Chapter 44: Your Training In the Future

"Why are we here? Just to suffer" Jiraiya said as he looked up in the skies, along with him were his 3 teammates who were also tired and panting.

Its been a few weeks since they went under the tutorage of Tanaka, and all they could say he was a demon.

Whenever they felt they could coup up with the training, Tanaka will raise it, this continued again and again that they felt they were getting tortured in hell.

But they knew this was not the end because Tanaka once brought them to the training grounds of the strongest elites in Ryugakure.

It happened 2 weeks ago.

"Tanaka-sama what are we doing today?" Tsunade asked, she was very respectful to Tanaka.

"We are going to relax today and have a tour" Tanaka said.

"W-wow! did I just hear right? I am not imagining things right? there is such a magical thing as relax?" Jiraiya said.

"Calm down Jiraiya, you look like an idiot" Orochimaru said.

"What did you say!?" Jiraiya glared at Orochimaru.

"Then where are we going Tanaka-sama?" Hayase asked.

"Area 69" Tanaka said with a smile.

"Area 69!" All of them exclaimed.

Area 69, the most well known training grounds of Dragon Guild High rankers, it was said if anyone to enter this place, they will see the most famous and powerful rankers in the Shinobi World training and just watching these high rankers train is enough to know how powerful they are.

A rankers was said to have the power to single handedly destroy a village, this was not an exaggeration because one tried to do it in the past.

The 4 students immediately got excited and felt their blood boil, who dont want to see powerful people? if possible they would want to watch them train everyday so they will know how to get powerful like them.

Area 69 was located just under the dragon guild, it was an underground basement created by Tanaka when he wanted to hide away from Miyano but since it was very boring, he used that chance to train the high rankers of the guild and that was how the Are 69 was born.

Tanaka wasn't able to use it anymore since Miyano literally busted it, she had overwhelming power like Tanaka.

Anyway, this became a heaven place for the high rankers because even without Tanaka, they could feel their strength increase in this place very fast which Tanaka knew since he added some space element on the whole Are 69 and that meant, 1 hour in the area 69 is only 10 minutes outside.

As soon as the group entered inside the area 69, they saw a huge place with hundreds of people training on their own and some sparring with each other.

"Hey that is Shadow blade! the top 23 in the Global Ranking list!" Jiraiya exclaimed.

"Look! its Athena! she is the top 8! she looks very beautiful" Tsunade also exclaimed.

They couldn't believe their eyes when they saw these people, they were also considered celebrities, this was the effect of manga in the culture of Ryugakure.

Thankfully, Tanaka havent released the pokemon yet, because if he do, man you wont know how his son the new Ryukage will be buried in papers.

'Wait, that actually sounds fun, seeing my son buried in papers hehe, ahem, I mean the pokemons' Tanaka thought but that is for a another time.

Anyway, focused on the present, Tanaka let the kids do their own things for now while he had to go do something.

He raised his hands and snapped his fingers.


The sound resounded around the area 69 and the ones training immediately looked up and when they saw who it was, they immediately stopped what they were doing and disappeared from their positions and reappeared in a neat line in front of Tanaka.

"We greet the Guild Master!" They all bowed at the same time.

"Good," Tanaka said then turned towards his students "If you guys want to be strong then watch carefully" Tanaka said.

"We are doing God Training today, be ready in 5!" Tanaka said loudly,

"Yes!" All shouted at the same time.


They then disappeared and reappeared 10 meters away from Tanaka, but this time they were all sweating like they were going to war and face an unbeatable demon.

"Stand back you 4, I will show you how I train the elites" Tanaka said.

"Yes!" The 4 bowed then ran at the very back where there was a line called safe zone, they were actually confused what God Training meant, but the moment they turned around they saw hundreds of High rankers charging towards Tanaka.

It was 1 against hundreds, Tanaka was standing at his position leisurely while looking at this high rankers.


A figure dashed beside him, she was carrying a dagger, she stabbed her dagger towards Tanaka but what she met with her face was Tanaka's foot.


She was sent flying, another attack came to Tanaka but this time it was a javelin going at him a very fast speed.

Tanaka flicked it away with his finger and made it go back to the high rankers.


The rankers dodged the attack but some were caught at the back due to the power of the javelin returned.

But this didnt stop them from swarming towards Tanaka like angry ants, Tanaka leisurely fought them, just like he was walking at a park, he grabbed a leg of one of the rankers and slammed him towards the others.

Tanaka saw that they surrounded him, he smiled and grabbed the weapon near him, and swung it.


The space cracked and the next moment a strong shockwave sent everyone in front of him away.

"One more ti-" As Tanaka was about to swing his blade once again but he was stopped when a female ranker hugged his hand to stop it, he must say it was very soft.

The other high rankers also used this chance to restrain Tanaka but he smiled, red aura started gathering on his body and then it exploded.


The explosion sent everyone who was trying to restrain him flying away, some crashed in the ceiling while some were sent flying away.

Their battle training continued a while where every ranker flies everytime, if they dont know what is happening, they may have though the rankers were playing a trampoline.

The 4 students had their mouth wide open as they watch it, 'Is he telling us we will also train like this?' They though, and they shuddered from the thought of it.

Tanaka felt bored after a long time of fighting them, some female rankers would even hug him just to restrain him, it felt nice but they were nothing compared to Erina, so it was time to end it.

Tanaka's aura suddenly changed and he threw away the weapon he was carrying, he made a boxing form.


He disappeared.


He reappeared in front of a ranker and punched him on the chin, Tanaka moved around the Area 69 knocking out every rankers, it didnt take long for tons of knocked out people loitered around the area.

After that Tanaka returned back to his students with a smile and they all unconsciously backed away, "Hoh?" Tanaka smirked.

"Nooo! Kyaaaah!"


Since then the 4 of them worked hard.


The chapters are not definitely not getting short, its just your imagination.

Support me PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


Humans could fly, if you throw them from a tall building, only once though.