Chapter 55: Father and Daughter

The next day, Tanaka was calmly sipping coffee in his backyard with Hashirama who was now playing with a mobile phone.

It was the newly released game that Tanaka had made called wild rift on his phone, he was playing as the ADC and his stats was 0-8-1, the support was hard carrying him, and it was still 8 minutes of the game

"You know, I dont really know if you really suck at gambling or you just suck at all types of games, even the bots I made are better than you, I wonder if you did something against the god of games or something?" Tanaka teased.

"Ugh, I dont care if I suck, I play to enjoy!" Hashirama replied.

"Well, you are enjoying the game, but not your team, your support is already crying" Tanaka said.

"It's not like I play seriously, also, what worse could happen in the wood division?" Hashirama said.

"Well, you are actually right, what is the worst thing than being in wood division" Tanaka nodded and took another sip of his coffee.

*Step! *Step!

As they were relaxing, the sound of footsteps came from behind them, Tanaka and Hashirama didnt have to turn their heads everytime just to look who was behind them.

Their Observation Haki has grown powerful, maybe not able to see the future but they could observed everything around them.

And the visitor is someone Tanaka had expected to come, it was Miyano, she was now wearing a black chinese dress with dragons on it.

'Barney is a dragon too, why dont she use that one' Tanaka thought but he shook his head, barney is very popular among kids but to adults, he was but a funny dinosaur that Tanaka created.

"I greet father" Miyano kneeled one knee in front of Tanaka as a greeting, it was a formal greeting for assassins to their master, in which is Tanaka.

Miyano may have changed away from being an assassin but habits could not be changed in a single day.

"That is enough, good morning my sweet daughter" Tanaka said with a smile.

Miyano blushed when she heard him, "Father, I'm not a kid anymore" She said.

"Shush, even if you become old, you will still be my girl, come sit beside me, we havent bond together for a long time"Tanaka said as he took out a chair and put it beside him.

What he was saying was true, the last father and daughter bonding that they did was 40 years ago before Miyano joined the assassins.

Even though Tanaka was very busy, he still showered everyone in his family with love and attention, he was also not an overprotective and strict father.

He gives freedom to them and also teach them, they dont become spoiled because their mothers teachings, she is a real sparta alright.

Anyway, because of Erina, Tanaka's life as a father became somewhat easier but he still have some problems from time to time.

Anyway, back to the present, Miyano was red as tomato as she sat beside Tanaka, she wont really mind if there was only two of them since Miyano was really close to her father but Hashirama was there.

But he seemed to be busy playing so she calmed down a bit.

"Hmm, now then, you can start asking questions" Tanaka said.

"Yes, fath-" Miyano was about to ask when Tanaka suddenly cut her off by blocking his finger on her lips.

"But before that, while we are here call me Dad, just like good old times" Tanaka said with a smile.

"D-dad.." Miyano said.

"Good, you should say Dad every time you end a question" Tanaka nodded.

"You are just making fun of me!" Miyano said.

"What? who is making fun of who? do you know anyone Hashirama?" Tanaka asked.

"No, dont disturb me, I'm busy" Hashirama said as he continued his game.

"You heard him," Tanaka said.

"Ugh" Miyano rolled her eyes.

"Now go on ask a question, but I wont answer it unless I hear the magic word" Tanaka said.

"Alright! then I'm going to ask a question now, who is the legendary assassin? DAD!" Miyano asked.

"Oh, you are still looking for him, now I will you how to meet him" Tanaka said.

Miyano nodded, excited in meeting the legendary assassin, it was the very reason why she came here the first reason.

"Close your eyes" Tanaka instructed.

Miyano closed her eyes expectantly.

"Now open it!" Tanaka said after a few moments.

Miyano opened her eyes immediately and saw Tanaka in front of her, she then looked around and nothing changed, "Where is he!? Dad you are messing with me again!" Miyano yelled.

"What do you mean, the legendary assassin is in front of you" Tanaka said.

"The legendary assassin" Miyano took a few seconds for her brain to fully process what is happening then she stared at Tanaka with wide eyes, her shock could not be explained in words.

"So it was you all along!?"Miyano exclaimed.

"..." Tanaka didnt reply.

"Dad! it was you!?" Miyano asked again as she remembered what she had missed.

"Yes" Tanaka nodded.

"Then why didnt you just tell me earlier Dad!?" Miyano asked.

"First of all we are not Uchiha Clan, we dont do that here, and second, I dont know" Tanaka said.

"Huh? What is the connection of this matter to Uchiha Cla-" she stopped, then she remembered all of the Uchiha Clan are either married to their siblings or cousins, she didnt say anything anymore.

"Good, I asked you once why you were looking for the legendary, if you answered that you only wanted to meet him, I could have told you but you actually said you will marry him, well, I need to hide it of course" Tanaka added.

"Ugh, Dad, you could have just told me, I didnt have to be single until now" Miyano said.

"Well, I admit that was my mistake" Tanaka admitted.

"And here you are forcing me to find a partner and give you grandchildren" Miyano sighed.

"Shush, you are still young, take your time" Tanaka said.

"I understand" Miyano said.

"So do you have anymore questions to ask?" Tanaka asked.

"None, that is all I needed, Thank you Dad" Miyano said.


In a blink of an eye, 5 months has passed and Madara and Tanaka will now execute the plan.


Sorry late chapter, I was busy xD

Tip me! PayPal.Me/LazyTanaka.


If you think about it, something is always touching you.