Chapter 37: Japan Vacation

A few months has passed since the Anime Expo had ended, but Ryugakure was very busy.

Ever since the agreement of the countries to share the technology of Ryugakure, Tanaka spent most of his days over seeing the construction lines.

Other than electricity, they also purchased internet in which was a yearly subscription, they have to pay every year for the internet.

It was also the same for the electricity, slowly, the Shinobi World was also taking shape into modern world.

But to make sure their battle power will not degrade, Tanaka opened up the dungeons and Aincrad to everyone.

The other countries also formed their own guilds to follow the trend when they discovered that Konoha had a guild.

Though, they may not be permitted with the rift, the purpose of their guilds was to challenge the dungeons and Aincrad since Tanaka announced prizes whenever they clear a dungeon.

Tanaka also made a new event which is called Global Guild Competition where many guilds will battle each other and the winner will become the strongest guild and receive tons of prizes according to Tanaka.

Though it will be held next year, guild members are fervently training themselves for the upcoming competition.

After all, this was not only about the prize and recognition, this was also the prestige of becoming the strongest guild in the Shinobi World.

This was also an alternative for the war, it was better than killing each other in the battlefield.

Tanaka also founded the Guild Association so every guild was under control, the guild Association members are all the Daimyo's and Kage of the village and so no one could cheat each other.

Well, it was actually useless since Tanaka was there but it was better than nothing.

They also talked about the dungeons and Tanaka proposed that they could buy dungeons from him in which everyone was thankful for.

And in a blink of an eye, a year has passed, there was not much happening on the rift, just like in anime, the JSDF showed their might to the empire and they were scared shitless.

Tanaka felt bored at that time that he sent Assassin Creeds members to hunt every corrupted officials of the empire.

One thing is Japan and Ryugakure also established friendly relationships, they could now trade with each other and also visit each other's countries.

Tanaka didn't go immediately since he was buried with tons of work in the village and he could only wait for the right time.

It was not until it was December that Itami invited Tanaka to visit their country, Tanaka also felt that everything was almost finished and he also wanted to have a vacation with his family.

Of course, if it's a vacation, his two bastard best friends won't be left behind, they would also follow along with their follow.

Who is he kidding? the three of them were like inseparable siblings who wont leave each other behind.

And so, after packing their things up and leaving all of the remaining work to their trusty secretaries, they finally got to have a vacation after a long time.

They first went to JSDF Base and then was already being waited by few higher ups of the JSDF along with the three people that always stick close to Itami.

Though Rory always visits Ryugakure.

After that, Tanaka and the gang boarded a bus that was for them, it was a white bus with bullet proof windows and it was impossible to see anything inside when looking at the window.

Tanaka and the others then boarded the bus and immediately took off, though even when the gate seemed small, their journey took about 10 minutes before they could leave the black tunnel.

And on the other side, a whole new place was revealed to this group, though they are not that surprised since Ryugakure was almost the same but still seeing a place like Japan, they were still amazed.

It was the same for Tanaka who was a former Japanese, he could not help but feel nostalgic, the place they were in was Tokyo, there are many people walking around even though it was snowing.

It was much more lively than it was in Ryugakure.

Tanaka and the others first went to a shop to buy new clothes since they actually looked like cosplayers.

Tanaka took a new cloth which was a standard winter clothes, it was also the same for the others except for Rory who bought a new 'nun' clothes.

They don't really mind, they were not really affected with the weather but they needed to blend in with this world.

No necessary troubles are going to happen, and so they spent about 3 days touring around, but that was really not the purpose of their journey to this place.

But Tanaka decided to let them join, there would be a press conference tomorrow and the 3 guys were required in the conference, as for their families, they are going to be sent to another place where they could relax.

Tanaka and the group also visited an arcade and they absolutely wrecked that place as they all took the prizes back.

The next day, the group splitter up, the other group will stay at a hot spring hotel and will wait for Tanaka and the group.

Tanaka, Madara and Hashirama also changed their clothes into suits which made them extremely dashing.

They also redesigned Madara and Hashirama's hair because it was a mess, especially for Madara.

Madara's hair was now tied back in a pony tail and Hashirama actually cut his hair putting a spiky hair which surprised Tanaka and Madara.

After that, the press conference was finally starting.


Why do I feel like the chapters are getting short? I also don't know, maybe it's just an instinct, I'm definitely not lazying around.

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Wise-Man Words:

A Wise-Man once said, if you understand why pizza's made round, packed in a square box, and eaten as a triangle, then my friend, you'll understand women.