Chapter 53: Battle

Miyano joined the battle but she wasnt able to do anything, her attacks cant kill them, they have fast regeneration.

The monster she was fighting smiled wickedly as it grabbed her leg.

Miyano struggled but she wasnt able to get free.

Miyano was losing hope, this world is too weak without her father, as the monster was about to kill her, her mother stepped in and freed her from its grasp.

But the price was her mother getting pierced, Miyano felt she lost her world, she lost everything.

Tears poured out from her eyes as she stared at these monsters, she was shaking all over, she threw the dagger she was holding for all

Her eyes started changing and the eyes of the dragon appeared on her eyes, she extended her hand and grabbed the empty air.

a spatial tear appeared, at the other side of the spatial tear there was only void but the sound of the dragon roars could be heard.

she grabbed the end of spatial tear and ripped it open with all of her power and the tear grew bigger and bigger, then when it was enough.

gigantic dragons came out from the spatial tears, the dragons razed every monsters on their path.

miyano lifelessly walked towards her mother corpse and kneeled on the ground, she hugged the body and started crying.

after that, her surroundings started to change and finally she returned back to reality.

tanaka was standing not too far away from her, he had a naginata on his hand, he felt pain to see his daughter cry like that but she needed a wake up call.

she gripped his naginata tightly and roared, "i'm coming!!!" he disappeared from his position and reappeared beside miyano ready to swing his weapon.

but what he met was miyano's palm pointing at him.

tanaka noticed the wind shift around miyano's body.


a powerful explosion came out from miyano's palm that it shook all of the realms, fire spread out thousand meters away.

miyano glared at tanaka who was able to avoid her attack, miyano dropped the dagger on her hand and pulled out a weapon from the void.

it was a katana, her eyes also slowly changed to dragon eye, her body exuded a powerful pressure that was almost comparable to Tanaka.

They both didnt say anything but Miyano was the first to charge, her speed is much faster than earlier.

Both of their weapons started turning jett black and sparks of lightning appeared on it.

Tanaka also charged in front and they both swung their weapons at the same time when they were about to meet.

Everything seemed slow when they both swung their weapons to each other, but the surroundings were already getting destroyed and the Realm Players could feel the shock even at the lowest floors.

Miyano and Tanaka weapons havent clashed yet but their attacks seemed to have collided with each other, the space started distorting.

They both put more strength to their attack and it was still a stale mate, their weapons started to crack due to the unbearable pressure.

Their weapons are made of the strongest materials in the whole Shinobi World but it was already cracking, these weapons are even more powerful than the one from one piece.


Both of their weapons broke at the same time and they were both sent flying away at the same time.

They immediately regained their balance and the first one to charge was Miyano with lightning covering her body.

Tanaka didnt charge but just raised his finger, dark balls appeared behind him and charged towards Miyano at a very fast speed.

*Boom! *Boom!

Each dark balls were like grenades that blew up when it landed on the ground but Miyano sped up more that she broke the sound barrier and avoided all of the dark balls.



Miyano arrived in front of Tanaka and sent a lightning punch but Tanaka blocked the attack with his hand, but it was not a weak punch.

The ground behind Tanaka was blown away due to the shockwave of the attack, it destroyed everything.

Tanaka smiled and he grabbed Miyano's hand and raised his fist and sent a punch towards Miyano who raised her arm to block the attack.


Everything was once again blow away from the power of Tanaka's powerful punch along with Miyano who bounced like a ball on the ground.

But after rolling for a few times, she was able to stand up and charged towards Tanaka again at a very fast speed.

Tanaka didnt use his full speed and wanted to meet up Miyano with a fist but he underestimated her speed and he got hit on the abdomen.


Tanaka was sent crashing to the ground but he just rolled and regained his stand, he blocked the incoming attack of Miyano by flicking it away and then he headbutted Miyano who felt dizzy for a moment.

Tanaka didnt give up the chance and sent a kick but Miyano was able to dodge it but Tanaka spun his body and sent another kick which made Miyano lost her balance.

As she was about to fall Tanaka moved at a fast speed and met up her fall with a kick and she was sent flying towards the skies.

The kick was very powerful that it created a huge crater on the ground but Tanaka was not done yet.

His body glowed and he moved at a very fast speed that he reached the skies first, he then sent multiple attacks at a very fast speed then joined his hands together and smashed Miyano back to the ground.


Because of the power of the attack, the speed of Miyano falling was very fast that she started getting caught in fire like a meteor falling from the skies.


Miyano crashed into the ground and created a huge crater but Tanaka was not done yet, when he landed on the ground, Miyano's body bounced up and he kicked her away.

But Miyano regained her balance and whole being sent away, she started blocking and counter attacking the attacks Tanaka sent towards her.

But Tanaka was very persistent that he was able to grab her neck and sent her smashing towards multiple rocky mountains and it did not stop there because of the speed they were going at.

The mountains actually exploded and some were melted from their battle.

As Tanaka was about to attack once again, Miyano grabbed his hand turned their body and Tanaka was the one who crashed in the last mountain.


Miyano smiled as she was finally able turn the tables away, she felt her heart beating very fast, excitement all over her body.

Tanaka grunted and roared, his body let out an energy that blasted Miyano away.

Thunder then started appeared in Tanaka's body, he charged towards Miyano leaving lightning sparks on his trail but Miyano was able to catch up with his speed that their battle was like from DBZ only leaving shockwave but they couldnt be seen.


Reference to fighting animation, Hyundojo, Cryade vs Destruction, check it out if you want to see animated fight.

Here the referenced videos that I used for the fight scene.

If you like my work support me PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


Its assumed that cats are responsible for the extinction of several animal species.