Trail runs cold, or Does it?

Apparently, I hoped too much, as the Snatchers came and visited a den of Werewolves alright, but there was no Grayback or Macnair in sight. I had hoped too much, and the snatchers had apparently no idea where Grayback or Macnair were either.

It seemed, finally my trail had gone cold, but casual use of Legilimency on the Werewolves revealed another matter entirely.

Voldemort had apparently found out about the Yaxley Manor massacre, and had sent Grayback along with Barty Crouch Jr. to investigate and hunt the killer.

He seemed to have given Grayback something to help him track the murderer, and apparently, this was three days ago. So about a week after I committed the murder.

There was no scent leading to me, as I was careful at every step, but magic can always find a way to fuck me.

I now could sense the irony of my life. I was going around in circles. I was trailing and following breadcrumbs to find Grayback, while he was going around looking for me.

I knew the scents and pheromones I sprayed at the scene of the crime were going to mislead the wolf, if he can track using his wolf senses even on days when it wasn't a full moon.

I knew he was more a beast, than a man, and by giving into his savage and bestial instincts, he essentially embraced his accursed side. That may have given him control over his inner wolf, and apparently enhanced his human side.

But, that does not mean he was not smart and shrewd, otherwise he would have been put down long ago.

I decided to err on the side of caution, as I cannot be certain if Grayback can trace the murders back to me. I was aware of my own limitations, after all.

I went to a secluded part of the woods, turned into the Basilisk, carved a good tunnel under the ground, and turned back into a human to lay my traps.

I wanted to see what Grayback was able to find about me, and I made a trip to the scene of the crime to see, if he had been there. The hotel, as it happened was now swarming with alert Aurors, and there was a huge scandal when about 76 people were found dead over the span of a few hours.

The Blacks were labelled as being killed in the tragedy, and the upstanding citizens were being mourned by their well wishers.

Apart from that, there were no signs of Fenrir making a round here, and even using Legilimency on an Auror showed he hasn't seen any of the Voldemort's goons around.

Now I truly had no idea, how to track the cunt, but I remembered something, which made me want to slap my head to pound some sense into me.

Barty Crouch Jr. was assisted by the snarling wolf to investigate the murder, and he was supposed to be flying under the radar right now. His father is the Head of DMLE, and a hypocritical cunt. Which means, Barty Jr. is undercover for Voldemort. But he also has to ward off suspicion of his father.

His mother is alive and well, right about now, and since in cannon, I knew he had been interrogated under Truth serum, he cannot have Oclumency to shield his mind from me.

And the cunt has to wander around his house, and at least keep in touch with his family, otherwise they would suspect him. I also knew that his House elf is quite motherly with him, and she is quite affectionate to care about his wellbeing.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is how you hunt a wild wolf.

Bibitty Bipitty Bopitty Boo!

I'mma kill Barty, and there's nothing Voldy can Do!