an event where monarchs from the North discuss their common interests and plans for the great empire. It is also a chance to display their wealth and power to show off to the other kingdoms.

Guards and agents are scattered all over the vicinity to ensure the safety of the diplomats.

one of the representatives was the prince of Crystalia, Ichijo Yoshida. Accompanying him was Kyosuke Tetsuya, son of the Crystalian Prime Minister.

"I hate this event," Ichijo said in an annoyed tone.

"Why do you hate it so much?" Kyosuke asked Ichijo.

"This summit is just an excuse for other northern leaders to brag about their success."

"haha!" Kyosuke giggled upon hearing Ichijo.

"What's so funny?!"

"Well... you're the son of one of the most powerful rulers in all of the Northern Regions yet you refuse to be a part of this 'bragging' event. I think you'd win. haha"

"Who wants to brag about a kingdom powerful enough to stand for what's right yet chooses not to?"

After hearing this, Kyosuke suddenly turned serious.

"Hey, your father is only doing what's best for his kingdom."

Ichijo turned his back.

"We aren't even supposed to be here. Most parts of our kingdom are in the Southern regions. Why do we even take part in these events?" Ichijo added.

"You know why we can't do that. It will put the lives of our people in danger."

"Yes, I know. But still, I hate this place, and I'm sure you know why."

"I know. Don't worry, we don't need to take part in it. We'll leave as soon as the ceremony ends."

Despite its prestigious reputation, The city of Norveda hides a dark secret. Its wealth comes from slave trades. Nobles and wealthy people from around the world come every year to participate in these "Slave" auctions.

"Look, it's the Crystalian prince. I hear he is quite the fighter." A random diplomat whispered to his companion.

"Well, what do you expect from the son of the legendary warlord, Kaede Yoshida?"

"Some people are even calling him 'The Seventh War Blood'. Can you believe it?"

Ichijo and Kyosuke overheard them speaking.

"Hey Ichijo, what were those two talking about? why are they calling you the 'Seventh War Blood' just now?"

"Pay no attention to it," Ichiro said as they walked past them.

The "War Bloods." Along with their exemptional skills in warfare, they are the successors of the world's six most powerful rulers and would one day lead the six most powerful armies the world has ever seen.


"Ichijo, let's go. The event is over. Let's leave now before-"

"Hey, Prince Yoshida!" Someone from the Northern councils called out to Ichijo.

"Oh, Secretary Masamune." Kyosuke and Ichijo bowed their heads to give respect.

The man who called out was Jiro Masamune, Norbania's Secretary of Defense.

"Leaving so soon? There is a slave auction happening after the event. Don't you wanna come? I expect the son of the legendary Kaede Yoshida would want to show off his father's wealth a bit."

Ichijo tightened his grip and gave a disgruntled look.

Kyosuke Immediately noticed this.

"I... I'm sorry sir, but we're kind of in a hurry. Emperor Kaede wants to see us as soon as possible."

"Oh, too bad. There are a lot of beautiful women that will be auctioned tonight-"

"I'm afraid we have to leave!" Ichiro said in an infuriated tone before turning his back on the defense secretary.

As the two were leaving, the secretary gave them a grim look.

"Hah, you weren't even supposed to be here anyway. Good riddance. The 'Seventh War blood?' He's just a spoiled brat!" Secretary Masamune whispered to himself.

"Hey, Ichijo. You shouldn't have done that. The Secretary might have felt disrespected." Kyosuke said to Ichijo as he was trying to catch up with him.

"Good. He didn't deserve any in the first place."

Ichijo said with a harsh tone.

As they were about to leave...

"STOP THAT GIRL!" Ichijo heard someone yelling and turned around.

As he turned around...

"It's you! You came! You're here!"

It was a beautiful young girl covered in chains. She had short, silver hair and elegant green eyes. She clung to Ichijo's arms.

"Uhm... Wait, Who are you?" Ichijo asked the chained girl.

"Please, save me! You're my rescuer! I've waited for you-"

As the girl was saying something to Ichijo, one of the guards grabbed her away from him.

"I'm sorry your majesty, this slave girl was about to be auctioned and she tried to escape. I hope she didn't bother you-"

"Auctioned?!" Ichijo interrupted the guard.

"Uhm... Yes sir. She's a slave."

Ichijo was stunned to see an actual slave for the first time.

"If you'll excuse me, sir, we have to bring her back now." The guards left as Ichijo stared at the slave girl as she was being taken away.

"Ichijo, we should get going." Kyosuke grabbed him towards the car.

But then...

"We have to get that girl," Ichijo told Kyosuke.

"What?! What are you saying all of a sudden?!"

"We need to save that girl!"

"How are you planning to-"

"I'm going back." Ichijo then left the car then went back inside the building.

"What is he thinking now?" Kyosuke then followed him inside."

"Excuse me, where can I find the auction venue?"

"Right this way sir." Ichijo then follows.

As he entered the auditorium, the place was filled with wealthy people from all over the world. Most are either politicians or monarchs.

"There you are, Ichijo! Why did you run off like that?!" Kyosuke said to Ichijo after he finally caught up to him.

"It looks like the action has already started." Ichijo sat down to observe the bidding wars.

"Hmm. So they came after all." The Secretary of Defense, Jiro Masamune, noticed Ichijo and Kyosuke entering the auditorium.

"Sold! Slave number 49 is sold to the Ambassador of Norwedia." An auctioneer was hosting the event.

"Looks like it's down to the main event of the auction." Kyosuke tried to check if there are any slaves left on stage.

"There's only one left," he added.

"It's her." Ichijo gave a strong glare.