[World 1] Chapter 7

Jiang Mu returned home and settled the work with Aunt Liu. After signing the contract, Aunt Liu went straight to work. 

From now on, the housework at home will be handed over to Aunt Liu, and Jiang Mu doesn't have to do the cooking and shopping by herself. 

If she has anything to do, Chu Ying can also be transported to Aunt Liu. 

But because Chu Ying and Aunt Liu were not familiar with each other, Jiang Mu still had to pick up Chu Ying. 

Jiang Mu went upstairs to the bedroom and called You Chenguang. 

It was quickly connected over there. 

You Chenguang was in a company meeting at this time, and he was a little surprised to see that it was Jiang Mu's call. 

He got up and walked out of the conference room, answered the phone, and walked towards his office. 

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?" 

Jiang Mu said: "Are you busy? I have something to ask you." 

"Fortunately I'm not, sister-in-law, what's the matter?" You Chenguang's attitude towards Jiang Mu is very good, with some care in his tone that he doesn't usually have. 

He rarely speaks to others in this tone. 

"It's not convenient to talk on the phone, can you talk to me in person?" Jiang Mu hesitated, but You Chenguang agreed, "Okay." 

Although You Chenguang didn't know what was going on, he could hear it from Jiang Mu's tone that she was depressed.

The two agreed to meet at six in the afternoon, and Jiang Mu already went to the kindergarten to pick up Chu Ying and send her back home.

The meeting place was chosen by Jiang Mu, a restaurant with a good environment. 

When Jiang Mu arrived, You Chenguang was already there. 

Standing at the door, Jiang Mu recognized him from a distance. 

You Chenguang's facial features are very handsome. His aura is completely different from Chu Shuo. You Chenguang, are very cold and indifferent. He doesn't care about anything. Chu Shuo is polite, and his speech is very likable.

It was also surprising that the two could become good friends. 

However, You Chenguang and the original owner met earlier, and the two exchanged few words frequently. Although they were not in the same school in high school, they were in the same circle and often met. Later, they became university's alumni. 

"Chenguang." Jiang Mu shouted. 

You Chenguang raised his head and beckoned to Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu took a seat and said, "Have you waited for a long time? The road is a bit jammed and I am late."

"No, I just arrived." You Chenguang shook his head. 

"Order first." Jiang Mu called the waiter and ordered a steak and an appetizer salad. 

You Chenguang touched Jiang Mu's finger when he took the menu. Both of them paused, but no one looked at anyone. 

Especially You Chenguang, his expression is still faint, but the undercurrent in his eyes can be hidden from others, not from himself. 

He suppressed the restlessness in his heart and ordered two dishes at random. 

After the waiter left, You Chenguang looked at Jiang Mu secretly. 

Jiang Mu today looked a little different from the past, and seemed to be even more dazzling. 

Jiang Mu was specially dressed up before coming out. She was still wearing a neat and elegant windbreaker in the morning. Now she has changed into an apricot V-neck dress. The beautiful collarbone is exposed, and the small diamond necklace is shaking on the collarbone, attracting attention. With a belt around the waist, dividing the figure into perfect proportions. 

This is the first time You Chenguang has met Jiang Mu alone since Jiang Mu got married. 

Jiang Mu is also observing You Chenguang. 

She found that his facial features are also very attractive when viewed up close. 

You Chenguang hesitatingly asked, "What are you looking for?" 

Jiang Mu was silent for a moment, "Do you know what Chu Shuo is doing out there?" 

You Chenguang frowned and looked serious.

Jiang Mu's question is very interesting. She is not asking what you think, but whether if you know it. That means that she has confirmed Chu Shuo's derailment. 

To be honest, You Chenguang didn't know how to answer. 

Jiang Mu glanced at You Chenguang. 

"It seems you know it." 

You Chenguang paused. 

Up to now, there is no point in his denial. 


But for some reason, after he admitted, Jiang Mu's look in his eyes made him feel strange. 

Even if he couldn't empathize with her, he knew that Jiang Mu should be in pain at the moment. 

The two finished the meal quietly. 

When You Chenguang was about to ask what she planned to do, Jiang Mu slowly raised her head and looked at him. 

Tears were already in the corner of her eyes. 

Jiang Mu pinched herself twice under the table. The pain made her eyes red and her nose sore, and her tears almost fell. 

"Why are you..." You Chenguang's voice stopped abruptly, because Jiang Mu suddenly held his hand.

Jiang Mu's hands are very thin, soft, and a little bit cold. You Chenguang has always had a good self-cultivation, and apart from family relatives, he rarely has such close contact with the opposite sex. 

But You Chenguang did not reject Jiang Mu's touch. 

"Can you help me?" 

Jiang Mu's expression was really irresistible. 

"How do you want me to help you?" You Chenguang asked. 

Jiang Mu thought for a while and let go of You Chenguang's hand, "Actually, you and Chu Shuo have such a good relationship. I shouldn't be looking for you. Won't you¹ feel awkward?" 

[ The green tea index increases and the eyes become more energetic. ] 

Jiang Mu's voice is soft and beautiful.

"Forget it, I can figure it out by myself." 

Seeing that she gave up asking for help, You Chenguang said in a hurry, "What do you want to do? You can tell me." 

Jiang Mu shook her head and said, "Can you stay with me? Do you want to stay for a while?" 

You Chenguang still felt sad to see her, and he didn't feel like he didn't want it. 

Jiang Mu was sad, still so beautiful, but it was heartbreaking. 

"I want to drink some wine." Jiang Mu whispered. 

You Chenguang sighed secretly. He thought for a while, and said, "Where do you want to drink?" 

"Just drink at a nearby bar. I dare not go alone, cause I can just drink a little." Jiang Mu thought for a while, "Is it okay? " 

You Chenguang nodded, got up and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you." 

Even if Jiang Mu didn't let him accompany her, he wouldn't let Jiang Mu leave alone. 

You Chenguang didn't take Jiang Mu to such a noisy bar, instead, he found a good environment suitable for talking.

When they got there, they found a quiet corner to sit. 

Jiang Mu ordered two glasses of vodka, and You Chenguang replaced her with something else, which was more suitable for women, with a lower degree of alcohol content, so that it was not so easy to get drunk. 

The two drank some wine, and You Chenguang asked Jiang Mu, "When did you know it?" 

Jiang Mu said, "Two days ago." 

You Chenguang didn't know what to ask. 

Jiang Mu continued: "He has been outside in the last few days and nights." 

You Chenguang said: "Maybe he is socializing." 

Jiang Mu smiled sarcastically, "He said to be with you yesterday." 

You Chenguang, there is no need to lie at this time, and it doesn't make sense to help Chu Shuo hide it. 

He helped before because Chu Shuo said that he just made mistakes for a while and would resolve these matters as soon as possible and return to the family.

But after so long, he is still like this, it seems that what he said doesn't count. 

You Chenguang: "Are you going to get a divorce?" 

After asking this sentence, You Chenguang felt strange. 

Jiang Mu looked at him, and asked, "Do you think I should get a divorce?" 

You Chenguang dodged to look at her eyes, as if afraid of being seen through what's on his mind. 

Jiang Mu didn't wait for him to answer, and took another sip of wine. 

The alcohol level is low, but for Jiang Mu's current alcohol volume, it is easy to get drunk. 

She couldn't drink, her face was still white and couldn't tell if she was drunk, but soon, her head became dizzy. 

This was what Jiang Mu expected. She knew that the original owner would not drink, so she deliberately asked You Chenguang to bring her to drink. 

After getting drunk, her body weakened, but her consciousness was still sober, she stared at You Chenguang blankly, her charming and lazy appearance was particularly attractive. 

"You said, who is that woman? Do you know it?" 

You Chenguang saw her drunk and weakened his sense of defense, almost answering all questions. 

"I don't know, I've seen it once, so it should still be a student." 

"Then how did they meet and why did Chu Shuo treat me like this?" Jiang Mu asked, her body fell on You Chenguang. 

You Chenguang froze, breathing abnormally for a long time. 

He wanted to help Jiang Mu up, but it was inevitable to touch her arm and touching her soft and delicate skin made his heartbeat speed up several times in an instant. 

"Be careful." You Chenguang's voice became much lower. 

Jiang Mu nodded, sat upright and said, "I want to get a divorce." 

You Chenguang: "Just think about it."

"Yingying will leave with me. Is it okay?" Jiang Mu looked at You Chenguang and said fragilely, "But, will he give Yingying to me?" 

You Chenguang knew that Chu Shuo would definitely not be the type of who would agree to the divorce and give up their children to Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu said bitterly: "I'm telling you, what's the use... Forget it, I should go back, Yingying is still waiting for me at home." 

You Chenguang: "I will send you." 

Jiang Mu shook her head. "No, I won't trouble you." 

You Chenguang: "It won't be troublesome, how can you go back like this?" 

"I'll just take a taxi." Jiang Mu stood up and wanted to leave. 

Before taking a step, she shook her body and almost fell down. You Chenguang supported her and accidentally put his hand on her waist, looking like he was holding her waist. 

Jiang Mu was stunned and looked up at You Chenguang. 

The two had their eyes facing each other and their bodies were close together. At the moment when their gazes crossed, You Chenguang looked at Jiang Mu's misty eyes. He only felt that his throat was dry and his back was stiff, and he didn't know what to do. 

Finally, You Chenguang sent Jiang Mu back. 

Both drank alcohol and could only take a taxi. 

The two sat in the back seat, Jiang Mu leaned back in the chair and did not speak, You Chenguang couldn't help but look at her. 

I saw Jiang Mu closed her eyes, her face was cold and beautiful, and a little sad. There seemed to be a faint fragrance on her body, floating into the tip of You Chenguang's nose. He couldn't calm down even if he didn't look at her. 

What's more, he couldn't help but always go to see Jiang Mu. 

Suddenly, the driver slammed the brakes, Jiang Mu didn't sit still and fell straight on You Chenguang's lap. 

You Chenguang's body was tense and looked down at Jiang Mu. 

Jiang Mu slowly opened her eyes, looking at him blindly with charming and bewildering eyes, like accusations, sadness, and affectionate. 

Watching this, You Chenguang held his breath.

This scene, as if engraved in his mind, made him unable to calm down for a long time, his adam's apple moved and his eyes were a little confused. 

Jiang Mu's hand held his hand. He only felt that Jiang Mu's little hand was too small and too soft, which made people want to hold her tightly, protect her, and prevent her from getting hurt. 

You Chenguang held his breath, shook his head, and told himself: No way, Jiang Mu is still his sister-in-law, at least for now.