[World 1] Chapter 10

Jiang Mu said lightly, and Shen Yan seemed to have been subjected to a fixation technique, not only could he not move, but he was also hot. 

"I didn't." Shen Yan's voice became a little shy inexplicably. 

Jiang Mu said half-jokingly: "Not yet, you are molesting this sister." 

"Really not." Shen Yan lowered his head, but the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, as if he had eaten honey. 

Jiang Mu glanced at him, a little to laugh. 

This Shen Yan is really innocent, all his thoughts are written on his face, and he can see through it at a glance. 

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore." 

Jiang Mu started the car and turned on the music station on the car by the way. 

Shen Yan let out a soft "um", watching Jiang Mu who no longer look at him, and his tight heartstrings relaxed for a moment. 

Someone on the radio just clicked on a love song "Possessiveness". 

After singing a few words, Shen Yan felt that he had sang what was on his mind. 

🎶 Why can't I breathe when I see you, and I can't help but approach you. 

I don't want to cherish if I miss you, and desperately fall in love with you.

I want to hold you in my arms every minute and every second, I want to hold you in my palm day and night. 🎶

Although this song is not very good, Shen Yan thinks this is what he says in his heart. If he can, he also wants to sing this to Jiang Mu, so he secretly wrote down the song. name. 

The lyrics of this song are repeated before and after. After listening to it twice, Shen Yan can memorize it. He involuntarily looked at Jiang Mu's profile and read the lyrics silently in his heart, as if confessing to Jiang Mu.

Shen Yan did not expect that he would have such a day. He had never done such a thing before, like a fool. 

Fortunately, Jiang Mu has been driving seriously... 

Shen Yan quietly took a deep breath, trying to calm his beating heart.


Jiang Mu said that she wanted to eat shrimp, so she chose a very good seafood restaurant. She ordered a lot of dishes, including two sashimi platters and a long plate of steamed shrimp. 

Fresh sea prawns don't need complicated cooking methods. Steam them and dip them in the sauce. 

The sashimi platter also has sweet and delicious Arctic shrimp. 

Jiang Mu picked up the shrimp and peeled it awkwardly. It took a long time to peel a shrimp clean. 

Shen Yan had been observing Jiang Mu secretly, and of course he had noticed this. 

He felt surprised. It turned out that Jiang Mu, who looked cold and arrogant, had such a cute side. Although she was older than himself, she was also a person in need of care. 

Shen Yan took the initiative and said: "I'll peel it for you." 

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment, "What?"

"I mean, I can peel the shrimp for you, I can peel it," Shen Yan explained. 

"Will it be too troublesome for you?" Jiang Mu asked in embarrassment. 

"Why? You invite me to dinner, I should help you peel the shrimp." Shen Yan said positively. 

"Okay, then it will be hard for you, then you can eat more, if it's not enough for us then go and order again." 

Jiang Mu smiled softly, Shen Yan felt that he was enveloped by the sun, and the deserted open space in his heart instantly recovered everything. Small flowers and tender grasses in one place. 

Although Shen Yan didn't eat shrimps very often, he was not slow in peeling them. He deliberately picked one of the big ones and peeled them to pass them to Jiang Mu. 

Originally he was going to pass it to the bowl, but as soon as he stretched his hand over, Jiang Mu leaned over and opened his mouth to bite the shrimp in Shen Yan's hand. 

Shen Yan was stunned. 

Jiang Mu's lips touched his finger. 

Shen Yan seemed to be electrocuted, and he was stunned and forgot to let go. 

The two remained deadlocked for several seconds.

Jiang Mu looked up at him with a puzzled expression. 

Those eyes were so pure and enchanting, they were able to take away people's souls alive. 

Shen Yan let go and flinched back. 

Jiang Mu seemed unaware of it. She raised her head and smiled sweetly at Shen Yan, "It's delicious." 

Jiang Mu peeled Shen Yan a prawn, "You eat too." 

Shen Yan thought she would deliver it to his mouth. He was a little nervous and opened his mouth lightly, thinking that he must not touch Jiang Mu's hand later, lest she think he was deliberate. 

He was thinking, but saw Jiang Mu put the shrimp in his bowl... 

Shen Yan was ashamed of his thoughts and bowed his head and ate the shrimp. 

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Mu asked. 

"Well, it's delicious." Shen Yan did not dare to look up. 

After a while, Jiang Mu suddenly said, "Don't move." 

Shen Yan was stunned and didn't dare to move, but Jiang Mu stood up and reached out and wiped his lips with the pads of her fingers. 

"The sauce is on your mouth." Jiang Mu's eyes were like water, softly wrapping Shen Yan. 

At this moment, Shen Yan seemed to fall in love, unable to extricate himself. 


After coming out of the restaurant, the two were going to separate. After Jiang Mu said goodbye, Shen Yan stopped her. 

"Wait a minute." 

Jiang Mu had already guessed that he would call her, and turned her head slowly, showing a right smile. 

"What's the matter?" 

Shen Yan hesitated for a few seconds, but still had the courage to ask: "Can I add your WeChat?" 

Jiang Mu did not refuse, "Okay." 

Shen Yan was very surprised and quickly took out his cell phone. 

After adding WeChat, Shen Yan stood there and watched Jiang Mu get in the car and leave.

When she saw her car go away, Shen Yan finally couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart and almost jumped on the spot. 

He actually got Jiang Mu's WeChat. 

She did not refuse. Does it mean that she doesn't hate him and is willing to meet him again? 


After separating from Shen Yan, Jiang Mu received Shen Mo's information. 

From the data point of view, Shen Mo has been a good student of both character and learning since childhood. 

But this is only superficial. Five years ago, Shen Mo's parents died in a car accident. Only Shen Mo and Shen Yan were left in the family. The driver's compensation was only enough to pay off the debt. 

After several years of relying on relatives for relief, Shen Mo finally went to university. 

After arriving at university, Shen Mo, who was outstanding, began to work part-time in the club, and her life improved. 

A year ago, after Shen Mo was taken care of by Chu Shuo, Shen Mo rented a suite near S University, and Shen Yan was admitted to Ming University. 

There is the address of Shen Mo living in the information. Jiang Mu happened to have two houses in this community, so she knew that the rent here was not cheap. 

Shen Mo has no income, and it is estimated that she rented a house with the money that Chu Shuo gave. 

And the money for Shen Yan to go to college should also be Chu Shuo. 

Jiang Mu did not go home, but went to the law firm. 

She should have gone to a lawyer earlier, but she has not been idle these days, and has collected and sorted out the evidence related to the joint property of the husband and wife. 

This is the most critical point. 

She found an uncle who had been acquainted with the original owner's parents before. He happened to be a partner of a law firm and an excellent lawyer. 

After Jiang Mu found him, she explained her intentions and asked to introduce a divorce lawyer to her, Lawyer Zhang. He has never lost a divorce lawsuit.

"The best way to get a divorce by agreement is a divorce by agreement. If it doesn't work, you must prepare for a divorce. The most important thing to prepare for divorce is to collect evidence of the husband and wife's joint property. You are doing this very well. This is comparable to investigating the other party's extramarital affairs. More importantly. According to the "Marriage Law", if your husband used his post-marital property to support others, it would harm your interests. You can ask for the money back."

Jiang Mu knows this, but she not only wanted to get back this part of the money, but she wanted Chu Shuo to go out. Even if he could not be allowed to go out, he would not be able to share half of his husband and wife's common property.

"Then I want to prove that he cheated, what evidence do I need to collect?"

"Generally speaking, the evidence accepted by the court includes emails, chat records, letters of guarantee or remorse, photos, videos, audio recordings, etc." Attorney Zhang said in detail. And even elaborated on the matters needing attention when collecting each kind of evidence.

"Evidence must be collected through legal means. If the evidence is collected through illegal activities, the judiciary will not approve it. You have to pay attention to this."

After all, lawyers are professional. Jiang Mu talked with him for more than half a time. After a few hours, I decided what I would do next.

Jiang Mu drove to buy a set of professional wiretapping and video recording equipment, and then went back and installed it in a hidden place quietly.


On the weekend, Chu Shuo went to the Genting Resort.

Jiang Mu received news from Xu Yujie, saying that Chu Shuo had also brought Shen Mo.

This was a good opportunity. Jiang Mu asked Xu Yujie to take more evidence, and Xu Yujie had to agree under pressure.

Jiang Mu took Chu Ying to the amusement park. Last time she promised her that she would go to the amusement park with her on weekends.

When they arrived at the amusement park, Jiang Mu called You Chenguang.

"Chen Guang, I heard that you didn't go to the resort. Do you have a job on weekends?" Jiang Mu said softly, just listening to the voice makes people love.

"No, I'm at home. What's wrong, sister-in-law, are you okay?" You Chenguang has been thinking of Jiang Mu these days, knowing that Chu Shuo went to the Genting Resort and took his lover with him. You Chenguang was actually quite angry. Yes, he thought about looking for Jiang Mu, but he didn't know what reason he held the phone for a long time, and didn't make a call. He didn't expect Jiang Mu to call him. 

This is a surprise to him. 

"I want to ask you for something." 

You Chenguang: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?" 

Jiang Mu said, "I promised Yingying to take her to the amusement park, but Chu Shuo suddenly came out. At the end, I was alone. When I arrived at the amusement park, I suddenly felt uncomfortable and didn't want to disappoint Yingying, so... can you come and stay with us?" 

Jiang Mu finished looking and sat on the carousel with her. Chu Ying waved and smiled at her. 

Chu Ying was very happy, holding the wooden horse in one hand, and waving a fairy stick in the other. 

You Chenguang asked worriedly: "Are you okay now?" 

Jiang Mu said weakly, "It's okay, just a little dizzy, and I don't have much strength to play around with Yingying." 

You Chenguang immediately agreed, "Okay, I will come right away." 


When You Chenguang arrived, Jiang Mu took Chu Ying to pick him up at the gate of the amusement park. 

"Yingying, Uncle You come to play with us later, are you happy?" 

Chu Ying nodded, "Happy." 

Jiang Mu: "Do you like Uncle You?" 

Chu Ying had an impression of this handsome and generous uncle. It is very deep. Although she rarely sees You Chenguang, she has often received gifts from You Chenguang since she was a child. There are gifts for birthdays and Children's Day every year, so of course she likes You Chenguang. 

Chu Ying nodded, "I like it, Uncle You is very good at Yingying." 

Jiang Mu said: "Then, Yingying should be more enthusiastic to him later."

"Okay." Chu Ying readily agreed. 

When Chu Ying saw You Chenguang, she recognized it at a glance and shouted, "Uncle You, we are here." 

You Chenguang also quickly saw their mother and daughter and walked over. 

Jiang Mu's face was a little pale, and her lips didn't look bloody. Because Jiang Mu just wiped off the lipstick and pressed her lips with the air cushion she carried, so the original pink lips became a little pale. 

As she had promised, Chu Ying ran over very enthusiastically and hugged You Chenguang's legs. 

You Chenguang took the opportunity to hug Chu Ying. 

But his focus was still on Jiang Mu. He worriedly asked, "Sister-in-law, are you okay?" 

"I'm fine." Jiang Mu smiled softly at him. 

You Chenguang: "Tell me if you are really uncomfortable." 

"I know." Jiang Mu nodded, "Yingying wants to play a pirate ship, I can't accompany her, can you sit with her on the board?" 

When Jiang Mu looks at You Chenguang, she will give You Chenguang a kind of illusion that he is her world. 

It seemed that she had only him in her eyes, she could only see him. 

It seems that he is here to save her and can bring her hope. 

It feels good. 

You Chenguang feels a bit addicted. 

"Okay, don't worry." He looked at Jiang Mu, and his whole heart fell on her. 

"Yeah." Jiang Mu smiled gratefully, and then said to Chu Ying: "You go on a pirate ship with Uncle You, and mother is here to cheer for you." 

"Mom, aren't you going with us?" Chu Ying was a little disappointed. 

Jiang Mu: "Mom wants to take a picture of Yingying next to her. Yingying is so brave. Can her mother record it for Yingying?"

Seeing Jiang Mu talking to Chu Ying so softly, You Chenguang felt that Jiang Mu was emitting light, like an angel. 

After hearing the reason, Chu Ying happily agreed, and went to line up for the pirate ship with You Chenguang. 

Chu Ying was a brave person. After sitting for a round, she was not scared at all. After she got down, she took You Chenguang's hand and ran towards Jiang Mu, and took Jiang Mu with her other hand. 

At this time, Jiang Mu and You Chenguang were holding her left and right hands respectively, looking like a pair. 

You Chenguang thought about it and looked at Jiang Mu. 

It just so happened that Jiang Mu also looked up at him, the two eyes facing each other, ambiguous sparks splashed everywhere.  "Mom, I want to eat ice cream." Chu Ying's voice broke the ambiguity between the two, and the atmosphere became weird. 

"Okay, let's buy ice cream." You Chenguang responded actively. 

When they arrived at the supermarket, Chu Ying let go of Jiang Mu and You Chenguang's hands, and went to the freezer to choose ice cream. Jiang Mu and You Chenguang stood behind Chu Ying, and the two were close to each other somehow. 

Jiang Mu's arm also touched You Chenguang. 

You Chenguang also felt dry and dry. 

He quietly looked sideways to see Jiang Mu. 

Unexpectedly, Jiang Mu shook her body. Seeing that she was about to fall, You Chenguang hurried to help, and Jiang Mu fell directly into You Chenguang's arms. 

When an outsider saw it, they thought it was You Chenguang holding Jiang Mu, and the couple were here. 

You Chenguang's heartbeat accelerated, and he could even smell the perfume on Jiang Mu, which was sweet and intoxicating. 

"Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?" 

"I'm a little uncomfortable." Jiang Mu lowered her eyes, no one could see the smile under her eyes. 

"Why is it uncomfortable? Why don't you go to the hospital?" 

"No, maybe I didn't sleep well. I haven't been able to fall asleep lately." Jiang Mu's voice is soft and weak if there is a point. It was a little sad and melancholy.

How could You Chenguang fail to understand? It was because of Chu Shuo's derailment that Jiang Mu was depressed and could not sleep well. 

Jiang Mu's pity aroused his desire for protection. He even wanted to hug her tightly, telling her that he would take good care of her and prevent her from being hurt in the future. 

He looked at Jiang Mu, then at Chu Ying, and felt that he could take this responsibility.