Chapter 42: Spirit Realm

[What is spirit realm?]

Its not a place where ghost nor demons roam, also not where fairies nor gods roam, Spirit realm is not so fancy like heaven or cool as hell, but its a freaking realm where Tanaka smacked all of the space fragments that he had found on the past 40 years.

So what are these space fragments? these fragments are the like destroyed world in the space.

Right now, on the outer space, it was the most dangerous place that no man can can dare to step to, even Tanaka only dared to venture the space when he felt he was strong enough to destroy the whole Shinobi World with a flick.

Well, clearly he was over exaggerating but yes, he was already on his peak but he could still soar higher, this was the reason he didnt put Zetsu in his eyes.

That poor guy has been searching something for many months now.

Tanaka didnt know if the space was a secret in naruto or it was also a thing that the system added but, on the space, monsters, aliens, civilizations, planets, and many more unrealistic things existed.

Also, Tanaka found that Shinobi world isn't so great, if it was compared to the other planets that Tanaka had found, then the Shinobi world was only considered a small pebble on the road.

Tanaka fought monsters on the space, even though he was very strong, he still had difficulties fighting these.monsters that was even bigger than Godzilla.

But this was a good news for Tanaka, he already stopped improving because of lack of challenge and he could not improve anymore, so this was a training haven for him.

One thing he also found when he decided to explore destroyed planets is that the system could turn them into space fragments, how amazing was that?

The system finally spoke after 50 years, how is that not amazing? Tanaka even thought his system had already died but anyway, he was happy it still existed.

Even though Tanaka became stronger, he was not so drunk in power that he would challenge everything he sees, because he met those beings.


They are considered gods but not actually gods, they have their own territories and they are also powerful.

They could also give blessings to their people and make them stronger, this was something Tanaka had never seen before, and from how it looks like, Tanaka guessed that Otsutsuki clan is also under a powerful celestial, but he doesn't have any proof yet so it was only a guess.

Anyway, Tanaka met some Celestials and thankfully they arent that hostile towards him, but they still warned him, now Tanaka was wondering if he was a celestial? or he could be a celestial? no matter, Tanaka will find the answer as long as he continues exploring the space.

Anyway back to the present, Tanaka collected tons of space fragments and the system helped him fusing it creating a new skill called the realm.

It was something like the nether world in minecraft, its not a world nor a new dimension, but a realm creates by the system and Tanaka.

Realm is a law higher than dimension, it was the peak of space element, that was how Tanaka found on his research, on the realm, Tanaka had full control.

He can be called the realm master, in the realm things as time, gravity, or any laws that was placed on the reality could be removed by Tanaka.

And so when Tanaka finally decided to use this realm, he called the spirit realm, in this place, time doesn't exist, it was like the spirit realm from kung fu panda, where Master Oogway went to.

Anyway, on the spirit realm Tanaka created, Tanaka let all of the strongest people in the Shinobi World reside, for example, Ashina, and many more legendary figures in Naruto world.

Since time doesn't exist, they wont grow old nor die from old age even if million years has passed on the real world, as long as the spirit realm is fine, they will be immortal.

Actually, it was not just legendary figures that could stay in this place, as long as they could clear the 120th floor of thr Aincrad, that person could enter the Spirit Realm.

And this was not a secret, this was told to everyone in the world, now many more people, civilians, shinobi, samurai and many more were inspiring to clear the Aincrad and reach the Spirit Realm.

Who doesn't want to live forever? and its not just that, they had heard that, the Spirit realm was a place where you can get everything you want, even revive the dead.

This cause craze to the Shinobi World for a while.

But of course, there are also something that they dont know, such as they cant get anything immediately when they arrive in the Spirit Realm.

This also applied in the real world, its called nothing is free, everything has an equal exchange.

And in the Spirit Realm, the most important thing was the Realm Points.

Realm Points are considered the currency of the spirit realm that could buy anything, anything.

Of course, earning Realm Points was said easier than done, even though death doesn't exist in the Spirit Realm, they needed to wait for a week before they get revived, and they also needed to pay a certain amount of Realm Points.

Tanaka added this so they wont exploit the revival function, and also for them not to think that death isn't something to trifled with.

There are many ways to earn Realm Points, one is to hunt monsters that are more stronger than Tailed beasts, it was the monsters Tanaka caught in space.

There was also missions, gambling, trading, and many more, Tanaka spent so many years making the spirit realm and it now had many residents and all of them were the most powerful figures in the Shinobi World.

And they also get continuously powerful as they stay in the Spirit Realm, but even if they were powerful, they didnt cause trouble, they knew Tanaka could banish them from this place and take their hard earned power.

Also Tanaka created this place so powerful forces of Shinobi World wont disappear when something happened, and they could provide help to the Shinobi World, this was the main purpose of Tanaka.


Tanaka strolled around the Spirit Realm and was happily looking around, even though the Spirit Realm was very big, it was still lively due to the NPC's he had created, though they are weak, no one will dare to cause trouble in this place.

Also Tanaka wanted to retain the feeling of Spirit realm being a little different from the real world.

Well, there was still difference, just like something he copied from Wuxia thingy's? like the 10 realms or something?

Anyway, Spirit Realm was the lowest realm, naa, its too complicated, just think of it that the Realm Tanaka created have 9 Floors.

And the highest floor is called The Celestial Realm, the only way to climb up to this floors was to earn many Realm points and become stronger, right now other than Tanaka no one had reached the upper floors.

Madara and Hashirama are also trying their best to climb up.

Anyway, it would be a cage if Tanaka doesn't let people go out from the realm so every week, a person from the realm could go out 3 times every week.

The realm now have three thousand plus members and all of then were the most powerful ones, and Tanaka was also able to take the strongest people from Sage of Six Path period though he altered their memories.

Sage of Sex path was also here, wait did I say something wrong? anyway.

"Achooo! is some saying something about me?" Sage of Six path scratched his nose.

Tanaka altered the memories of some ancient people and made them subservient to him.


Everything is made the next chapter is not.

Hope you like my work, if you do please support me PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


There's a book titles "Everything a man knows about women" that has 100 blank pages

I dont have any wise-man words so change.