Chapter 14: Lalalive Stream!

-The next day-

Sitting in front of the computer, Tanaka checked that everything was fine, he had 3 huge monitors, a glowing gaming keyboard, a gaming mouse, a high end mic, and a high definition camera.

Tanaka also changed his clothes, he wore a custom made Traditional Chinese Tunic, which the same as his favorite kung fu master Ip man wore, except the difference is that Tanaka had dragon engravings on his clothes.

Tanaka also braided his hair, after making sure is everything is fine, Tanaka opened only platform available, which is Ryutube, it may sound weird but Tanaka think any good names.

Then he turned on the live stream platform and started the stream, the moment stream opened, a flux of viewers immediately entered the lobby.

Tanaka could see a rush of comments surprised when he truly livestreamed, even though Ryugakure had the most advance technology in this world, the villagers are still new to the cellphones and other devices.

Just like from Tanaka's past life, from 2005 to 2010, phones are not that sought out by the people, except for some rich people, the ones at the bottom must make a decision if it was needed for their everyday life.

Anyway, back to the present, Tanaka saw that when the numbers of viewers reach 20,000, it slowed down.

He then finally started the live stream.

"What is up Dragonlings, welcome to my livestream! Ahh, yes, thank you for remindjng me that im handsome, I forgot to tell myself on the mirror how handsome I am, hmm? what am I going to do? Ah, today! im going to make a video game!" Tanaka calmly talked with them.

Even though some of Tanaka's answers were

Narcissistic, the people still excitedly talked with him, asking him many things or showing their love for him but Tanaka ignored them and kept talking what is videogame and other stuffs.

Tanaka then opened the Game engine he created and taught the audience of how to make a game.

As for what game he would make, Tanaka chose an easy yet hard game, Geometry Dash, a game he loved to play in his past life, those who did not play this game had their whole life as a lie.(A/N: This is not an advertisement)

Actually this game is not that complicated, you only need to tap or press the key for your character to jump and evade the traps, it also comes with great music.

Tanaka doesnt mind for his first game to be a huge project, he first did some programming and tons of sh*ts, who cares about those boring stuffs.

Anyway, It took a whole day for Tanaka to have the same game effect from his past life, the next was music.

Tanaka summoned 50 clones and made them do all the music, Tanaka of course wont show the audience the music yet but, for the audience to know what game he was playing, Tanaka made one in front of them.

It was a player made level from his past life called 'The Antagonist' it was an XL Demon Level and it was fairly famous among players.

Tanaka wanted to play the level once but his phone said 'No' and his computer also said 'No' so he could only give up and watch other players play the level.

Anyway, Tanaka first made the music, it was called Starfall and was made by Talurre, the music doesnt have any lyrics but it has a choir and tons of heavy instruments.

But who cares, beatbox is a thing and Tanaka could just tune it, as the music was on Tanaka's mind, it only took him about 30 minutes to finalize the music.

The musicians who were watching the stream were crying by how easy Tanaka made it look for them.

Tanaka then started making the levels, creating a level is fairly easy since the game only is made on shapes, it took an hour for Tanaka to make the level, copying is easier than making your own.

Tanaka then draw the background by what he remembers from his memory, he enhanced the arts by a bit since his experience in writing manga improved his art.

2 hours later, Tanaka finished creating the the level, well, only a single level, anyway, he had his clones for that.

Tanaka played the game for a while then after finishing it, he announced the game release on the game stores which will be next week, then said goodbye.

It was already late at night when Tanaka finished his livestream, he happily went to bed and went to sleep.

The next day, Tanaka woke up early once again and live streamed, he introduced another game, this continued for 5 days until Tanaka stopped, in total, he released a total of 5 games.

Many villagers are also interested in being a game designer, then Tanaka decided to add college, it was not that different from his past life.


2 months had passed since then, the village continued to expand and the other villages are also continuously developing, and everyone is being restless.

Other countries discovered where Ryugakure was and they saw how developed it was, the land of Dragon also became the richest country on he Shinobi world, after all, Tanaka now firmly had his claws on the trading.

Greed overcame them and they were planning how to get this for themselves but they did not dare to move because of Tanaka.

Tanaka who was looking around the whole countries of course knew about it, he had tons of spies on every part of this world and all of them were his clones.

And Tanaka also found the Tailed Beasts he was looking for, they were scattered around the shinobi world, some where being worshipped, and It seemed Suna that claimed they have a tailed beast on them from the start were lying.

Some were just playing around, and sleeping, the Aincrad already had its 1st to 30th floor built, it wont be too long for it to get built, Tanaka underestimated the speed of constructing the Aincrad.

But Tanaka isnt going to take them for now, he needed to find the proper mobs for each floors first, and what he needed right now is Hagoromo.

Sitting on a lotus position, Tanaka closed his eyes and went into an form called absolute zero state, all his senses are blocked out from the real world and his thoughts are very clear.

Tanaka then felt his body floating, he opened his eyes and found himself in a different place.

"So this is my Dreamscape" Tanaka murmured curiously looking around, all he could see was fog, a very thick fog that made it impossible to see the other side.

Tanaka could also feel the force repelling him from going into the fog, Tanaka frowned, 'Is this the work of the system?' he thought but he didnt dwell it any longer.

He then focused himself and called the name "HAGOROMO!" Tanaka yelled on his dreamscape, it was like the roar of the dragon making his whole Dreamscape tremble.

Tanaka called out for a few more times before he heard a voice.

"I hear you, Child of Gods" an old voice resounded.

Tanaka turned his head and saw Hagoromo, he was tall and pale-skinned man, who had deep wrinkles and a strong jawline in his elderly age. He had spiky, shoulder-length, pale brown hair, with a chin-length, braided lock hanging in front of his left ear. He also sported a goatee, Hagoromo had a pair of horn-like protrusions extending from either side of his forehead.

"Child of Gods?" Tanaka asked, he felt that, it was something about the system.

"You dont need to know about that for now, you will know in the future" Hagoromo said.

"Then I wont ask about it any further, I called you to ask about-"

"The Creation of All Things Technique" Hagoromo didnt let him finish and answered for him.

"Yes, I want you to teach me how to use it" Tanaka said.

"You can already wield it, why not imagine something on your hand?" Hagoromo said patiently.

"Imagine something from my hand?" Tanaka turned to his hand and imagined something.


A cloud of smoke came out from his palm and the next thing he knew, a bottle of coke appeared on his hand.

"The next thing you need to do is use your chakra to pull that out to the real world" Hagoromo added.

"Oh, then that is good" Tanaka then looked at Hagoromo.

"Im going to hide the tailed beasts" He said seriously.

"I dont mind Child of God, they are safest in your hands" Hagoromo nodded.

"Then see you later" Tanaka waved his hand and then focused on the bottle of coke on his hand.

"To pull, to pull, to puuuuuu"


The space on Tanaka's hands were ripped apart showing the void, Tanaka then continued to pull and the bottle was pulled into the void.

Tanaka opened his eyes and he was already back in the real world, he looked around and it seemed like nothing has changed.

Tanaka then turned to his hand and felt the weight of the Bottle of coke, he carefully inspected it and it doesnt feel different from the coke he knew.

He then opened the cap.


Tanaka immediately drank it in one go.

*Glug! *Glug!



Tanaka burped in satisfaction, it seemed like it successfully worked, he then checked his Chakra and noticed only a small portion of his Chakra have been reduced, it even got refilled immediately.

"Haha! Then time to experiment with the dungeons" Tanaka smiled and stood up.



Seven Kiri Swordsmen against Seven Deadly Sins? xD