Chapter 49: Monstrous Being

In a blink of an eye, a few months has passed, the Shinobi World remained peaceful, everyone was doing their own thing.

When everyone suddenly looked up, in the skies, they could see a star, it was only small at first but it grew bigger and bigger.

They now knew that the star was going for the Shinobi World, everyone started to panic, they dont know its size nor how big it was.

But they knew, once it lands on the Shinobi World, there will be many lives that will be lost or even a nation will sink.

But they worry didnt last for as he arrived.

"Its Tanaka-sama!" One exclaimed.

"We are safe! there is nothing to worry about!"

"Go Tanaka-sama!"

The people became excited and cheered for Tanaka.

Tanaka was looking at the meteor that was falling to their world, no, it was not a meteor but a small spaceship.

There's 2 living beings in that spaceship and they seemed to be in deep sleep, Tanaka was not sure if they were friendlies or not.

But no time thinking about it as the spaceship entered the Shinobi World Atmosphere and was now falling faster.

Tanaka then stomped his leg and disappeared from where he was standing, his body was flung like a rocket and was charging towards the spaceship.

As soon as he arrived near the spaceship, it seemed as the two beings in the spaceship knew his presence and they woke up.


The spaceship suddenly exploded and Tanaka didnt bother dodging the metals that were flying away, his eyes were fixed on the two beings who woke up.

He could see the two beings looked like aliens from the movies he had read, the disgusting ones.

These two looked like an ant with a hint of monstrosity? they dont have eyes but they have antennas, they also have a mouth and sharp teeth's.

They seemed to have the ability to fly, "Who are you?" Tanaka asked.



These two beings seemed not to be friendly as they both attacked Tanaka at the same time but Tanaka was already prepared before they even move.

Tanaka extended his hand and sent a punch forward.


The two were sent flying away like a kite that lost its strings, but Tanaka was not done yet.


The space in front of Tanaka cracked, the space distorted and two beings that was sent flying were stopped on their tracks, they couldn't move.

Tanaka then extended his fingers, and said, "Fall down"


A heavy pressure downed upon the two beings and they fell to the ground faster than their spaceship, they were 10,000 meters off the ground so the friction burned their skin.

Tanaka followed after them and arrived in front of them.

He raised his leg and kicked them down.


It only took a millisecond for the two beings to crash in the ground that shook the whole land, Tanaka made sure it was very far away from the villages and there was no people he love there.

Tanaka landed on a boulder not too far away from the two beings, "I'm going to ask again, who are you?" Tanaka asked in a not so loud voice but the two beings could hear it.

The two beings slowly stood up and look d at each other, they seemed to be communicating, the other one extended his hand and the other also extended his hands joining together.

Then a light enveloped their body and they turned into a single being, but this time, Tanaka could feel they became stronger.

They now looked more hell of a disgusting, it looked like a monster from the ultra-man series that was made to disgust audience, they also grew 5 meters in height.

"So you wont speak huh? I'm a patient man but since your existence is a threat to this world, I will kill you" Tanaka said.


A strong pressure suddenly exploded from Tanaka's body, his eyes changed into gold dragon eye, a spatial tear appeared beside and the roars of the dragons could be heard from it enough to sent those who heard it shuddering.

Tanaka extended his hand towards the spatial tear and slowly pulled out a Katana from it.

"Are you ready for this?" Tanaka said with a smile as he caressed the katana on his hand.


The being roared in a strange way, there was no way to explain it as it really sounded disgusting.

The monstrous being charged towards Tanaka with its huge body, Tanaka didnt have any reaction and just lifted his hand.


A torrent of water suddenly came out from the ground beneath the monstrous being and sent it flying into the sky.

The torrent was very strong it lifted up the monster 50 meters off the ground.

But Tanaka was not done yet, he move his eyes and the land suddenly started shaking.


Thick pillars of rocks emerged from the ground and twirled around the being, it restrained its every limbs and body.

But Tanaka was not done yet, he lifted his middle finger a little bit.



Thich pillars of woon came from the ground and enveloped the the pillars of stone making it more sturdier than before.

And yes, Tanaka could use ninjutsu's without hand signs anymore, they are designed to aid people in properly summoning and moulding chakra necessary to perform a technique.

But Tanaka already have superior control over his chakra that he could mold it with just a thought, Tanaka was confused why the other fanfics he had read in his past life was so adamant in hand signs, do they think its cool?

Man, in a war, every second matter, its not like a zabuza, kakashi battle will be happening everytime right?

Tanaka sighed, he then turned his attention to the jailed being, it was trying its best to escape from the prison he made.

"Stay still, Ice coffin" Tanaka said.


A light breeze blew towards the being and in the next second, ice covered its whole body until it turned to full ice and the being cannot move anymore.

Tanaka then freely inspected the being, this being was strong, if not for him being there then maybe many lives will be lost in the Shinobi World before they could stop this being.

But after inspecting it for a while, he found nothing about this being, he sighed, "I guess, I'll ask the other celestials" He murmured then.

He put his hand on the cage and disappeared from their previous position.


Wassup! Just 11 more chapters! btw, after this ff, I will rest for about a week or two, but if you want to read more of my work, please check out my novel [The Almighty Guild] I will be updating this novel the most.

If you like my work please support me PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


The loudest word ever shouted was "Quiet"