[World 1] Chapter 8

Jiang Mu couldn't hear You Chenguang's heart, but she could see his wavering. 

You Chenguang was obviously interested in her, as you could tell from his eyes. 

Jiang Mu was very familiar with this look. 

At this time, the system prompt sounded: 

[ The green tea index increased significantly, and the skin turned white. ]

Jiang Mu is secretly happy, making green tea is also quite fun. 

I did look down on it originally, but now it's really fragrant. 

The benefits are quite satisfying. 

Thinking of this, Jiang Mu looked at You Chenguang's eyes more and more attractive, pitiful, with water, determined to make her green tea person perfect. 

"Chen Guang, I can't go back now, Yingying is at home, I don't want her to see me like this." Jiang Mu begged. 

"Okay, where do you want to go?" 

"I want to find a place to wash up, and then go back when I'm sober." Jiang Mu's body was a bit of alcohol, and it was not good to go back to see Aunt Liu and Chu Ying. 

And maybe Chu Shuo came back at night and didn't go home for two days. With his hypocritical character, he might go home today to show himself. 

You Chenguang also thinks this is better. 

"Then go to my house, it happens to be nearby." You Chenguang said. 

Jiang Mu shook her head, "Chen Guang, this is not appropriate, I'd better go to the hotel."

You Chenguang was taken aback. Although he didn't mean anything else, he was the only one in his family. It is indeed not good to take Jiang Mu home so late.

Jiang Mo's refusal did not make him unhappy. On the contrary, his attitude towards Jiang Mo was softened. "It's not appropriate to go to the hotel. Let's do this. There is a beauty salon run by my friend nearby. Go there and take a shower. Ask for a massage, just relax." 

Jiang Mu nodded and looked at him gratefully. 

You Chenguang was tickled by this look.

"Thank you. Fortunately, you can help me. I really don't know what to do without you." Jiang Mu said in a low voice. 

"Don't think too much." You Chenguang was a little soft-hearted, he wouldn't say anything comforting, he could only say that. 

[ The green tea index increases and is rewarded for smoother hair]

When they arrived at the beauty club, Jiang Mu went to the room to take a shower and ask for a massage for herself. You Chenguang had been sitting on the sofa in the lobby outside waiting for her. 

During this period, You Chenguang received a call from Chu Shuo. 

He hesitated for a few seconds before answering. 

"Why don't you answer the messages Chenguang, are you doing something?" 

Chu Shuo sent a lot of messages to You Chenguang, but You Chenguang didn't reply, so he called.

You Chenguang said, "Well, there's something. I didn't look at the phone." 

Chu Shuo: "What else is there at this late? Haven't you gone home?" 

You Chenguang: "Work." 

"Okay. I want to ask you if you go to Genting Resort next week?" 

Chu Shuo and a few good players often go to Genting Resort this weekend and they have another appointment for two days. 

Only then did Chu Shuo come to ask You Chenguang. 

You Chenguang said: "I won't go." 

Chu Shuo asked: "What? Are you sure?" 

"Well, you go." You Chenguang didn't want to go, so he followed his words and said that he was sure.

Chu Shuo smiled and said, "You have a girlfriend now? You want to accompany your girlfriend?" 

You Chenguang was taken aback, "No." For some reason, his gaze looked away, and Jiang Mu's soft face appeared in his mind.

Chu Shuo seemed to hear his hesitation, and said jokingly: "If you have a girlfriend, you have to bring it out for a look."

You Chenguang changed the subject perfunctorily and asked him who was going this time. 

After Chu Shuo said a few names, You Chenguang asked: "Won't Jiang Mu go?" 

He had been calling Jiang Mu's sister-in-law before, but he didn't know what happened at the moment. In the presence of Chu Shuo, he couldn't call her sister-in-law, just call the name directly. 

"She's not going, what's the matter?" Chu Shuo said suspiciously. 

"It's nothing, just ask." You Chenguang thought for a while, or said, "Have you broken off with that girl student?" 

Chu Shuo frowned, and You Chenguang would never have asked about these things before. 

But Chu Shuo also told him before that he would deal with the extramarital affairs as soon as possible, but half a year has passed, and he and Shen Mo are still together and even meet more frequently than before, which makes it a little hard to say. 

Chu Shuo: "Not yet." 

Although You Chenguang knew the answer, he was still disappointed in Chu Shuo. 

He had seen that woman, and she couldn't be compared to Jiang Mu.

Even if you play, everyone in this circle is like that. 

You Chenguang tentatively asked: "Then what do you think? If Jiang Mu found out..." 

Chu Shuo interrupted him, "I won't be discovered by her." 

Chu Shuo's tone became colder, "Chenguang, why do you suddenly asked about this?" 

You Chenguang understood. Chu Shuo didn't mean to break with the woman outside. He wanted the red flag at home not to fall, and the colorful flags fluttered outside. 

You Chenguang showed an ironic expression on his face and his tone faded a little. He thought of Jiang Mu's sad look, which was worthless for Chu Shuo. 

"It's nothing, just remind you." 

Chu Shuo: "I know." 

"Then if that's all, I'll hang up." 

You Chenguang hung up the phone, feeling particularly complicated.

The scales in his heart seemed to have slowly shifted towards Jiang Mu. 

At this time, Jiang Mu in the room was lying on the bed, and the masseur rubbed her naked back. She couldn't help making a comfortable voice. She was extremely charming and even the masseur felt thirsty and blushed. 

"Your skin is really good, there are no blemishes at all," the masseur said enviously. 

"Thank you." Jiang Mu said softly. 

The masseur saw that she was not as cold as she imagined, so she boldly spoke to her. 

"Guest, are you a star? Are you singing?" 

"No, I'm a teacher." Jiang Mu said. 

"This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful teacher. You look better than those stars. Your voice is better, I thought you were a singer. If there are songs you sing, I would be willing to spend money to buy an album." 

Jiang Mu laughing, who doesn't like being praised, the technique of this masseur's praise is not bad, at least not annoying.

Hearing Jiang Mu's laughter, the masseur knew that she was right, and she was happy. Everyone likes to see beautiful women. She served so many people, and it was the first time she served such a beautiful woman. Not only did she have a good-looking face, but she also had a hot body.

She thought to herself, if she were a man, it would be worthwhile to massage such a stunner in this life. 


At this time, Jiang Mu's cell phone rang. 

It was Chu Shuo's call. 

To be honest, Jiang Mu didn't want to pick it up. She was pressing comfortably and in a good mood. Hearing Chu Shuo's voice might feel unappetizing. 

However, she also had other considerations, so she still raised her hand to answer the phone and put the phone to her ear. 

"Wife, what are you doing?" 

Chu Shuo and You Chenguang talked on the phone. He was also worried that Jiang Mu was suspicious that he hadn't gone back these two nights, so he made a call to brush up on his presence.

"I'm doing a massage. Recently, my shoulders and neck are a little sore." Jiang Mu said casually. 

Chu Shuo: "Are you alone?" 

Jiang Mu: "Yeah." 

Chu Shuo: "Why didn't you ask Xu Yujie to accompany you." 

Jiang Mu: "I didn't ask her if she wanted to, what's the matter? You call me, is there anything wrong?"

Chu Shuo said softly, "It's nothing, I just miss you. I'll be back later." 

Jiang Mu rolled her eyes, and the masseur stood behind her and didn't see it, otherwise she would be frightened. Jump, such an elegant and beautiful woman would even roll her eyes. 

But Jiang Mu heard Chu Shuo say that, she really wanted to vomit. 

Jiang Mu was also very gentle: "Okay, be careful on the road." 

Be careful to be killed by a car. 

Chu Shuo: "I will, do you want me to come and pick you up?" 

"No, I may have to come back later, you should go back first." Jiang Mu softly refused. 

"Okay, wife, then I'll go home and wait for you." 

Jiang Mu rolled her eyes in dislike, and softly agreed, "Okay." 


Jiang Mu goes out, and You Chenguang is lowering his head. Wonder what he is thinking, there's a worried look in his face.

Jiang Mu walked up to him, but he didn't notice it either. 

"What are you thinking?" Jiang Mu asked.

You Chenguang was thinking about the scene when he saw Jiang Mu for the first time. He originally thought he had forgotten it, but when he thought about it just now, he was surprised to find that he remembered clearly, even the color of the clothes Jiang Mu was wearing. 

You Chenguang realized that Jiang Mu was actually more important to him than he thought. 

He didn't think deeply about it all these years.

When Jiang Mu and Chu Shuo were together, he seemed to be lost for a long time. At that time, he thought it was because two good friends were together. He felt that he was not happy because he was left out. Only now is he reacting. In fact, it is more because of Jiang Mu. 

You Chenguang regretted that he and Jiang Mu had known each other much earlier than Chu Shuo had known Jiang Mu.

If it was him who was pursuing Jiang Mu in the first place. 

Can he give Jiang Mu happiness? 

Jiang Mu's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. 

"It's nothing, I just thought about what happened when we first met before." 

Jiang Mu was stunned. "At that time, we were only teenagers. At a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed." 

You Chenguang said: "Yes." 

Jiang Mu recalled, and said: "At that time, the first time you saw me, I knew that I was older than you, so I asked you to call me big sister." 

You Chenguang also smiled, "Yes. " 

You Chen stared at her intently. 

Jiang Mu lowered her head and raised her hand to tuck her hair. 

You Chenguang's eyes became deeper and deeper, and his eyes became hotter. 

"Chen Guang." Jiang Mu whispered, "If I said that the person I liked back then was not Chu Shuo... it was..." 

Jiang Mu was halfway through, and she looked up at You Chenguang. 

You Chenguang looked at her in surprise. 

But Jiang Mu did not go on. 

She deliberately didn't finish. 

Sure enough, You Chenguang's eyes were bright, he looked at her in surprise, and said, "You mean..." 

He couldn't believe it, but he was full of expectations. 

But Jiang Mu didn't want to continue this topic, "It's all over, forget it, I shouldn't have told you this at all."

You Chenguang wanted to pull her and tell her, no, no. 

She can tell him. 

You Chenguang's reason and impulse quarreled in his mind. 

Reason said: It is impossible for you and her, she is already married to Chu Shuo. 

The impulse said: Chu Shuo was not good to her, Chu Shuo cheated, she is in pain, she needs to be protected, you can protect her. 

You Chenguang was still struggling psychologically. Jiang Mu said, "Let's go, I should go back." 

You Chenguang nodded and said, "I will send you." 

Jiang Mu smiled, "No, I'm fine now. You can go back by yourself, it won't be good to be seen by Chu Shuo later." 

You Chenguang was a little lost. 


Jiang Mu returned home, Chu Ying had been coaxed to sleep by Aunt Liu. Aunt Liu saw her coming back and said that she wanted to go back. Jiang Mu asked her to stay in the guest room on the first floor. 

Jiang Mu sent a message to Chu Shuo about letting Aunt Liu go to work as a nanny at home, but he didn't know that it was working today, so he was shocked when he saw Aunt Liu at home. 

Chu Shuo followed Jiang Mu into the bedroom. He walked behind Jiang Mu and closed the door. He stretched out his hand to take Jiang Mu into his arms. Jiang Mu was prepared and pretended to avoid knowingly. Chu Shuo caught empty wind.

"My wife, I found that your skin seems to be whiter recently." Chu Shuo said. 

"Really?" Jiang Mu pretended to look in the mirror in surprise. 

In fact, it is a little whiter, but you can't tell if you don't look carefully, because she is quite white, no matter how white she is, her skin is more shiny and younger. 

Seeing Jiang Mu's cute appearance, Chu Shuo was moved in his heart. 

Jiang Mu deliberately dressed You Chenguang who was going to see him today, and every move was sultry, and Chu Shuo felt itchy when he saw it. 

He thought that they hadn't done it for many days, and took the initiative to say: "It's getting late, let's not sleep."

"I'll go wash and remove makeup first." Jiang Mu knew what he was thinking, pretending to not know, but sneered in her heart. 

Chu Shuo smiled and said, "Then I'll wait for you." 

Jiang Mu finished it slowly, and half an hour passed. 

When Chu Shuo waited until he was almost asleep, Jiang Mu came over. 

But as soon as he saw Jiang Mu, his doze was gone. 

Chu Shuo's eyes flashed amazingly, his wife was really beautiful, and her face was stunning. 

He stood up, hugged Jiang Mu, and leaned forward to kiss her. 

But before his kiss fell on Jiang Mu's face, Jiang Mu's expression suddenly changed. 


Chu Shuo: "What's the matter with you?" 

Jiang Mu covered her mouth and looked at him uncomfortably, "I want to vomit." 

Chu Shuo didn't react for a while, "What?" 

Jiang Mu's eyes were watery. Yes, slowly moved back away from him, and said, "As soon as you get close to me, I feel like vomiting. What should I do?" 

Chu Shuo: "...???" 

Jiang Mu said hurriedly, "My husband, I don't want to be like this, what's wrong with me? Oh..." 

"Are you all right." Chu Shuo stepped forward to look worriedly. 

"Don't come here, I'm sick." 

Chu Shuo: "..." 

Jiang Mu said in a low voice aggrieved: "Husband, I may be unwell. Sorry, you won't be angry?" 

Chu Shuo looked ugly, "No."

"You must be angry like this, you blame me! " Jiang Mu looked like in the next second, she would cry. 

Chu Shuo said helplessly: "Really not." 

"Really?" Jiang Mu pursed her lips, "you promise." 

"I promise."

In the next second, Jiang Mu smiled like a flower, "That's good, can you sleep in the guest room today, if I still feel uncomfortable later, it will be bad if I vomit on you." 

Chu Shuo: "..."