[World 1] Chapter 3

Chu Shuo didn't have any major issues. He could barely stand up with the handrails of the stairs, but his whole body was so painful that his feet seemed to be twisted just now. 

This happened when Chu Ying joyfully took the bags came out, smiling Jiang Mu said: "Yingying Zhenguai, you go to school with mother, and father go to work, and we say goodbye to father," 

Chu Ying remembered that her mother would take her to buy some delicious food, and she was in a good mood. She was so young that she just went out quickly without noticing Chu Shuo's painful expression. 

"Goodbye dad, mom and I are going to school." 

Chu Shuo's mind was also confused at this time. He couldn't think at all. He was angry when he heard Jiang Mu's words, but he still had to maintain it in front of the child. His image of a loving father barely got angry. 

"Goodbye Yingying." His speech hurts now, with blue veins on his head. 

Of course Jiang Mu knew that Chu Shuo was angry, she was refreshed. It was a joy to see Chu Shuo deflated. 

Dog man, it is not bad if you fall. 

She hugged Chu Ying downstairs, pretended to say a few words of care to Chu Shuo, and then left Chu Shuo who had just been injured. 

After Jiang Mu left, Chu Shuo's thoughts were a bit complicated. Thinking of Jiang Mu's attitude just now, he felt strange, but he couldn't tell what was strange. 

However, today's Jiang Mu is particularly heartwarming, she is like returning to her youth. 

Back then, he fell in love with Jiang Mu at first sight. Jiang Mu was a school girl flower when she was young. Regardless of her appearance or temperament, she could kill the whole school in seconds. Now, she looks better than those female stars. Even if she has a child, her body is not out of shape at all. And her family background is also good, and she has helped him a lot over the years. 

He is proud to have such a wife. Who wouldn't say he has a good wife. 

Thinking of this, the anger that Jiang Mu had left behind was almost gone. 

He smiled helplessly. After all, Jiang Mu didn't mean it. She was too innocent. He said that he was okay, and Jiang Mu believed it.

He still has to tolerate her. 

Chu Shuo rested at home for a while, and felt that it didn't hurt so much, so he drove to the hospital by himself. 


Jiang Mu went to a shopping mall after sending Chu Ying to the kindergarten. 

The original owner had previously seen a consumer message on Chu Shuo's mobile phone, showing that he bought a bag of more than 20,000 yuan in this mall last week, and the original owner also saw the parking invoice of the mall in his pocket. 

Chu Shuo wouldn't come to such a place to go shopping alone, then who did he come with, the answer can be imagined, and the bag of more than 20,000 was probably given to that woman.

Jiang Mu is beautiful, noble, dressed in a brand-name suit, and no one neglects her. She quickly found the manager of the mall and said that she had lost her bag a few days ago. She was not sure if she lost it in the mall and wanted to check the surveillance.

Jiang Mu speaks very skillfully, and she is good-looking, it is easy for people to have a good impression by looking at it, so she easily saw the surveillance that day. Because she has read consumer text messages and parking time, she can lock the surveillance video time from 4 to 6 pm on Saturday. Not long after staring at the video, Jiang Mu saw Chu Shuo and the woman next to him. That is a very pure girl. Wearing a white skirt and a pair of white sneakers on her feet, she has long and straight hair. She cleverly took Chu Shuo's arm, holding a shopping bag in her other hand with the bag he just bought.

Unexpectedly, the mistress Chu Shuo was looking for was this type.

It's really a fresh wild flower. It can be seen that Chu Shuo is tired of the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, so he wants to try some side dishes.

Jiang Mu laughed, somewhat ironically.

She stared at the camera carefully for a while, remembered the girl's face clearly, and took a picture of the two with her mobile phone before anyone noticed.

After watching the video, Jiang Mu did not leave directly, but happily bought many things in the mall.

Jiang Mu directly swiped Chu Shuo's secondary card. She also went to the shop where Chu Shuo bought the girl's bag. She bought eight more expensive items, and bought many more clothes. She bought three for one style. It costs more than half a million in different colors without blinking. 

The manager who took her to watch the video was very happy to see that she was generous, and thought that it was fortunate that she had not rejected her just now. 

Jiang Mu was sent out respectfully, and she was in a good mood. 

Although it is a joint property of husband and wife, she does not treat Chu Shuo as a family now, spending his money is like not wanting money. 

She is going to max out this card today. 

Out of the mall, she went to a jewelry store. 

I just looked around and used hundreds of thousands. 

Then she checked the time and went to the beauty club to prepare for some skin care projects. 

Since the original owner discovered that Chu Shuo had derailed, the whole person was in a muddle-headed life, often insomnia, and did not take care of her skin. Recently, her complexion was a little bleak compared to before. 

For a woman, a man is a foreign object, but beauty is her own, which is much more important than a man. It is most stupid to ruin yourself for a man. 

Although there is a system that rewards her from time to time, for a 30-year-old woman, regular maintenance and exercise are the last word. To maintain a beautiful appearance, you can't be lazy. 

Jiang Mu went to a shop that the original owner had visited before. 

The original owner had filled up as a member before, and charged hundreds of thousands of yuan to go in at a time, but she came in a few, and it is estimated that there is still a lot of money in it. 

Jiang Mu did two top-notch skin care and spent three hours. After finishing them, she went to the front desk to check out. 

She reported her membership number, but the clerk looked strangely in her eyes. 

"Miss, is this your own card?" 

Jiang Mu looked at him and frowned. The phone number she had just reported was correct, so she said, "Is the card owner Jiang Mu?"

The clerk looked at her again, nodded and said, "Yes." 

"That's me." 

Who knows that the clerk still doesn't believe it, and even asked her: "Did you bring your membership card?" 

"I forgot where the membership card was." After that, Jiang Mu took out her ID card. "This should be enough, right?"

The clerk was stunned when he saw the name on the ID. He didn't ask any more, and charged Jiang Mu with her card. 

"You spent 27,000 yuan this time, and the balance on the card still has 15,863." The clerk's attitude also became polite and friendly. 

"Only more than ten thousand left?" Jiang Mu was a little surprised. 

There shouldn't be only this left. 

She thought of the sceptical attitude of the clerk just now, and said: "You check the recent consumption records, I remember that I came a long time ago."

The clerk said: "The last time the consumption record was last Wednesday, it was another lady who came over. She is a frequent visitor here, holding a membership card, so I thought it was her card." 

Jiang Mu frowned and thought, she knew who it was. 

It is Xu Yujie, the original owner's best friend. 

The original owner brought Xu Yujie here before. At that time, it was the original owner's treat, but when she was about to check out, the original owner answered the phone and gave Xu Yujie the membership card and asked her to help with the checkout. Then the original owner hurried away in a hurry. 

The membership card was not taken back either. 

Later, the original owner also forgot about it, and couldn't remember giving Xu Yujie when she couldn't find the membership card. At this moment, Jiang Mu discovered this matter from the original owner's memory. 

Speaking of Xu Yujie, Jiang Mu's eyes became a little cold. 

Xu Yujie was Jiang Mu's university classmate and later became a good girl friend of the original owner. Now they are teaching at the same university. Xu Yujie got the job because of the original owner's light.

The original owner treats Xu Yujie very well. She has always regarded her as a sister since she has no siblings. Who knows that Xu Yujie has been helping Chu Shuo privately to hide Chu Shuo's cheating with others. 

If the original owner had not accidentally seen the text messages on Chu Shuo's mobile phone, she would have been kept in the dark, and put her heart to Xu Yujie. 

In addition, Xu Yujie also cheated on herself, and wanted to seduce Chu Shuo, sending Chu Shuo some ambiguous text messages. 

One can imagine how the original owner felt when she saw this information. 

She later questioned Xu Yujie, who knew that Xu Yujie not only didn't feel that she was wrong, but also humiliated the original owner, saying that she could not keep her man, Chu Shuo derailed because she disliked her. 

At that time, the original owner had a mental breakdown, which was also caused by Xu Yujie. The original owner committed suicide in the end, and she was not innocent. 

Jiang Mu's expression became serious. She didn't tell the clerk that the membership card was with her friend, but sternly asked her to call the club manager. 

"The money was not used by me. It must have been used by others. I should have more than 100,000 left before. Could you please ask your manager to come out."

The clerk was startled, a little confused, he and another clerk discussed it and called the manager. 

After the manager came, Jiang Mu's attitude was not so aggressive. 

After all, the other party used the membership card to spend, and Jiang Mu couldn't find the trouble of the clubhouse, but Jiang Mu said, "I will just log out this card, and the remaining money will be transferred to the new card. I don't care about it, but I hope you can help."

The manager originally thought this customer would be difficult to deal with. After all, the people who come here are rich ladies, and many of them are big people who they can't afford to provoke. I didn't expect her to talk so well. 

The manager was relieved and said with a smile: "You said, as long as it can be done, it will be done for you."

"Hundreds of thousands have been spent by others, and I always feel uncomfortable. The money is not much. But I think this person has come here for a long time. Since the card has money, I think she will come again. I hope that when she comes again, you can report the crime directly and then contact me. After all, she can't take advantage of it for nothing. No one wants to be taken advantage of."

The manager nodded very understanding. 

"You are right. If she comes again, we will definitely help you report the case. In order to compensate for your loss, we will give you two essential oil spas. You can come to experience it for free next time." 

Jiang Mu left with great satisfaction. 

Seeing that it was just after 12:30, she went for a meal and took a taxi to S University. 

Although the original owner is Bai Fumi and inherited a large amount of inheritance, she still has a job. She is an art teacher at S University. She has three days a week to go to school for classes, and there will be classes today. 

When she arrived at the school, Jiang Mu parked her car in the parking lot. After getting off the car, people greeted her on the way to the office. 

Jiang Mu is well-known in school. 

She had also been popularly searched because of the selection of the most beautiful teacher, and all the students in the school knew her. 

Because she is famous, some people have picked her up on the school forum before, so many people know that she is Bai Fumei and the president's wife. 

Her family is good, her husband is handsome, and her friends and colleagues envy her. 

When passing by the teaching building, someone greeted her again. 

"Ms. Jiang, good afternoon." 

Jiang Mu habitually nodded in response, but her expression suddenly stiffened, and her footsteps stopped anxiously, looking at the oncoming girl. 

The girl is pure and cute, wearing a light blue skirt and a pair of white sneakers on her feet, smiling very brightly. 

But Jiang Mu's eyes became a little cold. 

She laughed slowly, softly and gracefully greeted, "Good afternoon."