I smell Roses!

I was sitting in a Muggle cafe, when I saw a few people secretly enter the alley way, which I knew was a cul-de-sac.

I followed under the cloak, and saw the group of "Snatchers" take a portkey out. I rushed along with them, stuck my hand at the portkey, and held on tightly to avoid an accident. It is almost always fatal, to let go of the portkey, before the "anchor in your navel" feeling does not go away.

I seemed to have reached an undetermined place, as I was in front of what effectively looked like a old Feudal style gothic manor. I wasn't sure where we were, but I decided to do a little Legilimens to find out.

Apparently, the snatchers don't know the location as well. I am certain, it is some stash house for some nutjob, as apparently there were no wards in the house. I was following this group of Snatchers, because I know they are higher leveled than others. They were seen exiting Malfoy Manor with a mokeskin pouch, and I wanted to see if they were paid, before the task or after.

So I followed them, and that led me to here.

An old gothic manor without any erected wards. We entered as one, and came to the halls. I had disguised my scent, my heat signature, my footsteps and my own voice using the heavily runed Cloak, because I knew otherwise, a snake could sense me.

I followed inside, to find the hiding members of Rosier family, the Selwyns and Bulstrode there, but apparently no Fenrir or Macnair. I didn't see anyone else in the manor, and decided to "camp" out at the small hill behind the manor, and made a ghillie suit to camouflage myself.

I set up the scopes, which were magically enchanted to give me 20x magnification, and give a variable magnification power unlike the mundane scopes.

I waited with a pair of binoculars, which had similar enchantment. I saw the Rosier Heir appear in the window, and Sniped him such that he fell from the window of the third floor.

I shot a round in his head just to be sure, and decided to keep an eye on anyone who comes looking.

I saw a drunk Selwyn boy stumble onto the broken glass, and saw him raise a ruckus, when he peered down and saw his friend splattered on the ground.

There was a bit of shuffling and moments later, the Rosier family came out along with all the inhabitants of the castle. I wanted to kill them all, but there was no need, as they were not my target. And they would all get alert and escape.

I saw that the Snatchers had dropped something off here, and were ready to head out again.

I followed them, to see where the trail would lead me. They appeared to be doing a supply drop, and now they were taking another portkey.

I dallied along, and finally found the Snatchers entering dense woods from the No Entry signs. It appears, I may meet my target today, after all the troubles I went to. I have a wolf to hunt!