[World 1] Chapter 6

Chu Shuo wasn't very worried about Jiang Mu calling You Chenguang, but Jiang Mu's words made him very embarrassed, and he felt pain no matter how thick his face was. 

"Wife, forget it, I asked him so early in the morning to do something, I told him to go first last night, so you can't blame him." Chu Shuo stopped Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu pondered for a moment, as if she felt that what Chu Shuo said was reasonable, nodded and said, "Okay, you have to pay attention next time. It's okay this time. It doesn't mean that you'll be okay in the future, maybe there was an accident." If you just die so easily, it will be cheaper for you. 

Chu Shuo wiped his sweat, "I know, it won't." 

Jiang Mu nodded, "Okay, you just came back. You need to sleep for a while. You must have not slept well last night, you worked all night after all." 

Chu Shuo always felt that there is something in Jiang Mu's words. 

But Jiang Mu's concerned eyes did not seem to be fake. 

Although Chu Shuo was suspicious, the suspicion that the couple looked at Jiang Mu's face was dispelled again. 

"I'll go wash first, and I'll send Yingying to the kindergarten later." 

"Wife, it's really hard for you." Chu Shuo came over and wanted to hug Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu said: "It's not hard work. I did this for this family. It's you who must take care of your body. Remember to eat breakfast. Later I will take Yingying out to eat. Take the food in the refrigerator." 

Chu Shuo was moved. 

There is a good wife at home, and there is also a sweetheart hidden outside. 

It's not bad to keep going like this. 


Who knows, when he slept for a few hours and got up to go to the kitchen to open the refrigerator, his expression gradually stiffened. 

There was nothing in the refrigerator except a few bottles of water and a handful of green onions. 

What did Jiang Mo let him eat? 

Drink water to satisfy your hunger? Still eat green onions? 

At this time Jiang Mu has arrived at school.

She had a class this morning, and Xu Yujie was there when she arrived at the office. 

But when Xu Yujie saw her, she didn't have the same enthusiasm as before. Instead, Jiang Mu greeted Xu Yujie with a smile. 

"Yujie, good morning." 

Xu Yujie barely smiled. 

The weather was a bit cold today. Jiang Mu was wearing a windbreaker and black stiletto boots. She looked at the full aura and her glamorous features made Xu Yujie uneasy when she laughed. 

"Please, do you think about how to do it?" Jiang Mu asked. 

Xu Yujie whispered: "Give me some time." 

"A little time? How long? I really believe in your business ability." Jiang Mu pursed her mouth, seeing Xu Yujie's eyes a little dissatisfied. 

Xu Yujie was distraught by her, "I will do it as soon as possible." 

Jiang Mu said indifferently: "If you don't give anything satisfactory to me within a week, you can find a divorce lawyer."

Xu Yujie: "You!" 

Xu Yujie was furious. There is no way to take Jiang Mu, her handles are all in Jiang Mu's hands. 

Jiang Mu has only one class today. She has a relatively relaxed class. The students keep drawing, so she will go around in the classroom and give guidance from time to time. 

But today there was an accident. 

During class, the student accidentally fell and knocked his head. She had to take the student to the infirmary. 

After coming out of the infirmary, the class just ended. Jiang Mu remembered that her things were still in the classroom, and went back to get them. 

At this time, it was time to get out of class. The students were all walking outside, and she was walking into the classroom. Along the way, many students greeted her. She was overwhelmed. When going up the stairs, she happened to meet Shen Mo again. 

There is a male classmate beside Shen Mo, who is tall and good-looking, his eyes barely left on Shen Mo's face.

Shen Mo was still talking and laughing with her male classmate, but after seeing Jiang Mu, her expression changed. 

"Hello, Teacher Jiang." Shen Mo yelled sweetly. 

Jiang Mu looked at her and said with a smile, "Hello, classmate Shen." 

Shen Mo looked surprised. 

Never thought Jiang Mu would know who she was. 

A moment of panic on her face was caught by Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu didn't say much, but the faint irony under her eyes made Shen Mo feel very bad. 

Until Jiang Mu walked away, Shen Mo still stood in a daze, not knowing what she was thinking. 

The male classmate called her several times, but she didn't respond. 

Jiang Mu went back to the classroom and took something. She had an appointment at home today. 

It was Aunt Liu, the former nanny of the original owner. She has not seen her since the original owner got married. I heard that she is now working as a confinement for someone else. 

Jiang Mu contacted her yesterday and wanted to ask her to come and help. 

The original owner is a lovely girl. After marriage, she began to take care of Chu Ying and Chu Shuo. Fortunately, she was not busy at work to get over. But Jiang Mu is not so virtuous. Why should she serve Chu Shuo, that scum man?

Unless Chu Shuo needs to be poisoned to death, she would not cook Chu Shuo a meal, and it would be impossible to wash his clothes. 

She always wants people to do things at home, and she doesn't want to live in a mess, so she thought of asking for a babysitter, but she didn't worry about finding one at random. It was just right to invite the former babysitter at home. At least her character can be assured.

The appointment time between Jiang Mu and Aunt Liu was one o'clock in the afternoon. It was already twelve o'clock. Jiang Mu hurried back. Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of the teaching building, it suddenly rained heavily outside. 

Jiang Mu's expression changed slightly. 

She didn't bring an umbrella, it was not a close distance from here to the school gate.

The students in the classroom were almost gone, and no one could take her all the way. Jiang Mu stood under the eaves and watched the heavy rain outside, thinking that she could only wait. 

She fastened the belt of the trench coat and stood on the steps to watch the rain. 

The rain and the wind were also strong. When the wind blew, Jiang Mu's hair was messed up. The silky hair was flying around. Jiang Mu raised her hand to lift her hair behind her ear, and then put her hands in the pocket of the windbreaker. 

Somehow, she thought of her past life. 

She is the only daughter in the family. After inheriting the family business, she opened an entertainment company and became a female president. Because of her beautiful appearance, she also appeared on the entertainment news from time to time. She also keeps changing her boyfriends on her side, sometimes the rich second generation. Sometimes he's a student, sometimes he's a little star. Of course, she also had sex with some popular little fresh meat, but it didn't take long. 

Usually when she and her ex-boyfriend just broke up, there was a newcomer. She had just dumped her ex-boyfriend before crossing, and had a good time with a small meat. The two had an appointment to meet at the hotel, but she died on the way. 

Jiang Mu laughed when she thought of this, and she didn't know what her mood was when she heard the news of her death. 

She smiled and lowered her head, with a hint of flattery in the corners of her eyebrows. 

At this moment, she suddenly noticed a burning gaze, she turned to look over, and saw a tall boy in a white sweater standing not far away holding an umbrella looking at her. 

Perhaps seeing the boy's eyes too hot and serious, Jiang Mu looked back without evasiveness. 

The two stared at each other for about half a minute. 

The boy's face turned red. 

Jiang Mu smiled more deeply. She liked to molest shy boys the most. 

No wasting money for molesting. 

She blinked, her bright face was especially charming in the rain. 

"Did you not bring an umbrella?" The boy summoned his courage and said to Jiang Mu. 

"Yeah." Jiang Mu said lightly.

"I will lend this to you." The boy came closer. 

Jiang Mu saw that he only had one umbrella, her eyebrows stretched, and she smiled: "Lend it to me... do you want to pay it back?"

The boy's face turned red, and he shook his head, "No need to pay it back." 

"That's fine." Jiang Mu looked at it. Looking into his eyes, she saw shyness and surprise from inside. 

Jiang Mu reached for it. 

The boy didn't react. 

Jiang Mu grabbed his wrist and said, "Didn't you lend me an umbrella?"

The boy's breathing seemed to stop, and his heart was about to jump out. He awkwardly let go of his hand, and the umbrella just fell to the ground. 

The boy did not stand in the eaves, and raindrops hit him immediately. 

Jiang Mu picked up the umbrella and looked at him, but the boy didn't dare to look at her. Instead, his body trembled, as if he had been electrocuted. 

Jiang Mu took the umbrella and was about to leave, but the boy didn't move, instead he was still stunned. 

Jiang Mu tentatively walked forward a few steps, but he still didn't move. 

The rain has wetted his hair and his face is also rainy, but this does not affect his good looks. 

A beautiful boy, even if he is embarrassed, is still beautiful, but his white sweater is all wet, and he is probably uncomfortable to wear it. 

Jiang Mu smiled, "Let's go together, I'll go to the school gate." 

"Is this okay?" 

"This is your umbrella, of course."

The two did not speak along the way. He even forgot to take the initiative to take the umbrella, so Jiang Mu was holding the umbrella all the time. Jiang Mu was just over one meter and seven meters in high heels, but the boy was 186. So Jiang Mu was still a little embarrassed to hold it. 

Jiang Mu said, "Won't you help me raise the umbrella?" 

She laughed, her eyes curled, her eyes gleaming brightly.

Obviously it was a cold face, but it was so charming when she smiled. Such a contrast made people feel so excited that there was no way to resist it. 

"... I forgot." 

He quickly took the umbrella. 

The two of them walked all the way to the school gate, because the umbrella was not big, they almost walked next to each other, Jiang Mu could even feel him trembling. 

Jiang Mu couldn't help laughing. It's been a long time since she met such a pure boy. It was also funny. 

She couldn't help asking: "How old are you?" The boy paused and said, "Nineteen." 

At nineteen, Jiang Mu looked up at him, and he was indeed young. 

Jiang Mu: "Is it from S University?" 

"I am from Ming University." 

Ming University, it is from the school next door, two streets away from S University. 

Jiang Mu didn't ask him what he was doing in S University, because she happened to see a taxi and reached out to stop it. 

"Okay, thank you for your umbrella, I'm leaving."

The boy's face flashed with frustration and opened his mouth to say whether he could add a WeChat account, but he felt too abrupt, and finally asked before Jiang Mu got into the car. "What's your name?" 

Jiang Mu looked at him, "Why don't you tell me your name first?" 

"My name is Shen Yan." 

"Jiang Mu." 

After speaking, Jiang Mu Got in the car. 

Shen Yan stood there, standing there for a long time without regaining his senses. He kept looking at the direction the car was leaving, and his mind was full of Jiang Mu's smiling face. 

"Shen Yan, how are you here? I've been looking for you for a long time, didn't you say you're waiting for me at school?" 

Shen Yan heard someone shouting at him, pulled back to senses, he looked back to the person and shouted a voice, "Sister." 

"How did you get wet, didn't you take the umbrella?" Shen Mo said anxiously.

 Shen Yan nod his head.

Shen Mo: "You make me worried, let's go eat first, are you hungry?" 

"Not hungry." 

"Then go back and change clothes first, and then come out to eat hot pot." 

Shen Yan nodded, and after a while, he wanted to ask Shen Mo if she knew someone named Jiang Mu from her school. 

Maybe it's a school sister, maybe a graduate student. 

He knows that the other party is older than himself, but he has grown so big, and his heart beats so fast for the first time. He is not a fool. How could he not know that this is a heartbeat feeling.