Chapter 22: War! War! War!

Somewhere around the Land of Fire, 20 Shinobi's from the land of Kumo could be seen, they are fighting against a young man carrying a short sword on his back.

He didnt seem affected by their numbers and just kept doing his thing.

The Kumo ninja's didnt get enraged or immediately attack him because the man in front of them is part of the well known group of Ryugakure, One of the Seven Deadly Sins, the Sin of Wrath, Shin Uzumaki.

He had a bounty of 80 million Ryo on his head, Dead or Alive.

The bounty system they use is not the bingo book but the one from one piece, It started about 2 years ago, the first one to put out a bounty is the Kiri who got one of their important high members killed by the Night Raid.

Tanaka found it quite funny at first but he didnt really mind, Manga had deeply influenced the whole Shinobi world.

Its not that they take everything seriously but these new cultures made them curious and when they tried it, they found it better than they have thought.

Anyway, Shin didnt say anything as he stared at these people, he was actually kind of bored, this Kiri Shinobi are all weak, the strongest among them was a special Jounin who didnt seem to be strong at all.

"Shin of Ryu, we are warning you, if something happened to us, war will erupt" One of them said.

"Haha, I guess you guys are late on the news, war had already started" Shin said with a smile as he slowly took the short sword from its scabbard.

He was not lying, war had already started, the war started a week ago, and it was the Kumo who started it.

This move of their immediately made everyone erupted and join the war, and Tanaka used this chance to give his villagers more battle experience.

Even though they have Dungeons and Aincrad, Tanaka still felt it was the best to grow in war.

Speaking of Aincrad, after Tanaka took in all of the Tailed beasts, He made them share their chakra with him and sped up filling the whole Aincrad and it took Tanaka only a year to fill all that up, including the monsters, highly intelligent NPC's and some game elements.

Now back to the present.

All the Kiri Shinobi were taken aback and immediately became fearful, they were just here to spy on the Ryu and curse their luck that they met one of the Seven Deadly Sins who was strolling around.

The moment Shin took a step forward, all of them immediately threw shuriken or Kunai towards him.

Shin calmly dodged all of their attacks, seeing none of their attacks work, they all started weaving sign, ready to use different kind of ninjutsu which was their worst mistake.

The moment they let go of their ninjutsu, Shin calmly raised the sword on his hand.

[Full Counter]


It just happened in a moment that the Kiri Shinobis werent able to react and the only thing they saw before they die was a pure white light that embraced them to their death.

Shin sighed and looked at the devastation of him using the full counter, a huge pit that was 30 meters deep and 50 meters long.

"I'm still far from Tanaka-sama" Shin murmured, he still remember like yesterday when Tanaka showed him how the full counter worked.

It was their training and needed to fight with Tanaka, 7 Deadly Sins who already trained for a year faced the Ryuo of Ryugakure.

They were allowed to go all out since they were in a dungeon but even when they trained for a year and felt they are powerful, they were still destroyed by Tanaka who wielded a slipper on his hand that was more powerful than their weapons.

Tanaka even used the full counter using this slipper and blew them all away instantly killing them.

Thankfully, there was a video recording in the dungeon that was added, raiders could rewatch their battles with this by buying it.

After they watched what happened, they saw Tanaka used full counter by throwing the slippers towards them and hitting them on their faces, it was like a chain lightning, hitting them one after another.

Well, the aftermath of that battle was Tanaka almost destroying the whole dungeon, a deep pit that seemed to have no bottom, and it extended far into the horizon.

Shin was shocked by how powerful it was, Tanaka had explained him how full counter works but he still havent perfected it.

Anyway, after filling up the land he destroyed he continued strolling around.

Meanwhile at a rift near the Ryugakure village Tanaka was standing outside along with Madara and Hashirama.

This was the rift going to the gate, since the war was coming, he wont be able to put his attention on the rift and so they decided to seal it for now.

Nothing really happened to the other side of the rift, Tanaka once went to the kingdom but their living condition was much more worse than in Kumo, even the other rifts, but that is for another time.

Tanaka could take this place anytime but he refrained from doing so, he found some demi-humans at that place and damn.

Anyway, Tanaka tried to find Rory Mercury but not a shadow of her was found, he remembered in the anime that she had a good nose when it comes to invaders but it seemed not.

With the help of Hashirama and Madara, sealing the rift was still hard but they were able to, the trio created a specially made seal for the rift and even Kaguya wont be able to break it with all of her strength.

It drained their chakra by a lot and they still have to do, 7 more, through out the years they found these rifts and all of them could be found in the Land of Dragon.

It seemed like the system is doing some wonders or just the Land of Dragon had a special ability.

It took them 9 days to seal all of the Rifts, and on these 9 days, the war became more intense, the other villages stopped holding back and tried their best to expand their territory and steal resources.


Standing on a platform, Tanaka looked at all of the elite of the elites in front of him which numbered thousands, and this was just 10% of the full force of the Ryugakure.

These are the people where the reinforcement sent to the front lines, in this war, Tanaka, Madara and Hashirama decided to stay at the back lines and wait for the other villages to make move.

After all, joining this war was like an adult joining a childrens fight and so they didnt join, though there may be casualties, it was normal on war.

Scanning the soldiers in front of him, Tanaka turned serious, and started his speech.

"War is not a game, one carelessness will lead you to your death, losing your life means leaving your family behind" Tanaka said as he looked at them.

"MY SOLDIERS!" Tanaka yelled loudly.

All of the soldiers straightened their posture at the same time.

"You are not going war to die for our village, but to make those to bastards die for theirs! My Soldiers, Rage!" Tanaka yelled.

"Ha!" All of the soldiers yelled at the same time.

"This moment! This War! We will show the world our might! My Soldiers, Scream!" Tanaka got passionate on his speech that all of the soldiers felt their blood boil.

"Ha!" They shouted much louder than the first one, full of fighting spirit that even the audience who were watching from the distance felt it.

"My Soldiers. Shinzo Sasageyo!" Tanaka finished his speech.

"Ha!!!" all of the soldiers yelled on top of their lungs and saluted.

"Go!" Tanaka summoned a Dragon Gate and teleported all of the soldiers going to war, they are positioned at the border of the Land of Dragon and it was also the battlefield for the villages who steeled their heart to invade the Land of Dragon.

The moment the soldiers arrived at the battlefield, war was already on going, tons of corpses could be seen, a blood of river filling the whole land, the soldiers who fighting spirits were at their peak after Tanaka's speech, yelled loudly showing their presence and immediately rushed towards the battlefield and clashed with the others.

Not far from the battlefield, Seven figures could be seen looking around the battlefield, these are the Kiri Swordsmen who lost their fame because of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Just then, they suddenly felt something, they all immediately turned their heads and saw not too far away from them, another group of Seven, and these group was the one they hated the most.

"Sate,sate, sate, I didnt expect for us to meet each other" Shin said with a smirk.


I read the suggestions you gave guys and yes, Im too lazy to go write about another world and the war at the same time.

Also, like I said, I get affected in what I watch, I just watched an Asmv of Erwin Smith by MxM productions and was affected, well, hope you like the reference.

Anyway, if you like my work please kindly support me, any is fine, well, if you want to anyway, im trying not be lazy...(Impossible)



What is Lazy?

