[World 1] Chapter 5

After Jiang Mu left, Xu Yujie almost fell to the ground with soft feet. 

How could Jiang Mu become like this? 

She was not like this before, was it because Chu Shuo's derailment and her betrayal made her like this? 

Xu Yujie didn't dare to think about it, and didn't know what Jiang Mu would do. 

In the afternoon the kindergarten was over, Jiang Mu picked Chu Ying and returned home. Chu Shuo was not there and Jiang Mu didn't care, anyway, he wouldn't die. 

She gave Xu Yujie the task of obtaining evidence of Chu Shuo's derailment, and Xu Yujie did not dare to say no. 

But she didn't think Xu Yujie would really do it honestly, but she was afraid she would be found by Chu Shuo.

Jiang Mu still has her own way. 

Chu Ying was a little clingy today, pulling Jiang Mu's skirt and following her together, "Mom, what do we eat tonight?" 

"Yingying are you already hungry?" 

"A little bit hungry." Chu Ying nodded her head. 

"Then you sit and wait for a while, mom will cook." 

Jiang Mu's cooking skills are good, and there are a lot of ingredients in the refrigerator. They were all bought a few days ago. Cooking a few dishes is not a problem. 

She took out two eggs and a little green onion to make an omelette with green onions, then took a spare rib from the refrigerator to thaw, stewed a potato spare rib, and finally made a fried shrimp with celery. 

Chu Ying loves to eat rich nutrients. 

Chu Ying was very happy and had been helping her. Although she didn't help much, the mother and daughter had a good atmosphere. 

Chu Ying felt hungry when she smelled the scent of vegetables. She looked at the vegetables without blinking, her saliva flowed out, so cute that she wanted to pinch her face. 

"Mom, will Dad come back for dinner tonight?" 

Chu Shuo hasn't had his dinner at home for several months. At first, the original owner would call and send text messages to ask questions. Later, she got used to it and she assumed that Chu Shuo would not come back. 

But Chu Ying won't, she asked when she remembered.

The original owner always answered that Dad is busy at work and working hard to make money. 

Jiang Mu didn't say that today. 

"Your father won't come back to eat, he is eating outside." 

Chu Ying squatted her mouth, bowed her head for a long time, and said, "Mom, does Dad don't like us anymore?" 

Jiang Mu's eyes lit up and she almost clapped her hands and said you're so smart. 

But thinking that Chu Ying was still a child, Jiang Mu restrained a little, and said, "What should we do if your father doesn't like us?" 

Chu Ying didn't expect that her mother not only didn't answer, she asked instead. 

This turned Chu Ying's question down. 

Although she is smart, she hasn't thought about this problem yet, so she has been thinking about it for a long time now. 

Jiang Mu felt a little funny seeing her face wrinkled into a bun. 

She and Chu Shuo are absolutely going to divorce, and Chu Ying can't give Chu Shuo to Chu Ying, and telling Chu Ying that this issue is not necessarily a bad thing. 

The child needs protection, but there are some things Jiang Mu thinks that it is unavoidable. 

"If Dad doesn't like us, I don't like him either." Chu Ying thought for a long time and finally spoke. 

Hearing this answer, Jiang Mu reached out and touched Chu Ying's head, "Good Yingying, let's eat first, aren't you hungry?" 

Chu Ying said, "Mom, Dad doesn't come back every day, does he have another home? Don't he want us?" 

Chu Ying heard from other children in the kindergarten that there was a boy whose parents had divorced not long ago. His father didn't go home every day, so he quarreled with his mother when he came back, and divorced after half a year. He heard his mother say that his father just had other people outside, so he didn't want them anymore. 

Chu Ying thought of her father, and Chu Shuo did the same, coming back late every day. 

But her parents did not quarrel. 

She didn't want to have no father.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Jiang Mu comforted: "If he doesn't want us, we do not want him, he will be punished if he doesn't obey and does something wrong." 

Chu Ying understands, but a little bit. I was stunned, but I was really comforted that I was not the abandoned one, as if I wanted to feel more comfortable. 

"Then I won't have a father anymore?" Chu Ying was still unhappy thinking of this, she didn't want to be called that she had no father. 

Jiang Mu: "How is it possible? Mom finds Yingying some better dads who can play with you, tell you stories, and take you to eat delicious food..." 

Chu Ying said nothing, she still thought that her father loved her very much, loved her mother very much, and will not leave this home...

"I want to call my father." 

"Okay." Jiang Mu did not object. 

To be honest, if Chu Ying insisted on following Chu Shuo, Jiang Mu would not strongly object to it, she would just do her duty. 

Jiang Mu put her mobile phone on the table and dialed Chu Shuo's number. 

She pressed the speakerphone so that Chu Ying could hear it and could directly talk to Chu Shuo. 

At this time, Chu Shuo was in the house he rented for Shen Mo. 

In the morning, he was injured. He went to the hospital for an examination. There was nothing serious but a sprain, but he was still very uncomfortable when he went to work at the company. Shen Mo called him in the afternoon and he said about it. 

Shen Mo was very worried and went to his company early to wait to see him. 

Compared with Jiang Mu's indifference, Shen Mo was so nervous, the balance in Chu Shuo's heart went wrong again. 

Jiang Mu didn't care about him in the morning. She didn't call for a whole day. He went to Shen Mo's side without hesitation. 

She wouldn't say a word if I didn't go back for dinner at night. 

At this time, Chu Shuo was having a candlelight dinner with Shen Mo. 

Shen Mo got some sentiments, lighted candles, made some red wine, and cooked a table of dishes, gentle and small, which really made people nostalgic.

The two drank and were about to make each other, when Chu Shuo's phone rang. 


Chu Shuo looked at the caller ID and hesitated to answer it. 

Shen Mo beside him said softly, "I'll go to the kitchen to see if the stewed soup is ready." 

Seeing Shen Mo's slender back, Chu Shuo's eyes flashed with satisfaction. 

Shen Mo was still so considerate and never embarrassed him. 

He pressed to answer it. He thought he would hear Jiang Mu's voice, but he didn't expect it to be Chu Ying. 

"Dad, are you coming back for dinner? Mom made the food." 

Chu Ying's tone was not as sweet and cute as before, but she couldn't hear anything wrong from the phone. 

Chu Shuo looked at the large table of dishes in front of him, and said, "Dad is busy with work, you and mom can eat, don't wait for me." 

"Dad is always that busy with work every day." Chu Ying complained. 

It was the first time Chu Shuo heard Chu Ying say this. He smiled and said, "Daddy works to make money to buy new clothes and toys for Yingying." 

Who knows Chu Ying said: "Yingying has enough clothes and toys. Mom bought a lot and I don't need new ones. I want my father to come back for dinner." 

Chu Shuo was about to agree, and suddenly heard an exclamation from the kitchen and the sound of the bowl breaking. 

Chu Shuo frowned and stood up and walked quickly to the kitchen. He saw Shen Mo sitting on the ground with blood on her hands dripping onto the broken bowl, looking very scary. 

Shen Mo resisted crying, but her eyes were full of tears, and her pitiful appearance made people feel pity. 

Chu Shuo could only say to the other end of the phone: "Dad can't go away now, Yingying is good, obedient." 

After Chu Shuo hung up the phone, she didn't hear Chu Ying shouting over there, "Smelly dad, Ying Ying doesn't want you anymore." 

Chu Shuo didn't go home all night, and only sent a WeChat message to Jiang Mu, saying that he was with the client to socialize, drank some wine, and stayed in the hotel.

Jiang Mu pretended to believe this ghost and replied with a smile. 

When Chu Shuo received this smile, he fell into deep thought. 

Is this a gentle smile from the individual or a huh mmp. 

Jiang Mu had never posted this expression before. 

Jiang Mu is not too old to know the meaning of a smile. 

But Chu Shuo didn't have time to think about it. At this time, Shen Mo had already taken a shower and came out wearing pajamas. She was wearing the white lace sling pajamas that she bought a few days ago. The pajamas were just as long as they could cover the thighs. The long legs are particularly dazzling. 

Chu Shuo wasn't Liu Xiahui, so he threw away the phone when he saw this. 

The next day Chu Shuo came back early in the morning. When he came back, he went to the master bedroom first. When he pushed the door, he was afraid that Jiang Mu would lock the door again. Who knew the door was unlocked, but Jiang Mu was not in the room. 

He was startled, and went to Chu Ying's room again, and he was relieved to see Jiang Mu still sleeping and in her arms was Chu Ying. 

I don't know why, he was a little guilty in his heart these two days. 

As soon as Chu Shuo entered the door, Jiang Mu opened her eyes. 

She saw Chu Shuo and made a shushing motion to tell him not to wake Chu Ying. 

Then she got off the bed lightly. 

Jiang Mu wore a purple nightdress, also in the style of suspenders and lace, but it looked very elegant and sultry, and it was not the same style as Shen Mo. 

Jiang Mu used to wear pure cotton pajamas at home, and Chu Shuo still saw her wearing this style for the first time. 

He can't move his eyes when he sees it. People are all visual animals. When you see beautiful things, you always have to appreciate it for a while. 

What's more, such a beautiful person is his own wife. That's not how you want to look at it. 

However, Jiang Mu glanced at him, picked up the coat beside the bed and put it on, covering it tightly. 

Out of Chu Ying's room.

Chu Shuo said softly, "My wife, I drank too much last night." 

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "How much did you drink?" 

Chu Shuo: "Two bottles of white and one red." 

Jiang Mu walked to him. She smiled and said, "Drinking so much, there is no smell of alcohol at all, which is good." 

"I took a shower in the hotel and the clothes were dry cleaned." Chu Shuo's rhetoric was not leaking. 

"Who are you with? You are not the only one?" Jiang Mu stared at Chu Shuo's eyes and said with a smile on her face. 

Chu Shuo said: "There is also You Chenguang." 

"Denguang is also there, is he in the hotel with you?" Jiang Mu was pretending to be confused. 

You Chenguang is a good buddy of Chu Shuo, two years younger than Chu Shuo, but he is now the general manager of the You Group. You and Jiang have known each other for a few years. Chu Shuo also only met you because of Jiang Mu. Chen Guang, after the two played together, they became buddies. 

"He didn't. The project was co-operated by the company and You's. He called the driver to pick him up." 

Their own driver asked for leave, which is why Chu Shuo could not blush. 

It is true that the driver asks for leave anyway. 

"Then I want to talk about Chenguang, why did I go back by myself, and leave you there, didn't send you off, it won't be so troublesome for the driver to send you a trip." Jiang Mu said flatly. 

"I don't want to trouble him." Chu Shuo said seriously. 

"Husband, don't help him. I have to call You Chenguang and ask him why he left you behind. You are drunk. If you are kidnapped, what can you do? Tear the ticket..." 

Chu Shuo: "..." 

How does he feel that his wife has been cursing him to death recently. 

"Do you know that many people are staring at you who are drunk and rich? You see that you look good. If a woman took you while you were drunk and put you to sleep, you would have been dirty last night?"

Chu Shuo's face turned black: Dirty? ? ? 

Jiang Mu looked very righteous, "If only I didn't believe in you, I would definitely suspect that you hadn't come back all night because you were with another woman." Chu Shuo was frightened and his face grew ugly. 

"No, I have to call You Chenguang and talk about him, he almost killed you." Jiang Mu went to get her mobile phone after she finished speaking.