[World 1] Chapter 4

Jiang Mu didn't expect that she saw this face only this morning, and saw it again so soon. 

What she did not expect was that the girl who cheated on Chu Shuo was a student in her school. 

Does Chu Shuo know about this? 

This girl should have never attended her class, and the original owner has no impression of her at all. 

But looking at her proactive greeting, she must know herself. 

Jiang Mu even felt that the girl knew that Chu Shuo was her husband. 


The girl's gaze shifted from Jiang Mu's face to the things Jiang Mo was holding. 

Jiang Mu bought a lot of big bags and small bags. She didn't have to worry about carrying a dozen bags. 

When the girl saw the bags that Jiang Mu bought, the sweet smile on her face became stiff, but she quickly returned to nature. 

The moment Jiang Mu and the girl passed by, they looked at each other in unison. 

At this moment, Jiang Mu's eyes seemed to be light and fluttering, but in the girl's eyes, there was a collision of lightning and flint. 

When the two turned their backs to each other, their expressions immediately changed. 

Jiang Mu was in a good mood, with a smile on her lips. 

The girl was cold, and a chill flashed in her eyes. 

Suddenly someone ran over and took the girl's shoulders. 

"Shen Mo, why didn't you call me today?" 

"I didn't call you when I saw you were sleeping. I went to the library and borrowed two books." 

"Well, class is about to start, let's go." 

Jiang Mu did not turn around, she wrote down her name. 

Shen Mo... 

Things would be easier if you know the name. 

As soon as Jiang Mu walked into the office, she saw Xu Yujie chatting with other teachers.

Xu Yujie was showing her affection, saying that yesterday she went to a western restaurant to eat with her husband, and her husband gave her a bouquet of flowers and a brooch. 

Today she pinned the brooch to her dress. 

It is a butterfly brooch. 

Other teachers expressed envy and praised Xu Yujie's husband and wife's affection, and said that she was well maintained and had no fine lines at all. 

At this time, everyone saw Jiang Mu coming in and greeted Jiang Mu. 

"Ms. Jiang is here." 

"Ms. Jiang dressed so beautifully today. Why did you buy so many things?" 

"I went shopping just now and bought too much accidentally. The driver at home took time off and went back to his hometown. Someone helped me to send it back, so I had to bring it to school. I just bought some small gifts for everyone, so I can give it to everyone early." Jiang Mu smiled very gracefully and decently. When speaking, her voice was not hurried or slow. Just listening, very comfortable. 

In fact, the original owner has a good personality and a good popularity, but I don't know why, and there are few friends, Xu Yujie is the best. 

The original owner didn't think deeply about the reasons, but Jiang Mu here, she can guess a point or two if she thinks about it. 

Everyone was surprised when they heard that there was a gift, and then became happy. 

Who doesn't want to receive gifts, let alone Jiang Mu's gift, can it be bad? 

Jiang Mu took out the silk scarf she bought in the morning from the bag. 

"Ah, is it a silk scarf from Hermes?" A female teacher's eyes lit up. 

"Well, everyone has them. The styles are not the same. I bought a lot of them. You pick one." Jiang Mu said casually and didn't bear it at all, but her attitude was Chen Ken's, but she didn't mean to be condescending. 

Everyone was very happy, and each person chose a silk scarf. 

The price is not cheap, and after taking advantage of it, they all said that they would invite Jiang Mu to dinner. 

Jiang Mu didn't refuse, and said with a smile.

Xu Yujie, who had been standing by and watching, felt very uncomfortable. 

Everyone surrounded her just now. When Jiang Mu came, Jiang Mu became the center, and she was showing off her new brooch just now. 

As a result, when Jiang Mu came, she took so many bags and took so many things. At a glance, there were tens of thousands of bags. 

This silk scarf is not cheap, she just gives five. 

This comparison is too real. 

But even if Xu Yujie was not happy, she still had to talk to Jiang Mu with a smile on her face. 

The original owner and Xu Yujie haven't been forced to face each other, and they are still good sisters on the surface. 

"Mu Mu, why did you come so early?" 

Xu Yujie came and hugged Jiang Mu affectionately when the others left. 

Jiang Mu looked at her, but did not push her away. 

Xu Yujie looks pretty good, beautiful and dignified. She is one year older than Jiang Mu, but she looks five years older than Jiang Mu. The conditions in her family are not good. She has never used skin care products before college. She always has a facial cleanser. The skin is not good, it is black and yellow, and sensitive. 

Later, she and Jiang Mu were in a dormitory at university. Jiang Mu taught her to apply skin care and sunscreen, and her skin gradually improved. She married the year before and married the manager of the planning department of Chu Shuo Company. It was also because she followed Jiang Mu, she was recognized. 

After marriage, she had a good life. In the past two years, she has been very diligent in maintaining her looks. She has done a lot of medicine and beauty, and she is more tender than before. 

"I didn't have anything to do, just came over, preparing for the afternoon class." Jiang Mu smiled lightly. 

Xu Yujie said, "Let's eat together at night. I know a new western restaurant opened near the school. It tastes good." 

"At night, no, I have to go to the kindergarten to pick up Yingying." Jiang Mu is not interested in acting with Xu Yujie. Being a sister has a deep affection. 

"Then I will accompany you to pick up Yingying."

Xu Yujie felt that Jiang Mu was a little different today. She looked much better and had a better complexion. Unlike the previous days, she was always disoriented and asked her some strange questions. 

"No need." Jiang Mu refused with a smile. 

The tone was unspeakable, Xu Yujie's enthusiasm was extinguished, but it was not sad, but suspicious. 

Xu Yujie was about to return to her desk. Jiang Mu suddenly said, "By the way, I saw the message you sent to Chu Shuo." 

Xu Yujie was like a bolt from the blue. 

"Wh ... what news?" Xu Yujie felt guilty, and immediately thought of the messy words she had sent to Chu Shuo. 

She swears ill of Jiang Mu, seducing Chu Shuo ambiguously, and also helps him conceal his derailment and supporting this husband... 

These news are definitely not for Jiang Mu to see. 

Does Chu Shuo empty his text messages from time to time? 

In just a few seconds, Xu Yujie was in a state of confusion, and countless thoughts flashed through. 

Jiang Mu looked at her quietly. 

Xu Yujie thought, it's over... 

Jiang Mu knows everything? 

Jiang Mu's eyes were calm, but Xu Yujie felt a great deal of pressure. 

Even some humiliation. 

Jiang Mu didn't speak, Xu Yujie didn't know how she left in front of Jiang Mu. 

She returned to her desk, her mind turned into a cloud of mud, and she couldn't think. 

What should I do now? 

In the afternoon Xu Yujie also had a class, but where she still had the mind to go to class, the other teachers who had the class left, Xu Yujie stood up and picked up something feeling heavy to leave.

Before leaving the office, she passed by Jiang Mu's desk. Jiang Mu stopped her and smiled very softly. 

"Yujie, why don't you wait for me, I also have a lesson." 

Xu Yujie felt that her heart was gripped by a big hand and couldn't breathe. 

Jiang Mu could still laugh. 

Does she know everything? 

Xu Yujie's heart was beating fast, her face was pale, and a smiling face came out. 

Jiang Mu walked quickly to her, as Xu Yujie used to hold her, holding Xu Yujie. 

But Xu Yujie felt that the place touched by Jiang Mu was hot, and she wanted to escape. 

Along the way, Jiang Mu was reading to Xu Yujie the content of her text messages to Chu Shuo. 

Xu Yujie wanted to die. 

[ Today Jiang Mu's afternoon class has been cancelled, and will go back earlier, please pay attention. ]

[ Chen Feng is on a business trip today, do you want to have a drink together tonight? How about you come to my house. ]

[ Don't be too ostentatious with you and that woman. So many people know that, Jiang Mu will find out sooner or later then I won't be able to help you. ]


These words, word by word, were sent to Chu Shuo by Xu Yujie. 

Now that Jiang Mu said it, it became extremely harsh, and every word stuck on Xu Yujie. 

Xu Yujie's feet seemed to be heavy, unable to lift, and her legs were a bit soft. 

When she got downstairs in the teaching building, Jiang Mu let go of Xu Yujie's hand and looked at her gently and tenderly, as before. 

"What's the matter with you, your face is so ugly? Are you uncomfortable?" Jiang Mu said caring words, but she was smiling. 

Xu Yujie looked at her, wondering why she felt scared. 

"I'm fine."

"Really okay? You don't look bloody at all, just like a dead person." 

Xu Yujie feel suffocated. 

She really wanted Jiang Mu to disappear in place. 

She finally couldn't help it, and said, "What do you want?" 

Now that you know everything, what else to pretend. 

Xu Yujie has no confidence, but she is not a weak person, otherwise she can't do these things. After so many years, she has done a lot of things secretly. 

It's not that she never thought that Jiang Mu would find out, but she didn't expect that Jiang Mu's attitude was so weird that she was caught off guard. 

This time, Jiang Mu forced her to lose temper. 

"What do I want?" Jiang Mu looked at her playfully. 

Xu Yujie straightened her waist and stared at her, "Yes." If it's a big deal, she will break up. She doesn't have to rely on Jiang Mu now. Did Jiang Mu think she was the poor country girl at the time? 

She has a stable job and a successful husband. She has a good life, not to mention that she didn't regard Jiang Mu as a true friend. 

Jiang Mu seemed to see through her thoughts and was not annoyed. She smiled and said, "I want to tell Chen Feng, what do you think?" 

Chen Feng is Xu Yujie's husband. 

Xu Yujie's expression immediately became ugly, even more ugly than when Jiang Mu said that she knew everything. 

She panicked. 

Jiang Mu continued: "By the way, tell me about you and Wang Yao... I will also tell Chen Feng that the green hat on his head is glowing." 

"How do you know?" 

Wang Yao is a college classmate of the two. Xu Yujie had a crush in the past. In the past, the classmates reunited the other day, the two drank and got together. 

The original owner saw Xu Yujie and Wang Yao walking together, and Chen Feng called to ask her why Xu Yujie hadn't come back that night.

The original owner did not tell the truth. The next day Xu Yujie explained that she and Wang Yao separated after a few conversations. She opened the room in the hotel and fell asleep. 

The original owner believed Xu Yujie and didn't think much. 

But Jiang Mu is not the original owner. 

Jiang Mu seemed to smile but refused to speak. 

Xu Yujie couldn't stretch it anymore. If Chen Feng knew about it, then her life would be ruined. 

Chen Feng has a good family background, and the Chen family originally did not agree to the two being together. At the beginning, she tried her best to marry Chen Feng. She also relied on pretending to be innocent and pitiful and virtuous to blind Chen Feng and let Chen Feng want to marry her. 

After getting married, the truth has been revealed, and now the two of them have lost the passion of the year. If Chen Feng learns about these things about her, it will definitely lead to divorced. 

She can't get a divorce, and she has nothing if she is divorced. 

Xu Yujie quickly thought about the pros and cons, and Jiang Mu's eyes were pleading. 

"Jiang Mu, you can't tell Chen Feng." At this time, the class bell had already rang. 

Jiang Mu: "Oh, it's time to go to class." 

Jiang Mu turned to leave, Xu Yujie dragged her anxiously. 

"Mu Mu, please." 

Jiang Mu frowned, looking a little embarrassed, "But, what do you ask me for? Are you worthy?"

"Think about our relationship for so many years..." Xu Yujie looked like she would cry any moment. 

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Looking at our relationship for so many years, I'll do you a favor. Your blush is a bit light today. I will make up for you with the palm of my hand, so that you look a little better, so as not to scare the students in class later. Is it good?"