Chapter 24: Remembering the Past.

As the times goes on, the more everyone realized their lost, their forces were constantly dying while the forces from Ryugakure were considered almost nothing.

The high rankings of the guild didnt even appear, for example, the A-Rankers, there are many well known A rankers from the Dragon Guild and they were all considered as a celebrity but none of those guys appeared.

It was like they did not even put the war on their eyes.

Well, if Tanaka heard that, he would laugh his ass off, its not that they didnt bother but they couldnt, the 3rd batch of the Aincrad challengers went in and wont be able to leave after 3 months.

And almost all of the ones on 3rd batch are B rankers and above, well, there are 3 S-Ranks but that is for another time.

Anyway, Tanaka didnt really mind the war because his lost is almost nothing, but the other thing is his profits are going up.

The dragon guild was the empire trader in the Shinobi world, even if the other countries try to stop it or even steal from it, they werent able to.

Because a new group was formed once again about a year ago, they were called the Dragon Knights,Formerly Magic Knights, but Tanaka changed it, also Magic do not exist in the Shinobi World.

There are currently, 9 squads and each of them were almost as powerful as the Night Raid, they are tasked in escorting the trucks.

As for their ranks, Tanaka changed it a little bit, from lowest to highest.

Junior Dragon Knight, Intermediate Dragon Knight, Senior Dragon Knight, and Grand Dragon Knight.

Each squads also have Dragon Knight Captain, and the minimum of them are Senior Dragon Knight.

They also have their own insignia, and you dont need to ask about their squad names, Tanaka plundered it shamelessly.

Anyway, these squads are powerful on their own, many had tried to rob the Cargo but they were immediately destroyed when they met the Dragon Knights.

Though they may not have any weapons to give them, they were not dissatisfied with it.

Tanaka also felt bad called them Dragon Knights but they dont have any dragons.

Well, Tanaka also started creating dragons but he kept forgetting about it that a year has passed when he remembered it again, well, he still havent done it till now.

Anyway, in front of Tanaka were 9 figures, each of them had different color hair but one thing people will notice, is that they seemed to be not humans.

Well, they are correct if they have thought of that because these 9 figures in front of Tanaka were the tailed beasts in which he gave them a human form.

But their real body was still on the Aincrad, it could be said they are just a strand of consciousness but that was enough for the tailed beasts.

Even though Kurama was still bitter about his lost against Tanaka, he didnt bother fighting him anymore, he preferred to stay on his home all day and read manga.

Chomei loved eating that he joined the Cooking Academy but not to learn to cook, but to eat many different kinds of food.

Well, each of them had their own hobbies, today, Tanaka called them to give them their house.

Well, not individual houses since they will all live together, Tanaka gave them a huge mansion enough for the nine of them.

As for their food, well, they could earn money on their own so Tanaka did not really bother.

After telling them somethings, Tanaka sent them away, it was obvious that they were not listening.

Tanaka sighed and decided to go somewhere, but before that, he went to Erina and told her he was going somewhere, Erina didnt really mind and just said some lucky words.

Tanaka gave her a kiss and one to her tummy, you cant miss to kiss the baby.

Tanaka then went into his backyard and took out a scroll.

"Reverse Summoning" Tanaka softly called.


With a poof from the scroll Tanaka disappeared from the backyard.

Tanaka looked around took a deep breath, he was neither in the Mount Myoboku or the other sacred places with inhabitants.

This place was a fairly large land and is already considered a sacred land, except for some beasts that roams around sometimes, there was really nothing here.

Tanaka then summoned a few clones and told them to clean everything on the vicinity.

The clones immediately cleared all the towering trees that extended up to the skies and some beasts that roamed around.

Tanaka then sat in the middle crossed leg and entered his dreamscape.

What Tanaka wanted to do now was create a dragon, he have been thinking about it for so long but he could not picture what kind of dragon he would make after all.

There are many types of Dragons, there was the eastern dragon with no wings and resembled a worm but it could fly.

There was the western dragon with huge wings and scales, well, there are too many variations of the western dragons that you wont know what to list.

Anyway, Tanaka released Godzilla that he created on the place, Godzilla reappeared but did not move, it instead burrowed down the earth and its body remained unmoved.

It was now like an extreme mountain, if people didnt know it was Godzilla, they would think it was a mountain.

Tanaka then started creating the dragons, there are many types of dragons, there was also the dragon from 'How to Train Your Dragon' and the one from Fairy Tail, anyway.

Tanaka just created whatever he could remember and let them all out, but to his surprise, the dragons didnt came out.

But Tons of Eggs reappeared around Tanaka, he didnt understand, did Creation of All Things technique bugged or malfunctioned?

Tanaka tried another one but the result were the same.

"I guess, I have to wait for them to hatch?" Tanaka thought, anyway, he created another tons of them and left 20 clones to take care of them.

He then returned back to the Ryugakure, it was already night time when he got back, he went on top of his castle and looked around his village.

Looking down on his village that was full of life and peaceful, Tanaka could not help but remember the past "7 years had already passed huh?" Tanaka murmured.

When he first came into this world, he always thought that his village would be somewhat small or even just with few people.

He didnt remember what drives him to make his village better but looking at it now, it was all worth it.

He had seen this village as his child, a baby when it first appeared, now it had grown that Tanaka felt very proud.

He had loyal villagers, powerful forces to protect them, a family, friends, even the children looked up to him even with his weird antics.

Tanaka's strength also had grown considerably powerful, no one dared to oppose him, he had the tailed beasts on his arms, even Zetsu havent appeared for a long time.

With his strength he could conquer the whole Shinobi World, if he wanted, he could create a one huge empire that no one dared to oppose.

But Tanaka didnt do so, conquering the whole world was just a short lived happiness, so what if you conquered the whole world? in the end a stack of papers is your eternal enemy.

And Tanaka didnt want that, the reason he made his forces join the war was to immediately end this war.

To make the other countries realize they wont gain anything from this war, he expected this war would end about 2 months later.

If it didnt end on that time, Tanaka would personally move, he may not from this world but he is willing to protect it.

Their enemies are not their own kind but the invaders that would be coming soon in the future, Tanaka also remembered Kaguya.

He forgot if she was sealed or killed since it was said she was 'revived' but Hagoromo said she was 'sealed', it was confusing, like the authors fanfic but maybe Tanaka would know if he personally asked Black Zetsu.

Speaking of Black Zetsu, he may not appeared yet but Madara trusted Tanaka enough that he showed him the treasure of Uchiha Clan.

In which Madara showed when they transfered it on the Uchiha residence in the Ryugakure.

Tanaka cant quite read it but he could somewhat hear a voice from the tablet, he thought it was the voice of all things from One piece but he was not sure, Tanaka sighed and looked at the village one last time before going back.

Tanaka left and went back beside his loving wife and soon to be born child.


Many are telling me that they didnt like the MC being dominated in bed, well, dont jump into conclusions.

MC is almost 40+ years sage with no experience in relationship, and it was his first time in mating session.

If you are on his toes, I think you will just lay on the bed and let your partner do everything.(That is for me)

Anyway, dont jump into conclusions immediately.

Also, Im going to post the OC characters that I made on the auxillary chapter, check it out.

