Chapter 2: Ryugakure

Madara and Hashirama were amazed by how many scrolls were there in the house, it was like a huge library, but instead of containing boring books, it contains all of the secret techniques that a clan would drool and treat it as their precious heirloom.

"Say, Arent you scared that the others would steal this if they found out?" Hashirama asked as he glanced at Tanaka.

"Well, that is true, if they could enter or leave alive that is" Tanaka chuckled.

"Makes sense" Madara nodded, Tanaka must be confident showing this to both of them without fearing they would try to steal the secret techniques.

Madara curiously picked one of the scrolls and opened it.

[Rokushiki- Soru]

"Rokushiki? Is it some kind of Ninjutsu? or Taijutsu?" Madara carefully read it.

[The Soru allows the users to move at extremely high speeds in order to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds and with greater power. the principle of this move was to kick off the ground at least ten times in the blink of an eye.]

"A movement type Taijutsu?" Madara was surprised, this technique doesnt need any chakra to execute and only needed to kick the ground 10 times.

"What are yoy reading Madara?" Hashirama asked as he peeked to what Madara was reading and saw what it was.

"Soru? doesnt seem so hard, let me try it" Hashirama then went outside and readied himself.


Hashirama yelled then kicked the ground.



As Hashirama used Soru, he failed to control his body and his face slapping down into the ground heavily, like a meaty meat being slapped into the chopping board.

"O-o-ouch!" Hashirama covered his face from the pain.

"Pfft" Madara and Tanaka held their laugh.

"D-dont laugh at me... " Hashirama was about to cry.

"Haha, let me show you how its done" Madara said with his chest puffed out.

He then stood in the middle and focused himself.





"Oof" Tanaka could not help but feel the pain Madara just went through, unlike Hashirama who only got his face slapped on the ground, Madara was able to take off but he also fell face first then because of acceleration, He wasnt able to stop and his face was dragged into the ground as he moved forward.

He traveled for about 3 meters before stopping, anyone could tell how painful that was, thankfully, the body of shinobi's are sturdy.

Madara sat up from the ground and spat out the dust that got into his nose and mouth.

"Pweh! my face hurts" Madara groaned from pain.

Being young, Madara doesnt have his high and mighty arrogance yet, he was but a little kid right now.

"Hahaha! you actually did it!" Hashirama held his stomach as he laughed.

"Shut up!" Madara immediately chased after him.

Tanaka chuckled and didnt say anything, he then tried to execute the soru and disappeared from his position, reappearing 10 meters away.

"Fast!" Madara and Hashirama noticed it and could not help but exclaim, it was just too fast, it was like body flicker.

But they knew, Tanaka didnt use any chakra at all, this technique is much more superior than Body flicker!

Tanaka sighed as he returned back to them, the system rated his execution of Soru and it was rated as bad by the system.

"That was cool Tanaka!" Hashirama ran towards him.

"No, the execution was bad, if I did it properly, I could go even faster" Tanaka smiled wryly.

"No, no, no, if you compare Soru to body flicker jutsu, then the former would be superior, you dont know how mind blowing that skill is!" Madara exclaimed.

Tanaka chuckled, what would be their reaction if they found its variations, and Geppo? Anyways, Tanaka didnt bother them anymore and let them do what they want for now, Tanaka decided to train some ninjutsu, Tanaka had a huge chakra capacity, it was comparable to a jinchiruki, it was one of the gifts he got from the system, he also received the fountain of Youth and drank it, getting the immortality of Ban from the Seven Deadly Sins.

It seemed like every wish of every naruto fans had been received by Tanaka, he was quite happy about that, but one thing Tanaka found in this place.

It was boring as hell, no form of entertainment existed, no T.V. no anime, no manga, no internet, no music, no Hen-ahem, Tanaka cleared his throat and mind.

"Kage bunshin no Jutsu!" Tanaka made a hand seal and 10 shadow clones appeared in front of him.

"Time to work everyone, lets go!' Tanaka said as all the shadow clones went towards their own work.

3 shadow clones were in charge of construction, 4 shadow clones were in charge of training, 2 shadow clones were in charge of drawing manga which they were writing right now is One punch man, since Saitama was the easiest one to write.

1 Shadow clone was in charge of music, he was playing a violin, which was the one Madara and Hashirama heard earlier.

Even though Tanaka had no knowledge about music, the system rates his works and so knowing if he was doing bad or good, Tanaka also had a house full of music scores and songs.

As for the main Tanaka, he decided to tend Hashirama and Madara, since it would be rude to leave his two guests.

"Yes, Im definitely not lazying around" Tanaka convinced himself.

The two guests spent their whole day in the library before leaving, promising to come back tomorrow, Tanaka didnt mind and waved them off good bye.

The next day, early in the morning, Hashirama and Madara returned, and did not go to the library immediately but trained and asked Tanaka for some tips.

Tanaka was a great man, he knew that these two were important characters for his first mission which was to defend fhe shinobi world from the invaders.

Also slowly, Tanaka's village continued to expand, there are now more houses and Tanaka decided to make the houses had the ancient japanese style buildings, simply they looked cool, well, they looked cool but they are empty though.

Tanaka could have gone for Modern style buildings but his village was placed in the forest, it would look out of place if he did that.

And just like that, 3 months has passed and just a week ago, Hashirama and Madara stopped coming to the village.

But Tanaka didnt mind, he knew the war that was happening, Senju and Uchiha always fought against each other.

Well, enough of the known story, Tanaka had a proud expression on his face as he walk around his empty village, because of his shadow clones that now numbers to 300 plus, he was still far way from Naruto's numbers but its enough.

Because of his 300 plus shadow clones, the rate of the village expanding became faster, it was now at the size of 2 football stadium.

Having 300 tones would put a burden on Tanaka's minds but he had a solution for that, he divided his clones and had one clone to be their leader, then when the clones disperses, only the information of the chosen clone leaders will be received by Tanaka as for the others, they would be thrown away.

Yes, his village big, but its a ghost village, still Tanaka felt proud, it took him 3 months to build the village to be this big, he didnt even use a jutsu to build this village, unlike Hashirama who build Konoha using his wood release.

Anyways, Tanaka didnt only focus on building, Tanaka also made specialities which will be of use when he will be opening trades with other villages.

Tanaka also wanted to have some technology in this place such as T.V, internet, phones, and more but they are on research periods for now, since the materials of shinobi world is somewhat special.

Tanaka had also grown strong, at the past months, he sparred with Madara and Hashirama and was able to beat them, well, one of the reasons was his extra ordinary healing and large chakra.

Still, you cant blame someone from being blessed right?

Anyways, after Madara and Hashirama disappeared, Tanaka started putting his plans to work, and his first work was to make Uzumaki clan join his village.

Since in the story, Uzumaki clan would be abandoned by Konoha, it would be better for Tanaka to put them under his wings, after all, this clan would be a great use for his missions, and Tanaka also doesnt fear the other countries.

His village which was the Ryugakure or Hidden Dragon Village, the very first shinobi village, and also Land of Fire wont be able to have influence in this land since it was out of his territory.

Hashirama and Madara also acknowledged that it was not part of the Land of Fire, and no one owns this country that the system gave to Tanaka.

Tanaka then called it Land Of Dragons, since the Ryu was residing on this land, making it their own. (A/N: Gonna start calling it Ryu to shorten it)

Of course, even if Tanaka declared it, the other countries wont acknowledge it, and so the way for that is to create fame and make them acknowledge it even if they dont want to.

"Well, time to do recruitment" Tanaka smiled.