[World 1] Chapter 11

You Chenguang accompanied Jiang Mu and her daughter in the amusement park all day. 

Chu Ying was energetic and in a good mood. She didn't feel tired after playing for a day. She played almost all of the amusement park projects, except for the exciting rides Jiang Mu didn't let her play. 

"Is Yingying hungry? Shall we go to eat?" Jiang Mu asked and held Chu Ying's little hand. 

"I'm hungry, I want to eat KFC." Chu Ying drooled as soon as she said what she wanted to eat. 

You Chenguang was a little surprised, "She wants to eat KFC?" 

Jiang Mu sighed and said helplessly: "It's because you are here. I usually don't let her eat these fried foods." 

Chu Ying blinked, looked at You Chenguang eagerly, "Uncle You, my mother won't let me eat, will you buy it for me?" 

Jiang Mu opened her hands and winked at You Chenguang. Look, I'm right.

You Chenguang smiled. 

He usually has a cold face, it is rare to see his smiling face. 

I have to say that You Chenguang's smile is very healing, like a warm sun. 

Even Chu Ying admired and said: "Uncle You is so handsome when he smiles." 

Jiang Mu patted Chu Ying on the head, "You kid, you can flatter at such a young age, just to get Uncle You to buy you KFC." 

Chu Ying pouted, and said with a hum: "I'm not lying, Uncle You is really handsome, just like a male star on TV." 

You Chenguang: "Then I have to thank Yingying. Let's go, uncle buys KFC for you, but you can't eat too much. Later, uncle will take you to eat other delicious foods." 

"Yeah." Chu Ying nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice, and then reached out for You Chenguang hugs. 

When You Chenguang saw Chu Ying take the initiative to get close to him, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, and the look in his eyes became more gentle.

You Chenguang and Chu Ying walked in front, Jiang Mu followed closely, and when Chu Ying looked at Jiang Mu, she blinked mischievously. 

Jiang Mu burst out laughing, this kid is really a smart kid.

In the evening, Jiang Mu was sitting in front of the dressing table while taking care of the skin and looking at her mobile phone. Xu Yujie sent her many intimate photos of Zhang Chushuo and Shen Mo. 

Genting Resort has an infinity swimming pool, and a group of them are wearing swimsuits. Thanks to Xu Yujie's ability to take so many clear close-up photos, they have not noticed it.

Jiang Mu felt that Xu Yujie was really talented. 

Jiang Mu looked at each photo carefully, and after seeing it, she saved the photos one by one, and then locked the album. 

She was about to lie down on the bed when her phone suddenly shook twice. 

Jiang Mu saw that it was Shen Yan who had sent her the message. 

After adding her on WeChat a few days ago, Shen Yan would contact her every day to make his presence known. His words were not annoying and he was cautiously testing her preferences.

Jiang Mu could see through his careful thinking, but she still thought he was cute. 

It is probably the power of beauty. 

The appearance of Shen Yan is what Jiang Mu likes. 

She doesn't mind saying something back to him occasionally. 

Shen Yan: [ I just heard a song that sounds good, I want to share it with you. ] 

Jiang Mu raised her eyebrows and replied slowly: [ Really? I also have a song that I want to share with you. ] 

Shen Yan: [ Really? Then you speak first. ]

Jiang Mu: [ I saw it when I was checking Weibo. Many people sang it, you should have heard it too. ] 

Jiang Mu opened the music software and shared the song "Like You".

As everyone knows, when Shen Yan saw this song, he suddenly sat up from the bed and made a big movement.

The old friend looked over and said jokingly: "Shen Yan, what's wrong with you? So excited? Is it possible that you're watching an action movie secretly?" 

Shen Yan was still stunned, staring at the phone with wide and bulging eyes. 

Another roommate also said: "Look at him, he is stupid and can't even speak."

Shen Yan came back to his senses and explained, "No, I suddenly remembered that I left something in the classroom and forgot to take it."

Shen Yan told a lie, everyone said a few words and ignored him. 

Shen Yan couldn't calm down for a long time. 

Jiang Mu shared "I like you" to him. Isn't that... 

No, no, she just happened to want to share a nice song with him. 

He cannot be affectionate. 

But he is so happy. 

It would be great if it was what he thought. 

If... If Jiang Mu likes him too. 

Then he might go crazy with joy. 

Shen Yan thought about it for a long time before remembering that he hadn't responded to Jiang Mu. I wonder if she would be unhappy after waiting so long. 

Shen Yan hurriedly picked up the phone and returned the message: [ I went to listen just now, it's nice. ] 

He also posted the song he wanted to share. 

Jiang Mu didn't reply. 

Shen Yan fell into trouble. 

Is she upset because he hasn't responded for too long? 

Shen Yan was a little worried. He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, his mind full of Jiang Mu. 

Her frowns and smiles all touched his heart so much. 

After another ten minutes, Shen Yan was still waiting for Jiang Mu's reply. 

Is she asleep?

Shen Yan put on his headphones and repeated listening to "Like You" shared by Jiang Mu. 

~Like you, give me your coat makes me like you like hiding in your body, lend me your comb and let me kiss you with soft hair~


He did listen to this song before, but at that time he only thought it sounded good. He didn't take it to heart, he didn't like people at that time, and he couldn't understand the feeling in the lyrics. 

But listening now, his mood is completely different. 

He liked Jiang Mu's mood, just like the lyrics of this song sang. 

He even felt that all the love songs were like made for himself. 

After listening to it over and over again, Shen Yan couldn't help sighing. 

Why hasn't Jiang Mu responded yet? 

He is afraid that he can't sleep tonight. 


Jiang Mu of course saw the news, she didn't reply on purpose. 

She swiped Taobao and Weibo with her phone, but she didn't reply. 

When she was sleepy, she went to sleep. 

Shen Yan stayed up all night, got up early the next day, ran a few laps to the school playground, came back after eating breakfast, read in the dormitory with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, but his eyes kept looking at the phone on the table, as long as the phone vibrates, immediately pick it up and look at it. 

He put away the phone in disappointment several times. 

It was either spam messages or some female classmates in the class asked him if he was going to the library, whether to go to the movies, and others who wanted to introduce him to a girlfriend. 

Shen Yan didn't reply to any of them, just waiting for news from Jiang Mu.

At eleven o'clock noon, he finally received a message.

Jiang Mu replied to Shen Yan: [ Sorry, I fell asleep after seeing you didn't reply last night. ] 

His black eye socket, blushing, because of his own excitement, he quietly looked down to reply: [ I am sorry that I did not get back to you immediately, letting you tiredly wait. ]

Jiang Mu smiled when she saw that he had taken the fault, and then returned an emoticon. 

Her randomness, in Shen Yan's eyes, is indeed a great joy. 

I got a response from someone I like, as if the world is popping pink bubbles. 

The whole day passed, Shen Yan and Jiang Mu were chatting one after another. At night, Shen Yan suddenly had an urge to confess. 

At least he should also ask if Jiang Mu has a boyfriend. 

Thinking of this, he began to worry again. 

Jiang Mu is so good, how can no one chase her? Maybe she already has a boyfriend, and just treats him as a younger brother. 

After all, she is so much older than him. 

Shen Yan has no experience in dating, so he has no confidence in facing Jiang Mu who is so attractive and older than himself. 

Although he grew up, many opposite sexes confessed to him. 

But he didn't feel anything. This was the first time he liked others. 

The first to be tempted are always weak, not to mention, he still can't figure out Jiang Mu's thoughts. 

Shen Yan hesitantly asked the students in the dormitory how to confess to others. 

As a result, the other five people in the six-person dormitory were shocked. 

When did the school hunk in their school start to fall in love? Who made him fall in love with her?

Under the severe torture of everyone, Shen Yan did not confess Jiang Mu's identity. 

It's not that he is embarrassed, but that it will affect Jiang Mu.

After all, Jiang Mu is a teacher. If things spread, his feelings will likely cause her unnecessary trouble. 

He only said that he knew a girl and wanted to confess and let his classmates advise him. 

Everyone didn't embarrass him, and started to make suggestions. 

But Shen Yan made a mistake, all the classmates in his dormitory were as old as him, and the oldest was only twenty years old. 

None of them entered the society. For Jiang Mu, they were all children, and the ideas they could come up with were not enough to impress Jiang Mu. 

Sure enough, Shen Yan listened to his roommate's words and tried to ask Jiang Mu if she had a boyfriend. 

Jiang Mu can always shift the topic elsewhere. 

And every time she pulls away, Shen Yan can't pull it back. 

After trying it several times, Shen Yan not only didn't manage to get Jiang Mu's reply to his question, but instead he said a lot of his own affairs and Shen Mo's affairs. 

However, Jiang Mu still told him her timetable, which days of the week she would go to school. 

So the weekend passed, and on the day Jiang Mu was going to school, Shen Yan asked Jiang Mu to have a meal. 

He said that it was to pay back the last time that Jiang Mu invited him. This time he specifically asked his classmates what delicious things they have in Ming University where he can take her to eat. 

Jiang Mu did not refuse, Shen Yan was very happy, saying that he would wait for her at the school gate after class. 

Before Shen Yan went out, he looked in the mirror for an unprecedented long time. 

The whole dorm knew he was going on a date. 

He planned to ask Jiang Mu in person if he had a boyfriend when he saw Jiang Mu. 

If she doesn't have one, then he will directly confess. 


Jiang Mu dressed very gently today. Under the thin white sweater is a red and white fishtail plaid skirt, and apricot pointed flat shoes, showing beautiful slender ankles and calves, and the whole person exudes a gentle atmosphere.

Shen Yan couldn't bear to blink when he saw her. 

He was a little nervous. 

"Why keep staring at me? Is there something wrong with my makeup on my face?" Jiang Mu smiled faintly. 

"No, it's just that you look so good today." Shen Yan whispered. 

"Thank you, you are also very handsome and cute." Jiang Mu raised her hand and patted Shen Yan on the shoulder. 

"I'm not... not as good looking as you." Shen Yan's voice became smaller and smaller, but Jiang Mu heard it clearly.

Jiang Mu softly smiled, "Where are you taking me to eat today?" 

Shen Yan chose a hot pot restaurant near the east gate of Ming University. 

The location is a bit off, but several students said it was delicious and the environment was good. 

Shen Yan didn't want to take Jiang Mu to school to eat the food from the small vendors, not because the food was not tasty, but because he felt that Jiang Mu was not suitable to eat those things standing on the roadside. Jiang Mu looked like a person who was more particular.

Shen Yan: "Hot pot, is it okay?" 

"Okay, I like hot pot too." Jiang Mu nodded happily. 

"That's good." Shen Yan breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he still has alternatives. If Jiang Mu doesn't like hot pot, then take her to eat Japanese food. 

Shen Yan called in advance to make a reservation. When the two arrived at the restaurant, they could go in and take a seat without queuing. 

After the dishes were served, Shen Yan kept asking Jiang Mu what she wanted to eat, so he blanched it for Jiang Mu, and then gave Jiang Mu a clip when it was ready. 

Jiang Mu just needs to sit and eat, and Shen Yan even forgot to sandwich food for himself. 

It was Jiang Mu who watched him work for a long time without eating a bite, so she took two slices of beef and fed it to him. 

Shen Yan blushed and said thank you. 

Because of these details, Jiang Mu secretly added a lot of points to Shen Yan. 

In addition to looks, Shen Yan has many advantages. 

"In fact..."

After eating, Shen Yan finally decided to ask if Jiang Mu had a boyfriend. 

"I want to ask..." 

Jiang Mu put down her chopsticks and looked at him. 

When Shen Yan was looked at by Jiang Mu, he couldn't say a word, as if bewitched. 

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "Actually, I want to ask you for help." 

Shen Yan was stunned and said, "What's the matter? I will help if I can help." 

Jiang Mu said, "No, no, you don't have to. It doesn't matter if you refuse, don't want you to be under pressure. I want to ask you to be a model." 

"Model?" Shen Yan was a little confused. 

"Well, I want to paint a human body oil painting. I need a male model. I think you are very suitable, so I want to ask if you want it." 

"Yes, there is no problem with this." 

Knowing that Jiang Mu wants to paint him, it's not too late to be happy. 

Seeing that he promised readily, Jiang Mu smiled and shook her head, "Don't promise so soon. I haven't finished yet. The painting I want to paint is nude, so you can't wear clothes, you can only block key parts." 

When Jiang Mu said this, her eyes were clear, and she looked at Shen Yan as if she was looking at a work of art, with no other thoughts. 

But Shen Yan was still stunned, "Huh?"